Let’s talk about the Practice of Stillness…
Our soul is our personal key to life. It is the source of our creativity. It’s our divine compass that gives the guidance we need to feel alive, on purpose, and loved unconditionally.
In her book, “Living in the Light”, Shakti Gawain describes her own realization about the soul, and how it connects to creativity:
“As I explored the process of creating my own reality, I gradually began to realize that the creative power I was feeling was coming from a source other than just my personality…I began to realize that “it” (my soul, or higher self) seemed to know more than “I” (my personality self). I saw that it would probably be smart to try to find out what that inner guidance was telling me, and follow it.”
Shakti Gawain also wrote the phenomenal bestseller “Creative Visualization” used by millions worldwide.
Unless you believe your mind can not only imagine but create the reality of it – it’s difficult for that experience to manifest.
There’s ‘seeing is believing’, but ALSO ‘believing is seeing’.
You attract (create) from a “higher part” of you that’s within you…being the change effectively gets down to understanding the being of your soul.
This idea has been around since 1937 when Napolean Hill wrote “Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive and Believe, It Can Achieve.” in his classic ‘Think and Grow Rich’.
Our Key to Life is What Lives in Your Mind: Your Soul
Your ‘inner guidance’ that exists in your mind holds the moral values of ‘truth, beauty and goodness’, which is our cosmic compass’ for life, and our source of divine creativity.
- What is your truth?
- What do you believe is of beauty?
- What good are you bringing to yourself and to others?
Any problem, challenge or issue you experience can be resolved when you go into stillness and allow yourself to be guided because you have the answers literally living within your soul. This is your ‘right mind’.
It’s a commitment to your soul health and a way to create whatever you want in your life.
It may feel opposite to the way you think life works: that life is happening, and you have to control it, fix it, or make it happen.
It’s the way most of us have been taught. Get an education and that will open doors. Yes – this may be true, but it’s only part of the picture, and limited to that single door.
Education represents what is already known.
Your experience coming from a deeper part of your soul throws open infinite doors to create what’s true for you – not just one door based on other’s people’s truth.
This understanding applies to all relationships with the people in your life that you are growing with. But relationships are a 2-way street so you are also dealing with someone else’s relationship to their soul.
Tapping into our soul allows us to become more in tune with our choices around our thoughts and energy with others.
Below are the steps to a soul practice to consciously connect to your highest self for guidance and creativity: STILLNESS.
The best time is early in the morning. 5:00 a.m. is ideal – it helps to imagine yourself awake and connected at this time. Notice if you hear 5 a.m. whether you just thought “Whoa – that’s too early, and not possible for me…”
Shifting Your Energy to What Works for You
These reactive thoughts, along with every complaint, worry, and negative feeling you focus on creates energy that works against what you want.
We are experts at justifying and explaining WHY things aren’t going the way we want, what we don’t like, and what isn’t working instead of focusing on what we want to allow that energy to flow through us.
It’s the difference from getting somewhere as an uphill battle filled with stress and pressure or a downward slope filled with ease, signs, and synchronicities.
Slowing down during this pandemic I believe has many people closer to stillness naturally, and what was previously allowed: injustice.
It no longer feels acceptable when you are connected to your higher source, and speaking up collectively for what’s true and good is suddenly being felt everywhere stronger.
When each of us holds the energy of light not darkness with our voice, actions, and how we show up – we can change the consciousness to move forward.
Those who criticize or judge others for ‘not doing enough’ or proclaim what they are doing with the intention for others to feel guilt or shame adds to the problem they are trying to resolve.
It’s ‘misaligned energy’ – energy against others that keeps us from progressing.
The 11 Steps to Finding Stillness
1. Sit Comfortably in a quiet space
- Close Your Eyes & take a deep breath in and out & relax
- Here are some free guided meditation scripts for different situations
- I encourage recording your own voice to listen to these!
Note: I think of meditation as the practice of clearing your thoughts from all the ‘inner noise’ to be in the present moment, while stillness is the practice of first being present and from here connecting with your higher self.
2. Ground Yourself Physically
- survey and release all tension from your body until you feel totally relaxed
3. Balance Your Emotions
- survey and release all negative emotions until you feel peaceful and in a state of serenity
4. Centre Yourself Mentally
- notice and release any negative thoughts your holding of stress, worries or fears and move into a state of calm by releasing these
5. Connect spiritually to your Indwelling Universal Presence
- come up with a name for this pilot light, Cosmic Compass, divine self, or higher self that is part of your soul
- A name makes this inner connection personal, and more powerful — it is the way we identify with each other in any relationship, and our experiences with others are what hold eternal value
- address & acknowledge this part of you to be present
6. Ask for only spiritual beings of light to guide and surround you
7. Hold Your Intention
- What ideally are you wanting to create?
- What experiences do you desire or envision for your life?
Examples: Intend for today to run smoothly with ease. I am envisioning a beautiful garden. Imagine experiencing your best day filled with insights, fun, and helping others in your roles at home or work
8. To Communicate/Connect, Ask a Question
- start with yes/no type questions and later try open-ended questions
9. Be at Peace…wait quietly and listen (with all your senses) for what shows up
- write down or listen to any thoughts, insights, feelings, or sensations in your body
10. Share your experiences & Go for It
- talk with other trusted souls to learn & grow together and keep the circuits expanding
- leap into action for your soul’s desires
11. Have faith, and trust that you are becoming ONE with a higher force that connects us all
- look out for signs and synchronicities, and explore their deeper meaning for you
When you make this soul practice of stillness part of your world, your world will transform ever more into the experience of what’s true, beautiful, and good for you.