Carolyn Hidalgo, CCPC

Soul Coach and Relationship Consultant


As a soul relationship coach, I believe our relationships are the most important part of our lives, and our soul growth (living true to our self) is the key to creating our most joyful, authentic and fulfilling experiences.

My Story

I grew up with 3 brothers and 2 sisters. We were known as “the Brady Bunch” from the 70’s tv sitcom.  I was surprised to later discover this idyllic tv family was considered to be completely unrealistic.

They seemed so much like my family!

was given the responsibility being the eldest girl to set an example for my younger sisters. It meant following rules and meeting expectations.

My parents (both retired physicians) are caring, and kind. They instilled a strong work ethic. Getting things done was highly valued.

Our needs were met with common sense, and issues got worked out with little fuss. There was a clear right and wrong with little discussion, and virtually no drama.

When it came to emotions, these were swept under the rug with “for goodness sake”, and “that’s not something to cry about!”  I learned quickly not to have my opinion.

My mantra became “just get on with it”!

If things went wrong, I could relatively easily pick myself up, and work harder.


I was encouraged to pursue a profession that gave me financial independence. Although I was drawn to specializing in psychology (with a passion for understanding people), I graduated with a commerce degree.

It was more practical.

I started at Price Waterhouse where I met my wonderful husband and we both became Chartered Accountants. I learned the stress and financial deadlines of corporate life.

We got married, and our son and twin girls were born within 2 years of each other

As an exhausted stay-at-home mom handling all our finances, taking care of our home, meals and the kids while my husband worked long hours and traveled extensively, I wondered “is this it”?

I was happy, but something felt missing.

I’d often hear: “you don’t seem like an accountant”. The idea of doing something that fulfilled me hadn’t been a consideration.

I thought making the ‘right choices’ would bring happiness and success. I had no idea that “what’s right” only arrives from a deeper look within to live true to yourself.

The Path of Right and Wrong

Carolyn Hidalgo, CCPC

A sign or coincidence?

Our son was 11 months when we celebrated his first Christmas. I received a gift –  a baby girl Xmas ornament.  It seemed like a coincidence that I had picked up the IDENTICAL girl Xmas ornament along with the baby boy.

I thought of gifting what felt like an “extra” Xmas ornament.

The following year, our identical twin girls were 2 months old celebrating their first Xmas.

I’d forgotten about the Xmas ornaments.

I thought “how funny – these ornaments exactly represent our family – a baby boy and identical twin girls!”

I still didn’t recognize this as any kind of “divine sign”.

It wasn’t until  I began doing my inner work through life coaching that I could see ways I had been “co-creating” my life with Spirit all along.

As a teenager, I’d saved a clipping from Ann Lander’s advice column where she gave a mother of twin girls advice because she had a twin sister “Dear Abby”.

You see, I’d always wanted twin girls, and thought “maybe one day I’ll need this advice for my twin girls”!

I was very close to cousins who are twin girls, and thought how special it would be to raise twin girls of my own.

I discovered how the law of attraction works at the soul level. Quantum physics has an underlying spiritual reality.

It begins with getting to “know thyself” at the level of your soul, and following your inner voice.

Intention turns out to be powerful. Ask and you shall receive. I didn’t know it at the time, but there’s a mysterious way we are co-creating our reality with our thoughts.

When my children were pre-schoolers, I join a small group of women to work with a life coach. We would get coaching on the “stuff that matters” .. our secret desires, dreams, challenges, fears, and what wasn’t working in our lives.

All of it had a safe place to land in a judgment-free space.

I could be true to myself because there was no right or wrong – the more important question was “did THIS work for me?”

It was eye-opening, and the beginning of finding my way back to my soul

Life coaching opened new perspectives and brought me back to my interest in understanding people. Suddenly signs began appearing everywhere like seeing 11:11 that had initially shown up after a childhood accident where I fell unconscious.

11’s seemed to be everywhere…as a sign.

I fell in love with musical theatre after seeing my cousins perform their school production of ‘Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat’  – it was the year I turned 11.

Their elementary school happened to put on a musical every year, and my girls participated with one of them playing Glinda in their final Wizard of Oz production.

They both ended up applying to musical theatre in a highly competitive program at the oldest arts high school in Canada, and to all our surprise got accepted!

Here’s the side entrance where they entered school each day:

I discovered years later that my wedding band has 11 diamonds.

Becoming True to Myself

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

~Hebrews 11:1

The Missing Link: Spirituality

I’d been longing for a deeper sense of aliveness, and connection with people. Our spiritual nature of meaning and purpose experienced with emotions was a void in my life.


It was the ‘missing piece’ I couldn’t put my finger on. I didn’t realize every person is a spiritual being having a human experience.


I now believe some of us get a “spiritual jumpstart”. It can take the form of losing people in your life, an accident, an illness, a wrong turn or crisis we experience. Some monumental life experience that propels you onto what many refer to as “the other side of the veil”.


At 6 years old, I rode over a cliff on a bicycle that was too big for me. A tree apparently saved my life. I lay unconscious at its base where it stopped me from a further fall to a rocky ground below. I was in the hospital for a few days with a broken jaw, but otherwise I was fine.


Ever since that fall, I had an interest in angels, the afterlife, and began seeing 11:11 on my clock radio.


The 11:11 Phenomenon: Signs and Synchroniticies

Around 2009 after alot of inner personal development work, I started seeing 11:11 everywhere.


I finally googled it.


I had already dived into reading spiritual books like The Road Less Travelled, The Four Agreements, and The Alchemist.


But it was seeing 11:11 that led me to what I consider to be the highest source of spiritual revelation: The Urantia Book.


It’s given me a true understanding of spirituality.

There are 196 papers that came through an unnamed ‘sleeping prophet’ and authored by different spiritual personalities. Its transmission was completed in 1934, and finally published by a group in 1955 led by 2 physicians (husband and wife).

My parents are both MDs.

It describes the cosmic structure of the Universe, our planet’s history, philosophy, and the spiritual teachings and life of Jesus that cleared up alot of what was confusing among the various Christian religions.

When I turned 11, we moved to a street called Cosmic Drive.

Here’s a brief intro video that provides an overview of the Urantia Book.

I’ve always believed humanity must have one story that connects us all – this for me is it.

I believe all true religions, and faiths lead to One God, Source or Creator with the same universal message: be kind, compassionate, and learn to love one another.  Forgiveness and mercy are the cornerstones for humanity to find unity among our differences.


We each carry a divine fragment (of God) within us that’s non-judgmental, and it’s the most important relationship we have.


Our soul is on an ascension path that has plenty to learn, and whatever level our soul reaches gets carried to the other side where we continue to grow.


One of our greatest obstacles is how we judge ourselves, and one another.


I help clients reclaim their inner truth by releasing judgment so they can find what resonates with their soul signature to create a life that feels alive, on purpose with meaning and joy in their lives.


I teach clients how to stop judging so they can stop taking things personally, navigate conflict, and find forgiveness.


I focus on the mind, body-soul connection, with an emphasis on the development of your soul.

Basic Spiritual Fundamentals

Carolyn has been recognized as one of the Top Soul Coaches by Coach Foundation.

Official Bio

Carolyn is a certified co-active professional coach (CPCC) through the Coaches Training Institute and specializes in helping people overcome any life challenge by focusing on their spiritual health, which leads to the growth of their soul.  She holds a specialist degree in cognitive psychology and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Toronto, and is a former Chartered Accountant.


She coaches clients privately and leads small groups through any life challenge using practices of living judgment-free, and spiritual principles. Clients learn to live more authentically, align with their own truth, forgive, release any guilt or shame, and navigate any challenge in healthier ways. Her clients experience more joy, less stress, and a deeper sense of their true self.


After researching, and experiencing the destructive impact of criticism, and judgment, she discovered the practices of how to deepen connection, communicate through our differences, and love unconditionally.


She’s currently writing her first book: “Overcoming Judgment: How Allowing You to Be You Lets Me Be Me”.

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