Integrating What Matters MOST Into Your Life
Whenever I’m approaching the end of a year, I find myself reflecting on what matters MOST to help set intentions for the new year. Long ago, I used to set goals, but not anymore. Instead, I create intentions with an expanding library of SOUL WISDOM I’ve learned to apply as I grow. This way, I avoid falling into the trap of “all of nothing” from chasing what I want and opt for creating into what I want. Ultimately, the experiences that matters most mysteriously and magically unfold to surpass any goals I could have set. Instead of life being an uphill struggle of tough work to get results — its a upward evolution of hard work I enjoy that brings in the life experiences that fill my soul. I often find myself thinking “how exactly did I create all this”? I love what I do, how I’m growing, who I connect with, get to serve, and of course my treasured friends, amazing colleagues and beloved family. There have been many spiritual teachers I’ve learned from over the years, but this little one’s life philosophy struck my soul chord. He was so wise beyond his years. Timeless Soul Wisdom I first met Mattie Stepanek watching Oprah as a stay at home mom. I was absolutely stunned by the words coming out of his mouth. He was 11 and suffered from a rare disorder, dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy. It sounded like an angel was speaking about what mattered most in the world. I vowed that I would share his wisdom with my 3 children one day. His soul signature helped awaken me to my own spiritual path. When Oprah’s 20th anniversary DVD collection came out in 2005, I watched the segment with Mattie again. He had lost his battle at 13 the year earlier, and watching his full life story here was packed with soul wisdom I couldn’t fully appreciate back then as I’d just begun my own inner journey. Since my twin girls and son were only 4 and 5, I still had some years before I could share Mattie’s life wisdom. I didn’t want to scare them about death, but also wanted them to understand that our life here is eternal. I picked up his poetry book, Journey Through Heartsongs & would every so often read his poems to them. When they finally seemed old enough, I pulled back out Oprah’s DVD, and played the ~11 minute clip: Mattie’s Soul Wisdom Seeing this little boy’s body trapped in a wheelchair hooked up to a breathing tube and hearing about his words of wisdom and all he had already accomplished felt surreal. Would my kids understand? It was a first reality check of how our children filter through their generational lens with their life experiences. Seeing a little boy whose body was in such terrible condition was simply “unfamiliar” with little understanding of his pain. The meaning of his words they couldn’t grasp. It was the start of a big dilemna – how do I teach spirituality to my children? Another few years passed before I shared it again. This time, there were questions. Why do bad things happen to good kids? It’s been a few years since I watched his story AGAIN, and every time I’m more tuned in. I hear more … and so do my children. It’s the nature of timeless soul wisdom. We are continuously “attuning” with a higher part of ourselves. It’s like there’s a place for you to bring your life into the spaces. The spiritual path is highly personal and is solely your own. When I tell my clients that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, it’s Mattie’s soul wisdom – his heart-breaking yet deeply enriching short life he LIVED that tells me what’s possible for all of us. I know for sure that when I find ways to integrate soul wisdom, my vibration changes and the signs and synchronicities follow reminding me that we are supported by a Loving Source. I invite you to find a quiet space to soak in his wisdom: About Things That Matter It matters that the world knows we must celebrate the gift of life every day in some way, and we must always remember to play after every storm. It matters that the world knows all children are truly blessed with the innocent gifts of gentleness, trust, and compassion, which should guide the wisdom of grown-ups. It matters that the world knows we each have a song in our heart that can inspire us in good times and hard times if we take the time to listen. It matters that the world knows our senses can help us discover the hidden and non-hidden enchantment in life, if we use them fully. It matters that the world knows we must choose our words and wants carefully, or we could forever hurt others with these dangerous weapons. It matters that the world knows strength and value of all things created must be measured by character and commitment rather than by might and wealth. It matters that the world knows we must heed the valuable lessons of everyday life through the celebration of children and heartsongs, senses, and words or we could lose in our journey to the future. It matters that the world knows a person by my name and being existed with a strong spirit, and eternal mindset to become a peacemaker for all by sharing the things that really matter. ~Mattie Stepanek, June, 2001, age 11 Take some time to reflect on these words in your life. What do they mean to you? Where do you need to embrace the wisdom here to have new thought or take new action? Remember to play after every storm because what’s always here is the love in your heart that nourishes your soul. If ever we needed to be listening to the wise voices of our children – that time is NOW. Will you join me for a Soul Masterclass on Integrating What Matters Most? Click here to register! Discover the …