Reclaim Your Health – Mind, Body & Soul with Spirit for 2022!

Reclaim Your Health – Mind, Body & Soul with Spirit for 2022!

I was set to launch “Conversations with God” this year for my 2022 book club, but Spirit guided me to this book instead:


Medical Medium is well known in the spiritual community and was just updated in 2021 to include Covid and other latest discoveries to combat illness and disease.

The idea of taking back control over our health feels vital right now…

We are facing a health crisis on many levels. This incredible resource is both spiritual and a way to take back ownership over your overall health in a massive way for your lifetime.

Our emotional, mental and physical health have been stretched to the limits over the last 2 years, and your spiritual health has never been more important.

This life saving material coming from Spirit has been embraced by millions that’s helping them a better mind, body and soul.

“Anthony William’s invaluable advice on preventing and combating disease is years ahead of what’s available anywhere else.”

~Richard Sollazzo, MD, NY board-certified oncologist, hematologist, nutritionist and anti-aging expert, author of Balance Your Health

“Anthony doesn’t offer gimmicks or fads to finding ultimate health. His recommended foods and cleansing programs are simple and delicious and THEY WORK! If you’re done living with pain, fatigue, brain fog, intestinal disorders, and a myriad of other nasty ailments, drop everything and read this (and his other ) books. He will quickly bring health and hope back into your life.”

~Hilary Swank, Oscar winning actress

My Health Journey

Several years ago I started looking at my health in a more integrated way with “Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit and Sexy Until Your 80 and Beyond” that came out in 2004.

It got me focused on key fundamentals for my overall health – “Harry’s Rules”:

• Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life.
• Do serious aerobic exercise four days a week for the rest of your life.
• Do serious strength training, with weights, two days a week for the rest of your life.
• Spend less than you make.
• Quit eating crap!
• Care.
• Connect and Commit.

It felt easier to commit to doing a 7 minute workout consistently ever since. The style of conversation between Dr. Lodge and his “star” lawyer patient in his 70’s planted a seed of exercise into my values.

But this seed comes from somewhere else to keep you on track.

In 2017, the author Dr. Harry Lodge, MD died of prostate cancer at 58. He didn’t make it even to 60 while positively impacting millions hoping to be thriving in they 80’s and beyond.

It was the reminder that knowledge requires the part I was missing long ago: spiritual practice.

I was surprised, but not shocked. I had suspicions and did a little digging.

His marriage ended, which usually creates enormous mental and emotional stress on your system if you haven’t done your ‘inner work’.

MDs are notorious for not being the best patients with a tendency to ignore their own health. Knowledge can work against you because your ego can give you a false sense of reality that only spiritual wisdom can override.

Your mind can think it knows better, but there’s a disconnection from a deeper truth that our life is fleeting and a gift that requires we slow down, and give reverence to what we’ve been given.

It’s a deeper value that gets you to an Dr. appointment on top of a very busy schedule.

Prioritizing yourself is a shift that changes what feels inconvenient into living your values.

In general MDs don’t make time for self-development, and spirituality is often not on the radar for science minds.

Prostate cancer can be detected and treated early so to lose your life at 58 from this disease is especially tragic for someone who had all the resources and knowledge to the best health care.

I am not 100% certain, but I suspect his death was preventable.

We need that gentle, but powerful push from Spirit to be proactive with our health. To focus more inward than outward.

A Bit About My Health

My soul theme for 2022 is ownership, so I’m owning up here:

I am 53, 5″4′ and weigh 123 lbs. My goal is 120lbs. I was hovering around 128 lbs, but there are ways I will share that get you to where you want to be with seemingly little effort.

I take no prescribed medication. I have no allergies. I cannot remember the last time I felt sick with anything. Apparently this is no longer “the norm” for someone my age.

I don’t take flu vaccines – I trust my own natural immunity.

I rarely eat fast food and extremely little processed food. I’m mostly vegetarian, and can’t imagine going vegan, but the healthy wonders of a plant based diet are calling me!

I use toxin-free cleaning products as much as I can. I carefully choose beauty products looking at the ingredients.

This may change your view of shampoo forever, and will make perfect sense … my hair feels healthier these days..just saying!

I use vinegar instead of chemicals of a rinsing agent in my dishwasher that works perfectly, and far less $. The soap I still use!

My sleep is whatever my body needs anywhere from 5 – 7 hours. I don’t wake up to an alarm, and I’m awake most days before 5 am.

Today it was 4:44 – one of my guides awakening me : )

What I Need to Improve

I’ve been doing a 7 minute workout 2-3x per week and attending a live pilates class every Friday for last 17 years.

Small, but consistent does wonders!

However, my cardio needs a lift big time. I didn’t grow up with sports so been challenging adding this in consistently.

I’ve been concerned the past few years that my husband wasn’t finding time for any exercise and it was showing.

As a corporate executive, he eats out a lot, has pressures at work, and travels frequently.

This past December he excitedly tells me “I got the Peloton – it’s arriving next week!”

“What’s that?” I ask…..Ahhh — so THIS is a spinning class : )

He loves it, has been up early exercising and I feel better now!

Having classes at home in a strong, powerful community with tons of options was exactly what I needed for my cardio!

It was a family investment in our health that our 3 young adults also now on board with.

My motto for exercise: make it so easy (and fun) its hard not to do.

Exercise has to be part of your life even if you don’t like it (I’d rather be doing anything else), but its for the energy it brings and the body I was given to take care of.

When you love your body, it’s amazing what that sense of loving Spirit brings to your life.

What’s your WHY for exercise? It has to be worthy to make it work for you.

First Things First

It’s difficult to invest effectively in your spiritual well-being when your emotional, mental and physical health are not where they need to be.

I’ve been paying attention to the exponential climb of autoimmune disease, chronic illness and the downward spiral of our emotional and mental health.

I don’t want to face any of these chronic illnesses or disease, nor do I want my children or future grandchildren to be facing these – all these and more are addressed in Medical Medium:

• Chronic fatigue syndrome + adrenal fatigue
• Migranes
• Multiple sclerosis & neurological symptoms
• Fibromyalgia
• Alzhemiers and dementia
• Diabetes
• Autism and ADHD
• Depression & Anxiety
• PMS and menopause
• Lyme disease, lupus, and leaky gut
• Shingles & allergies
• Thyroid disorders
• Colitis, TMJ & Bell’s Palsy
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Cancer

I want to prevent, heal and empower our health with the latest that’s available from Spirit.

The Spiritual Piece of Medical Medium

Anthony’s story began at age 4 when he saw an older man standing at his family dinner (that he quickly realized no one else was seeing). He was told to walk over to his grandma, put his hand on her chest and say the words “lung” and “cancer”.

You can imagine the reaction of his family.

Then the mysterious man tells him to say: “Grandma has lung cancer”.

Within days Grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer.

THIS is the kind of story I’m very familiar with: people seeing and hearing from “beings of light”!

Since that childhood experience, Anthony began seeing the illness and diseases of those around him, and given remedies to cure by the hundreds, then thousands, and now he’s helped millions worldwide.

Like many spiritual teachers, the Medical Medium’s journey required him to accept his gift, which he initially was not happy receiving! Imagine being a child being bombarded with people’s illnesses and disease?

He went through some tough times before stepping into this special gift he’s been given.

It can be a lonely confusing path for those navigating 2 worlds, but so often its once you can embrace these new realities that amazing possibilities can unfold.

I believe we all have spiritual propensities few have tapped into so the outer world is a different reality than the real one living inside waiting to be discovered.

Do you want to maximize your energy in every area– emotionally, mentally, and physically to feel alive spiritually? Are you tired of feeling exhausted? Do you want more clarity?

How about feeling more emotionally connected and physically fit?

Do you want ownership and to feel empowered with your health?

As our world continues to face this health crisis that does not appear to be ending anytime soon – our total health is our highest priority.

Here’s how I view our health:

You have a Spirit or Cosmic Compass that is a fragment of God available to you for guidance. Who knows your body better than you do?

It’s the Source of everything you need to create your life in a healthy way.

You have been given free will to choose your thoughts, an emotional guidance system to help navigate your experience with your physical body.

Everything of value is contained in your evolving soul that’s part of the collective consciousness, and is being recorded in the “book of life” or Akashic Records.

A Wondrous Surprise

Over the Christmas holidays, I had an amazing soul show up from India through a dear friend, and she has been providing my whole family with a remarkable glimpse into our soul record.

Her guidance helped us to see ourselves more clearly and the ways our souls are needing to heal and grow.

It’s astonishing to know your soul’s experiences are being recorded in a place that can be accessed so accurately by a complete stranger!

I’m working on how to bring her gift to my book club members.

“Healing is one of the greatest freedoms God offers us. Healing is the law of the universe, the light, or whatever you choose to call the higher source – not the law of humans – and so it grants true justice. Untethered by statue, healing from mystery illness can exceed imagination.”

~Anthony William, Medical Medium

A Different Kind of Book Club for Your Soul

The late founder of the 11:11 Progress Group had received a message from Spirit recommending the Medical Medium, so I downloaded it to my Kindle.

We are in what’s called the “Correcting Time”(11:11), which Anthony describes as “the Quickening”.

The first message of 2022 from the 11:11 Progress Group was specially chosen by Spirit, and came through my friend Chris Maurus a decade ago and feels so relevant today.

Peace and Assurance

Teacher: Athenia

January 30, 2011

Today’s message is about living in a state of peace and assurance even when others, events, and situations around you seem to be in a state of turmoil. How do you find this peace and assurance in a world that seems to accentuate the negative and where inequality and injustice abound?

Where do you turn when the walls of despair close in around you?

The faith sons and daughters of the Creator carry with them the inner peace of the Indwelling Spirit, and they draw from the Source of this peace and love — the Universal Father, whose presence permeates all of creation. When a child of God learns how to draw from this well of living water this eternal peace and assurance, nothing can shake the foundation of that child’s solace even in the midst of adversity.

The first and most important essential piece of assurance a child of the Creator can have is to accept that he or she is the beloved offspring of the God of creation, who by faith believes in the sovereignty of the Universal Father — your Father, the first cause and eternal Upholder of all there is. Just by recognizing and acknowledging this parent/child relationship is all that is needed to secure eternal life and to begin the process of ascension and forward progression.

The second most important assurance is to broaden your view of eternity. You are at the very beginning of a long and astonishing career as a universe citizen whose possibilities for having nigh infinite experiences for learning and growth as you seek perfection, will afford you every opportunity to become like God.

You can rise above temporal limitations by tapping into the Source of creation and prepare yourself for your eternal career by seeking, learning, and doing the Will of your Creator Father. 

The third most important assurance is to remember that life is a school. You are here to learn important lessons, and the experiences you have are designed to orient you on a path to perfection. Some lessons are painful and hard, others are joyful, yet all will contribute to the formation and development of the soul — the evolving personality of the universe citizen.

Keep in mind these three assurances as you live out your life on the earth plane and you will find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

~Athenia of the Circle of Seven

The Medical Medium with a Spiritual Foundation for Your Optimal Health

Maintaining our whole health is vital to the development of our soul while here on earth.

Chris will be joining my book club, and participate when available to help bring through messages from Spirit for your highest health.

Many spiritual teachers I’ve learned from all these years have embraced the Medical Medium including:

Sage and Tony Robbins, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr Prudence Hall, Mike Dooley, Kris Carr, Nick Ortner, Colette Baron-Reid, Sonia Choquette, Denise Linn, Michael Bernard Beckwith.

“While there is most definitely an element of otherworld mystery to the work he does, much of what Anthony William shines a spotlight on – particularly around autoimmune disease – feels inherently right and true. What’s better is tat the protocols he recommends are natural, accessible, and easy to do.”

~Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar -winner actress, #1 New York Times best-selling author, founder and CEO of

For video testimonials:

If you’re on board to reclaim, protect, and claim your highest health in 2022 with the Expanded and Revised Edition of Medical Medium please click here to register: 

We’ll be meeting on zoom every third Sunday beginning January 30th, 2022 to bring these practices and protocols into your life for your highest health now and going forward.

Start Date: Sunday January 30th 2022

Time: 8:30 am – 9:30 am EST (updated time)

2022 Schedule: Every 3rd Sunday for 16 gatherings ending Sunday Dec 11th, 2022

Early bird Price: $250

Regular Price: $300

Early bird Alumni Price:$200

Alumni* Regular Price: $250

*any past client or attendee to my live or online classes/workshops

Bring a friend and save 50% (2 for 1)!

Private Clients: Complimentary

All sessions will be recorded on zoom.

Click here to register NOW!

More Details to follow.

Wishing you health, peace and assurance as we head into 2022!