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What’s on the Other Side After You Die?

What’s on the Other Side after You Die?

I’ve been asked this question a lot lately, and it’s not an easy answer. As I began answering it, I realized there were certain key books that helped put some of the pieces together.

What I can tell you is that your soul continues to have a journey on the other side that is more complex and mind-boggling than you can imagine.

The more I discover, the more I’m left in pure awe.

What I understand is there are 7 Mansion Worlds you will ascend through initially (“in the house of my Father, there are many mansions..”). However, it’s not a straightforward path to your resurrection (normally after ~3 days) on the first Mansion World based on those who have crossed over..and then came back.

There are common experiences on the other side.  Sometimes you will just see what’s happening to your body as people try to save you or you’ve lost physical consciousness, but if you travel further, you’ll see a light, spirit guides (light beings), and passed loved ones.

You may experience a life review where we get the opportunity to look back at your life through a lens of being in the shoes of those lives you touched for better and for worse.

Essentially you become the judge of your own life experience but with a lot more awareness!

If you come back, it simply wasn’t your time to leave.  You have unfinished business. Your soul needs more experience on this earth plane for reasons we don’t have all the answers for.

What We Do Know

There are thousands of documented stories of Near Death Experiences (NDEs). This term was coined by Dr. Raymond Moody, MD.  Moody was a pioneer and spoke to over 1000 people who’ve had NDEs. His groundbreaking book Life After Life in 1975 woke people up to the idea that a part of us lives on after we die.

There are also thousands of documented stories of past life memories.

Together these can help put some of the pieces together of what happens after you die.

You don’t really die. Your soul transitions or “graduates” from this life.

Becoming a past life practitioner has given me the privilege to be with the emotions of clients having detailed visions of past life memories to explore and heal current struggles and pain.

The insights and positive shifts that can occur in these sessions feel sacred, and life-transforming.

Your Soul Growth is Key

You are responsible for your soul’s growth. What you experience on the other side depends on how you grow here with the way you interact, and treat others. The bottom line: it all comes down to love.

Your life path here and on the other side is a reflection of the energy, frequency and vibration of the light and love you become.

The accumulation of experiences you have a hand in creating with the thoughts you choose to think and the actions you choose to take affect your soul growth – the light of who you are.

I believe we need to care for our soul the same way you care for your child or any loved one.

To nurture, listen, and connect with this part of you is essential to your eternal life. It needs as much attention as your body needs exercise and healthy food. Your soul health is the most part of your growth here and the hereafter.

What you feed your mind with – what and who you choose to read, watch, and listen to, forms your consciousness, which becomes part of your developing soul.

Together, your mind, and body need direction by a healthy soul to bring you experiences here to help create “Heaven on Earth”.

10 Stories that Gave Me a Glimpse into What Happens on the Other Side

1. Many Lives, Many Masters, 1988 – Dr. Brian Weiss (psychiatrist).

This life-changing account of one patient who had memories of 80 different past lives was the first book I read that gave me the reality of master spirit guides sharing divine messages. I was in my 20’s living at home, and as I was coming to the end of this book, my bedside lamp started flickering in a very particular way.

Ever since, I’ve had increasing signs and synchronicities from spirit (seeing 11:11 or having the exact thing I need show up) as I tapped into my own spirituality; a common experience for many soul seekers.

Our true spiritual nature follows a much bigger pattern of nature that comes from the Isle of Paradise:

“There is too much black-or-white thinking.  All or none.  This is not the way of nature.  In nature there is balance.  Beasts destroy in small amounts.  Ecological systems are not eliminated en masse.  Plants are consumed and then grow.  The sources of sustenance are dipped into and then replenished.  The flower is enjoyed, the fruit eaten, the root preserved.”

~a master spirit, Many Lives, Many Masters

2. Embraced by the Light, 1992 – Betty Edie

This was one of the first NDEs I read that felt like I’d slipped into another world, and had to come back when I turned the last page.

“An important purpose for mortality is to help us learn to recognize and to choose the positive even though the negative more fully surrounds us. We make this choice consciously or unconsciously in every moment of the day, and these millions of tiny choices create the foundation of our identity. We are what we think. We are what we say, what we do, what we fill our lives with. Ultimately, every being creates himself by these countless, crucial choices.”

~Betty Edie

What I know so clearly today is how powerfully your thoughts shape your reality.

3. Heaven is for Real, 2010 – Todd Burpo

Todd Burpo’s 3-year-old son Colton had an NDE during an emergency appendectomy.

The movie gave me a chance to share the awareness of the soul with my children.

The connection between spirituality and creativity is evident with the story of childhood artist prodigy, Akiane. She grew up in an atheist household and was home-schooled. She painted Jesus as a child from visions she had not knowing who he was, but described him as “the Prince of Peace.

Colton saw her painting and recognized him as the one he saw in his NDE when he was only 4.

Her story in this 5-minute video helped me connect the dots of spirituality and Christ Consciousness:

4. To Heaven and Back: A Doctor’s Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again, 2011 – Dr. Mary Neal

Since Mary is an orthopedic surgeon, I couldn’t resist giving this book to my dad (a retired orthopedic surgeon). What I’ve learned over the years about the pure scientific-mind?  It sees in one direction: backwards towards physical evidence.

Science may prove what’s happened already, but cannot explain so much that’s happening that has no physical basis.

Spirituality sees forward. It requires faith, imagination, and a big step into the unknown towards evolution.  They go hand in hand, and we need both to understand our whole reality.

“I feel as though I am trying to describe a three-dimensional experience while living in a two-dimension world. The appropriate words, descriptions, and concepts don’t even exist in our current language.”

~Dr. Mary Neal

Mary shared her NDE in this incredible talk that included being told by her spirit guides that her eldest son would be passing sometime around age 18.  A premonition that was very difficult to live with when she returned to her body.

Her purpose seemed to be tied into sharing her story because the moment she finally decided to write and finish the manuscript – she received the call that her son had been killed instantly being struck by a car. She knew it would happen, but the timing let her know that life is orchested in unknown ways for a higher good.

5. Proof of Heaven, 2012 & Map of Heaven, 2014 – Dr. Eben Alexander (neurosurgeon)

Eben did not follow any religion before his NDE when he slipped into a coma after being diagnosed with a rare form of bacterial meningitis. Scientific logical minds have a great way of describing their own evidence to the unexplainable especially when they were the biggest skeptics.

Did you know the New Testament was mostly written by Paul, who was not a disciple of Jesus? He was the opposite – hunting down those who followed Jesus.  One day Paul saw a blinding light on a road to Damascus and heard a voice asking him “why are you persecuting me?” He was “blinded by the light” and healed by Jesus. This experience gave him such conviction that his writings became “the word of God”.

How accurate do you suppose someone who never sat at the feet of Jesus could share the life and teachings of his life? NY Times Bestseller “Misquoting Jesus – the Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why” by Bart D. Ehrman, a bible scholar provides evidence into the validity of the original biblical manuscripts.

Today, we’ve been given so much revelation on the true story and teachings of Jesus through both the Urantia Book, 1955, and the Course in Miracles, 1976.

“Faiths need to join with each other and with science to create a new vision: one that encompasses science and religion, and that will teach our children real ways to stay in touch with the spiritual world at all times. We need to become a culture that, like so many that existed in the past, shows all its members how to hold on to the golden thread, all through their lives.”

~Dr. Eben Alexander.

6. Dying to Be Me, 2012 – Anita Moorjani

I heard Anita speak at the first women’s Celebrate Your Life conference in Phoenix, AZ a few years ago. She experienced an NDE after her body shut down from fighting cancer of the lymph nodes for 4 years. The doctors were sure of her imminent death when she fell into a coma.

On the other side she could see all her loved ones and understood why her body had cancer. It was a result of all the ways she lived in fear. She heard from her guides that now that she could see who she really was as a soul, she could return fearlessly.

She healed herself of cancer.

Her TedX talk is here.

It reminded me of the experience neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor  had during her stroke feeling that same unity consciousness when she left her body, only she was awake to experience it! They both came back energetically changed in mind, body and soul.

‘I believe that the greatest truths of the universe don’t lie outside, in the study of the stars and the planets. They lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, mind and soul. Until we understand what is within, we can’t understand what is without.”

~Anita Moorjani

7. Dying to Wake Up, 2017 – Dr. Rajiv Parti – (cardiac anesthesiologist)

Dr. Rajiv had a difficult NDE that included an unpleasant hell-like experience on the other side. We create our own reality, and  in his own words “I could be arrogant and very materialistic”.  On the other side, Rajiv met his father, his spirit guides, and felt unconditional love he’d never felt.

His life today feels very different with a new purpose of healing others spiritually of dis-ease after spending his whole career putting people to sleep. His spirit guides gave him this message:

“Now it is your time to heal the diseases of the soul; addiction, depression, chronic pain and cancer.”

8. The Boy Who Knew Too Much, 2017 – Cathy Byrd

Cathy’s son Christian by age 2 insisted on wearing the baseball pants, jersey, and cleats every day. He had memories of being legendary baseball player Lou Gerhig up until around age 6. Children who describe past life memories report them ending around age 6 or 7.

At this age is the same time you receive your Divine fragment of the Creator because our mind has now developed the capacity to make its first moral choice, which going forward affects our character and how our soul develops in our lifetime.

Cathy experienced a past life regression that held memories of Lou Gerig’s mother. It’s often the case that we have memories of relationships in the past life with people in this life that need to be healed.

“I felt a palpable shift in my perspective. As I started to look at every human being as a soul with a body that could be taken off like an old shoe, I felt more compassion toward people in all walks of life. My heart began to open up like a flower in bloom, and as my armor was stripped away. I found myself being less judgmental of myself and others.”

~Cathy Bryd

9. Saved By the Light, 1994  – Dannion Brinkley.

Dannion had not one but 2 NDEs. He was a marine in the Vietnam War and felt the emotions of sadness and shock of those he killed as part of his life review. He was unkind and selfish during much of his life so it seems you may come back because of experiences needed to grow your soul.

He also came back with very strong psychic abilities. He could read people’s thoughts so he could answer questions before they were asked. He could touch things and visions would appear in his mind from the history of that object. He could use these abilities to predict with near-perfect accuracy the outcome of sporting games, but recognized this wasn’t the best use of these new skills!

He began helping the dying transition peacefully as he could feel their emotions and see their confusion, anxiety, and fears from what was being shown to him in their personal lives.

The amount of love and good feelings you have at the end of your life is equal to the love and good feelings you put out during your life. It was just that simple.

~Dannion Brinkley

10. Journey of Souls – Michael Newton, PhD, 1994

These case studies of Michael Newton’s patients under hypnosis took them to a place he calls “life between lives” where they met their guides, experienced past lives, and found themselves in a place where they could choose a life to come back again.

But how were they “born again’? These cases (including Dr. Brian Weiss) are a specific sample of people who want to clear unresolved issues of some kind. So this place of “life between lives” doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone.

Some people who have crossed have gone straight to Mansion World #1 based on the level of soul growth they have reached here, which maintains that vibration on the other side. Also, there are spiritual changes to the circuits happening right now where children are not expected to be carrying ‘old soul fragments’ any longer.

What I’ve come to understand is that our soul can fragment (just as God fragmented ‘Himself’ into a divine piece living inside each of us).  Our soul may contain many fragments holding memories that can help heal others during our experiences here (equity fragments) or we can be guided (guidance fragments). I call it ‘virtual reincarnation’ when a fragment enters your soul.

Our soul is a very complex part of our being connected to our life experiences in very profound ways most of us pay little attention to, but everything you say and do each day impacts your soul. There are lessons to learn, and ways we are all part of each other’s lives.

What will be the story of your soul?

When I was 6 years old, I rode my cousin’s bike down a slope, and over a cliff. A tree saved my life. I broke my jaw, and was told many decades later that my angels helped to cushion my fall energetically.  I was in and out of consciousness on the drive the hospital, but I believe my soul’s energy field shifted that day in a way that opened my spiritual door.

We each have our own path to spirituality and how we know God.

11:11 became a big sign and doorway to spirituality that had me focused on soul health, and understanding divine love through living judgment-free. It feels like a big part of my soul story – what about you? How will you connect to your soul to live fully here today and prepare for your next journey on the other side?

Share your soul story and any soul questions to carolyn@carolynhidalgo.com.

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