How Getaways Can Nourish Your Soul

Let’s talk about how getaways can nourish your soul

I wasn’t planning any trips this summer given Covid, but found myself on 3 unexpected short getaways last month – space away from my regular pattern at home.  In the past, vacation getaways were new adventures with ‘relief’ time NOT having to deal with home responsibilities.

Today, getaways feel different. They nourish my soul. And, they can nourish your soul too.

Having new adventures makes your soul come alive, but when it’s less about escaping and more about being present a new level of soul growth happens.

It required my home life to become a sanctuary that integrated work with family in a way that flows. There’s a different kind of balance inside of me with the rest of my life that no longer ‘needs a vacation’, but still looks forward to them!

Creating flow and ease is what you can take with you on getaways. I learned how to let go of expectations, ways I used to manage everything…I don’t check the weather.  There’s more space to notice, play, experiment, be spontaneous, and stay open to explore and enjoy with a minimal agenda.

I used to need so much more structure.

Life Before Soul Awareness

When I first stepped on this path of understanding the soul, I would jump on a plane literally to getaway. I’d savour reading uninterrupted. I wanted a place to learn what fascinated me, and connect with like-minded people.

It felt like an escape to a different world where I could be myself, but then have to re-adjust when I’d return home.

Leaving my hubby and 3 young children to fend for themselves was not easy. Detailed instruction lists were mandatory!

Our roles were completely split – me: home, finances, kids; him: a corporate job with long hours and traveling, “fun dad” on weekends.

Busyness, communication challenges, and frustration was what every mom seemed to be facing. I figured it’s “just the way it is”.

When I discovered life coaching – my kids were in pre-school & I slowly began making different choices as a parent even if it wasn’t what “everyone else” was doing. For example, I stopped trying to find “natural consequences” which seemed to be punishment in disguise.

It was the eventual soul work I can say for certain totally shifted something else in me for how I approached life:

As I write this, all 3 of my children – now young adults in their University years are happily cleaning up the kitchen after dinner (it’s every night!), laughing and joking around. Music is always playing. There’s dancing in my kitchen. No nagging, no conflict. It’s our ‘new normal’.

There’s a respect and support for each other that astounds me at times! What siblings get up at 5 am to watch the sunrise together? Their beds all made before they leave. Who willingly tutors their sibling for hours and enjoys doing that?

Even I wonder – how did we get here?

I attribute it to the soul work…yes there’s alot to navigate through, but mostly through conversations, and with your “Cosmic Compass”, you’ll keep moving in the right direction and avoid all kinds of unnecessary stress and heartache.

The Most Important Connection is Within You

Our mind holds a divine “thought adjuster” or ‘fragment of God’ that carries the potential to “adjust our thoughts” in alignment with a higher force. One that will bring the highest good in any situation. It’s the most powerful capacity we have to create what we want.

I found this summary (from Paper 111 of the Urantia Book) profoundly helpful:

“Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain.”

“The human personality is identified with mind and spirit held together in functional relationship by life in a material body. This functioning relationship of such mind and spirit does not result in some combination of the qualities or attributes of mind and spirit but rather in an entirely new, original, and unique universe value of potentially eternal endurance, the soul.”

Your experiences of value are ‘collected’ in your soul that will continue helping you grow on your ascension path. Your soul is entrusted in the care of your guardian angel who’s responsible for ensuring your eternal survival (that’s the very simplified version).

By connecting with your “divine adjuster”, you begin to “spiritize your mind”, and a very important relationship grows.

Personal Getaways that Can Nourish Your Soul

Get Away # 1 Mom and Daughter

When my daughter asked “could just me and you go to the cottage?” it felt a little strange – we usually go as a family. Summers at our family cottage are normally filled with a lot of people coming and going.

Covid of course changed all that.

2 of us could stay in our boathouse keeping my parents at a safe distance in the main cottage and we were off on our first getaway together!

On our way up, we visited my grandmother (2 visitors instead of 1 were finally allowed). She will be 101 this December. Being quarantined for months in her nursing home took its toll on her mind and body, and we had to move her to a new room that with more support.

I pray she transitions in her sleep knowing her soul will be much happier. She’ll reunite with my grandpa whom she was happily married to for 50 years, and whose spiritual presence she feels a lot more these days. There’s been dreams of her mom for the first time.

Indications she’s closer to the other side.

I’m so mindful of the quality of time we have with loved ones these days. How quickly it comes and goes. Did I spend my time wisely? Was it meaningful? Who am I impacting?

In a world where it never feels like there’s enough time in a day, am I making the most of this moment?

My daughter had a quiet space to engage in deeper conversations with her great Gran, and her grandparents. She filmed this video during our getaway (1.5 minutes) to describe how she holds onto the treasured moments she wants to remember.

How can you create quieter sacred moments for deeper conversations and connection? And, how you can use those moments to nourish your soul?

Getaway #2 – Teaching Soul Wisdom

I’ve often said how I’d love if someone just invited me to teach about the soul with people who are interested.  The logisitics of finding a location, working out costs, doing admin & marketing…

Hmmmm…just not my cup of tea. I put out an intention for someone else who prefers this kind of fun, and it so happens my colleague Binu has always wanted to run her own retreat. A beautiful one naturally found her.

She tells me: “I’m organizing a retreat next week – can you join me to teach your soul work?”

Know what you want and don’t want. Hold the intention and vision for what you want because your soul will attract it!

It was such an easy “YES!”

This beautiful retreat called Harmony PEC (Pause Evolve Connect) has 10 cabins for a maximum of 10 people. A 3-hour drive to a little piece of heaven. Our private chef, Chris made all the delicious vegan meals.

When you have space to connect, grow, and discover soul practices – who you are and what you want feels clearer. What isn’t working screams louder. Your own truth, emotions, and inner knowing has more space to breathe.

Sharing the Wisdom

I was excited to share the soul wisdom that has found me. Spiritual lessons that have come through people I’ve met from around the world who have learned to hear celestial teacher personalities through a soul community known as “The Teaching Mission” and “The Correcting Time” (11:11).

These messages gave people the experience of learning how to communicate with celestial beings and understand better who authored the Urantia Book. It allowed the content to be questioned and better understood.

Spirituality is a personal journey that can only be experienced by checking in with the truth of your own guidance system.

Here’s an example from a teacher named Elyon:

“Choice is a power of personality; decision is an act of the mind. Understanding this will greatly aid you in the quandaries you face, the dilemmas of discernment. Decisions can be likened to tossing your sail from one side of the ship to the other in order to pursue that which you have chosen. Fret not over a decision, for they can be remade, and they can be altered. Be ever safeguarding of your choice, for that will bring you to your destiny.” 

(After reading hundreds of these messages over the years, I’ve recognized a “signature of spirit”, and where some don’t resonate with my truth bells. They are all co-creative and therefore subject to any bias or ego by the receiver that you must discern for yourself.)

It can be hard to say NO and stay in alignment with what works for you when it doesn’t work for others. Knowing when you are betraying yourself with your choices and thoughts becomes easier to recognize when you practice listening to your soul.

Hold the vision to create spaces where your soul comes alive.

Getaway # 3 – 24 Year Anniversary Celebration

I’m a “bed and breakfast” (B&B) gal. It started when my husband and I were dating.  I loved the more personal touch of meeting the owners, sometimes fellow travelers, and the best breakfasts ever!

This year I picked Stratford – a little town 1.5 hour drive that was struggling economically without its regular influx of tourists for their famous Shakespeare and other shows all cancelled this season.

It was so perfect, and we had the whole place to ourselves. Our own private sanctuary in walking distance to the town and gardens.

We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs over the years that we could work out pretty easily, but once I became more self-aware and started finding my own spiritual path – we were growing apart.

I’ve had to practice every ounce of soul wisdom to continue on a path of growing together. It meant learning to let go without giving in, following my truth even if it meant he felt hurt, accepting our differences where I no longer felt frustrated.

When you let your soul lead – your close relationships flourish because your soul knows how to love unconditionally.

My hubby focuses on what he enjoys – corporate life and his personal hobbies, and I have my soul coaching, writing and soul community.

There’s a happy blend you can find when your intention is for your partner to follow their own joy. That inner joy can give from a place that’s genuine without expectations.

I’ll read aloud  Oprah’s “What I Know for Sure” lessons – he’s willing to put CNN away and listen. He asks me to watch the last 4 minutes of the Toronto Raptors game, and I’m willing to put away my laptop. We give each other a lot of space and freedom, which has strangely brought us closer than ever.

Practicing soul wisdom leads you to nourish your soul and to the most beautiful getaway experiences.

The greatest benefit about nourishing the soul is trusting that experiences you’re seeking by getting away can also be found right at home.

To read my soul wisdom daily – follow me on instagram: @carolynhidalgo_soulcoach

For information on future soul retreats or to join my upcoming soul book class that starts Sept 30th, 2020 (EST) email me ASAP at to reserve your seat!