The Truth about BEING Healthy in Mind, Body, Soul with Spirit Previous item How Your Body Can Heal Itself Next item Reclaim Your Health ...

The Truth about BEING Healthy in Mind, Body, Soul with Spirit

Today, I wanted to discuss being healthy in mind, body, and soul with the right spirit.

When I first watched the documentary “HEAL” a few years ago – it woke me up to how I saw my health.

Here’s the trailer and maybe you’ll see why?  HEAL.

I’d been following many of the spiritual teachers featured in the film: Marianne Williamson, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton & Michael Bernard Beckwith so their health wisdom felt like common sense.

Having the science intelligence that comes with being raised in a medical family had me appreciate one side of health: data from objective evidence.

But there’s another side of being healthy in mind, body, soul with spirity: our experiences. It comes from what’s inside when we allow our natural immunity to work and our body to heal itself.

Our health includes a spiritual foundation, which is determined by our mind (free will) and what we choose to believe on both sides!

How Stress Affects Your Being Healthy in Mind, Body and Soul

I don’t suffer from stress because of the practical information I had, but also because I learned the spiritual tools on how to trust, surrender and let go.

We need both science and spirituality for optimum health.

I used to think stress was normal.  I’d even hear stress is good and necessary for you.

Kind of like guilt is good for you.

It’s a lie.

Of course we feel disappointed and sad at times. Angry and upset for sure.

But stressed or guilt-ridden? These are spiritual problems.

I believe a lot of us have accepted stress is part of life.

We get what we expect and create what we tolerate.

You stop experiencing stress or worry after you’ve been willing to face and heal your wounds while applying spiritual practices into your life. That’s what directly affects your emotional, mental and physical health.

Stress has the greatest impact on your physical health. It’s “un-peaceful” in our internal network that throws all our energies out of balance.

We create stress in the ways we see, hear and react, so we can also uncreate it.

Learning how to come back to centre amidst any chaos is a game changer.

It’s hard to get a spiritual practice going when you’re suffering from headaches, lack of sleep, constant distraction and flying by the seat of your pants!

It’s why so many are reliant and believe in external “bandaids or pills” that are not sustainable for being healthy in mind, body, soul with spirit in the long run. There’s quiet spaces you have to be willing to carve out because that’s where your creativity lives.

The “easy fast button”, which dominates how we approach physical health is short-term gain for long-term pain.

Our emotional, and mental health too. Think of how we reach for alcohol, eating or shopping when we’re feeling emotionally down or working long hours wanting to take the edge off.

If alcohol, eating or shopping are your “pick me ups” – they are bringing you down in the long run.

Maybe you’re telling yourself “I deserve a treat”, but be mindful here. It can be a well-deserved gift for self-care, but if a choice takes you away from your higher health, you’ve moving away from your centre.

Every choice emotionally either raises you up or brings you down and accumulates over time.  Your life experience will tell you which way you’re going.

Entertainment and even fitness can be an unhealthy mental distraction if it means you’re running from deeper pain or exhausted from your existing turmoil.

Discovering Your Seeds

I watched the Heal trailer recently and didn’t realize Anthony William – the Medical Medium – was in that documentary!

His work was a seed I’m ready to water this year.

Seeing so many suffering from illnesses, disease, and now a rampant fear around a virus that’s managed to turn our world upside down feels like a clarion call towards our whole health.

Your spiritual health is the undercurrent that flows into the other 3 areas of health: mental, emotional and physical.

I was here at one time stuck in the Mutiny of my Soul and I pushed through to the other side.

When I discovered Anthony William has been receiving guidance from a celestial teacher for healthy living, it hit a chord.

It’s where I’ve been receiving my best guidance over the last decade: spirituality.

Our external systems are changing rapidly right now.  Health care, education, financial systems and the way businesses operate are shifting dramatically while our lives are inundated by digital technology and unethical surveillance.

It’s the real reason I want to dive into Medical Medium this year – to keep up with the radical changes and remain healthy in mind, body and soul.

I want to apply the latest health revelations decades ahead of its time to prevent and understand how to heal so many of the chronic illness and disease we face, and the constantly changing viruses increasingly upon us.

I want to go on a health journey with this book to get bigger questions answered, and have new natural food solutions we can try at home to become part of a healthier lifestyle.

I have a few spiritually awakened souls joining our gathering who I know will bring incredible insights.

I want to know the best supplements and how I can radically change its effectiveness by visualization.

Medical Medium is the first book in a series, and contains his story and soul practices. These are the crucial bits!

Anthony William talks about the “Unforgiving 4” that have gotten into all our systems:

  • Viral Explosion
  • DDT
  • Radiation
  • Toxic Heavy Metals

We know unhealthy toxins get into our systems daily, but how these affect your body may not be known until its too late. These days we are not even legally allowed to know what’s being injected in our bodies.

My Soul Book Club Starts Sunday January 30th, 2022!!!!

I’m ready to take this soul health journey for my mind, body, soul, and deeper connection to Spirt so I can enjoy the life we’ve been given fully. What about you?

Medical Medium is broken into 4 Parts:

1) Truth about Illness

2) What’s Been Hidden

3) Revealing the Illness We All Face

4) Healing/Cleansing, and Soul Practices.

My vision for this club in 2022 is to lead a fun, empowering gathering of those who are committed to adding healthier energy into their life with a resource coming through Spirit.

I want you to experience more flow, and recognize your own signs and synchronicites because when you’re focused on your well-being – magic is what happens naturally.

Manage your energy not your time has been my health mantra for years.

Whole Health is being emotionally connected, mentally focused, physically energized and spiritually aligned.

The Medical Medium has a community that ensures ongoing support here at his website filled with ongoing resources.

Growth is my highest value because it helps me be a better leader at home and with my inner circle. I’ve honoured it by joining 2 growth communities this year:

  • Peloton  – enthusiastic international community of skilled fitness instructors who have my cardio energized weekly on a spin bike for the first time (synchronicity: husband’s choice and cardio what I wanted too.)
  • Darren Hardy’s “Hero Journey” One Year Program – international community of growth-oriented souls taking our live to new levels in a one year program

If you don’t have the space this year for a deep dive – check out The Medical Medium website if you’re struggling with any health issue. You’ll find guidance here.  Celery juice is already working magic here!!

If you want to join a soul community passionate about their whole health with The Medical Medium:

Click here for details and the link to register.

Starts Sunday January 30th at 8:30 am – 9:30 am : )

It’s ~27 pages every 3 weeks (1 hour) plus 16 gatherings until Dec 11th, 2022

My gentle, wise grandpa used to say “your health is the most important thing in life”. I agree.

Our final gathering lands on Sunday Dec. 11th – my beloved Grandmother’s birthday who passed away last year at 101 with no illness or disease (other than bit of arthritis) in her body. Her eyesight was better than mine!

Herr approach to being healthy in mind, body, soul with spirit living included these 3 vitals:

1) common sense

2) a sense of humour

3) faith in God

Here’s my tribute to her life.

Her soul wisdom lives in me as the soul wisdom of your loved ones live also in you.

The truth about being healthy in mind, body, soul with Spirit is how these 3 areas are integrated for your highest vibration, where you allow your Inner Spirit to lead you.

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