Integrating Spiritual Wisdom into Your Life

Integrating Spiritual Wisdom into Your Life

Have you ever wondered how integrating spiritual wisdom into your life could impact it positively? If yes, this is for you… I read a little book a while back that seemed to be on every coach and thought leader’s “recommended book list”: I...

How Powerful Can Gratitude Really Be?

How Powerful Can Gratitude Really Be?

It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend. A time when families come together presumably with feelings of gratitude. If you’re someone like me who’s been looking within to follow the beat of your own drum, it’s often...

Are You Seeking Better Balance?

Are You Seeking Better Balance?

Are You Seeking Better Balance? I’ve always felt connected to the idea of finding a better balance. I remember someone once saying you can have it all, just not all at the same time. I took that to mean you had to choose between what was...

How Your Body Can Heal Itself

How Your Body Can Heal Itself

How Your Body Can Heal Itself There are countless stories of the body miraculously healing from past trauma, dis-ease, dis-order, and dys-function. The kind you need to hear with your own ears or see with your own eyes to believe. Growing up, I...

Creating with Intentions instead of Goals

Creating with Intentions instead of Goals

When I first heard of letting go of our goals in favour of holding intentions I was intrigued. Was it really possible? I really learn more about creating with intentions. Setting those SMART goals and achieving them felt like the only way to...