
Integrating What Matters MOST Into Your Life

Whenever I’m approaching the end of a year, I find myself reflecting on what matters MOST to help set intentions for the new year. Long ago, I used to set goals, but not anymore. Instead, I create intentions with an expanding library of SOUL WISDOM I’ve learned to apply as I grow. This way, I avoid falling into the trap of “all of nothing” from chasing what I want and opt for creating into what I want. Ultimately, the experiences that matters most mysteriously and magically unfold to surpass any goals I could have set. Instead of life being an uphill struggle of tough work to get results — its a upward evolution of hard work I enjoy that brings in the life experiences that fill my soul. I often find myself thinking “how exactly did I create all this”? I love what I do, how I’m growing, who I connect with, get to serve, and of course my treasured friends, amazing colleagues and beloved family. There have been many spiritual teachers I’ve learned from over the years, but this little one’s life philosophy struck my soul chord. He was so wise beyond his years. Timeless Soul Wisdom I first met Mattie Stepanek watching Oprah as a stay at home mom. I was absolutely stunned by the words coming out of his mouth. He was 11 and suffered from a rare disorder, dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy. It sounded like an angel was speaking about what mattered most in the world. I vowed that I would share his wisdom with my 3 children one day. His soul signature helped awaken me to my own spiritual path. When Oprah’s 20th anniversary DVD collection came out in 2005, I watched the segment with Mattie again. He had lost his battle at 13 the year earlier, and watching his full life story here was packed with soul wisdom I couldn’t fully appreciate back then as I’d just begun my own inner journey. Since my twin girls and son were only 4 and 5, I still had some years before I could share Mattie’s life wisdom. I didn’t want to scare them about death, but also wanted them to understand that our life here is eternal. I picked up his poetry book, Journey Through Heartsongs & would every so often read his poems to them. When they finally seemed old enough, I pulled back out Oprah’s DVD, and played the ~11 minute clip: Mattie’s Soul Wisdom Seeing this little boy’s body trapped in a wheelchair hooked up to a breathing tube and hearing about his words of wisdom and all he had already accomplished felt surreal. Would my kids understand? It was a first reality check of how our children filter through their generational lens with their life experiences. Seeing a little boy whose body was in such terrible condition was simply “unfamiliar” with little understanding of his pain. The meaning of his words they couldn’t grasp. It was the start of a big dilemna  – how do I teach spirituality to my children? Another few years passed before I shared it again. This time, there were questions. Why do bad things happen to good kids? It’s been a few years since I watched his story AGAIN, and every time I’m more tuned in. I hear more … and so do my children. It’s the nature of timeless soul wisdom. We are continuously “attuning” with a higher part of ourselves. It’s like there’s a place for you to bring your life into the spaces. The spiritual path is highly personal and is solely your own. When I tell my clients that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, it’s Mattie’s soul wisdom – his heart-breaking yet deeply enriching short life he LIVED that tells me what’s possible for all of us. I know for sure that when I find ways to integrate soul wisdom, my vibration changes and the signs and synchronicities follow reminding me that we are supported by a Loving Source. I invite you to find a quiet space to soak in his wisdom: About Things That Matter It matters that the world knows we must celebrate the gift of life every day in some way, and we must always remember to play after every storm. It matters that the world knows all children are truly blessed with the innocent gifts of gentleness, trust, and compassion, which should guide the wisdom of grown-ups. It matters that the world knows we each have a song in our heart that can inspire us in good times and hard times if we take the time to listen. It matters that the world knows our senses can help us discover the hidden and non-hidden enchantment in life, if we use them fully. It matters that the world knows we must choose our words and wants carefully, or we could forever hurt others with these dangerous weapons. It matters that the world knows strength and value of all things created must be measured by character and commitment rather than by might and wealth. It matters that the world knows we must heed the valuable lessons of everyday life through the celebration of children and heartsongs, senses, and words or we could lose in our journey to the future. It matters that the world knows a person by my name and being existed with a strong spirit, and eternal mindset to become a peacemaker for all by sharing the things that really matter. ~Mattie Stepanek, June, 2001, age 11 Take some time to reflect on these words in your life. What do they mean to you? Where do you need to embrace the wisdom here to have new thought or take new action? Remember to play after every storm because what’s always here is the love in your heart that nourishes your soul. If ever we needed to be listening to the wise voices of our children – that time is NOW. Will you join me for a Soul Masterclass on Integrating What Matters Most? Click here to register! Discover the …

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Integrating Spiritual Wisdom into Your Life

Have you ever wondered how integrating spiritual wisdom into your life could impact it positively? If yes, this is for you… I read a little book a while back that seemed to be on every coach and thought leader’s “recommended book list”: I would not have read it based on its title, but it was personally recommended by one of my coaches as a “classic”. I know …. don’t “judge a book by its cover” or its confusing title! It was not what I expected .. a powerful short story that I didn’t put down until the last page. I told myself I would go back one day to take in its enlightening wisdom of the ten scrolls… Paying Attention to Signs This book was published in the year I was born – 1968. Yeah – I’ll take that one! It has 111 pages. Definitely one of my signs. The author passed away in 1996 – I got married that year. Another sign? It’s the kind of book you have to be ready for. Are you wanting to harness the kind of universal spiritual laws we all know exists, but can’t seem to apply into our lives? Sneak peak at Scroll II of X: “I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life, but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place. I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force.” Imagine if the truth of these words LIVED in the deepest part of you? Do you believe in the power of love at the soul level – beyond the subconscious mind down to the energetic experience of the soul-mind? How would your life be lived differently if love was ever-present? It wasn’t only a great story – it was packed with “9 success insights” – the first scroll detailed commitment to the practice. To apply the wisdom of the ten scrolls seems to be a combination of prayer, affirmation and hypnosis all rolled into one. Thoughts get into your mind’s consciousness from the day we arrive with everything outside you put your attention on. These days we are bombarded with the mostly fearful stimuli, so our minds need a spiritual intervention! Some call our mind a bad neighbourhood with all the negativity that can get in there. The purpose of any spiritual practice is to help you become more aligned with your divine self to have a clear space to create the world you want to live in. Dream big. Imagine wildly. Enjoy life on your terms, but in alignment with truth, beauty and goodness. For some of us the deeper practice is going out into nature, meditating with the breath, being present, or attending a place of worship. For me, it’s been digesting spiritual writings, and applying their insights into my relationships. Using common sense, but trusting in the magic. What has the power to transform your life needs to tap deeply into your divine self. When a book has reached 50+ million people worldwide, and is still selling hundreds of thousands of copies each month, I pay attention for the universal spark. Universal spiritual insights that cross social, religious and cultural barriers resonate for a reason, and will stand the test of time. Why I Love the Classics Wisdom from long ago holds a secret energy you feel deep within where you know you can trust yourself and follow its bliss. When I feel in me what millions have felt over thousands of years – I have the inner confidence to play full out. Other classics with similar wisdom include: ~As a Man Thinketh (1903 by James Allen) ~The Master Key System (1912  by Charles Haanel) ~Think and Grow Rich (1937 by Napoleon Hill). Profound success thinking. Here’s a few more: ~The Celestine Prophecy (1993 – James Redfield) ~The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success (1994 – Deepak Chopra) These all share similar “spiritual principles” that when applied has you following your right path. Your own voice will resonate with the Universal Voice so no matter what anyone else believes you should do – you will know how to BE. It’s in this space that “we are ONE”. It does not mean life won’t be filled with ups and downs, challenges and heartaches, but you will consistently be moving on an enlightened path forward with your unique definition of success. The Greatest Salesman in the World So many pieces of this little story resonated! It’s familiar in ways that shake your soul. When I first read, I didn’t have the space to apply the wisdom as it recommended. I was raising 3 children with a husband who travelled and worked long hours, and taking on life coaching as a new career. After continuously reading spiritual wisdom over more than a decade & applying bits and pieces to my life – miraculous things have happened I cannot explain fully. I believe there is power in nurturing your mind with high vibration thinking that follows universal spiritual wisdom . It’s the real secret to success in every part of your life. Does mastering any of these sound like it could improve your life tremendously? I Commitment II Love III Persistence IV Miracle V Time VI Emotion VII Laughter VIII Value IX Action X Guidance What if I added on the wisdom from other spiritual writings too? I’m wondering… There’s so much that has crossed my path – it can be daunting to figure out “how do I share all this?” How We Transform Towards our Deepest Desires Universal wisdom is only valuable if you can apply it. When I look out into the world today – it feels obvious so much isn’t working well. Imagine if you could draw from  your …

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How Powerful Can Gratitude Really Be?

It’s Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend. A time when families come together presumably with feelings of gratitude. If you’re someone like me who’s been looking within to follow the beat of your own drum, it’s often accompanied with some tension (to put it mildly) from your “family of origin”. Last year, Thanksgiving was challenging at our family cottage shared among my 5 siblings & our families. Our beloved cottage of 30+ years where I feel thankful beyond words to have so many wonderful memories – it was the first time I wondered if I might never come back. A year ago today, the only way for us to sit down together for Thanksgiving dinner at our cottage was for myself and my children to sit outside due to one family member’s opposing opinion. Differences of opinion are inevitable, but when they arise from fear – complaining, blaming, demanding, imposing, and lecturing behaviour shows up loudly.  It’s not the first time this sibling and I have found ourselves with strong opposing views creating tension. So many families these days have been torn apart when opposing views create painful trauma and a need for forgiveness that never comes. Sometimes on this journey of awakening we simply grow apart because the vibrational gap between love and fear are too great. It’s the hardest to accept when it’s with our families. There’s a cost of trusting your own inner voice. As much as I love being here, if I can’t find gratitude amidst the messiness of our differences too much is lost. It’s the quality of our connections that make witnessing beauty worthwhile. Our judgments can destroy connections – even the most beautiful sunset no longer feels magical when this kind of energy is in the air. How do you put aside what doesn’t feel right inside you with the people you care about when you know they are feeling the exact same way, only the other way around? Both of us are right in our own minds. Here’s what has helped me greatly: understanding the divine purpose of relationships. Marianne Williamson shares this powerful wisdom here with Oprah describing a powerful metaphor of plugging “our lamp” in to connect the light within us. There’s a profound shift when you recognize and step into the knowledge that any relationship is “not about me – it’s about us”. Specifically, it’s about what each of us is capable and chooses to bring – energywise. You must take sole responsibility for the energy you are bringing to any relationship for it to be fabulous. Let go of what the other person brings! You have NO CONTROL here and thinking you do creates the problem. You cannot choose how someone else shows up as it’s coming from their mind which needs their control not yours.  If someone is triggering you with their opposing energy, it’s a call within to exercise patience, and seek understanding not necessarily agree, but to find your own inner serenity. The gratitude becomes for the lesson we’re being asked to learn whenever a conflict arises. Gratitude for the inner work of growing is right here in front of you to claim. How to Harness the Power of Gratitude Gratitude completely shifts your state of being. Your vibration increases to see someone from a different place. It’s easy to feel gratitude when everything is going well. When things are not, that’s when gratitude can show you its true power. The way to the other side of any conflict even with a family member without grudges, guilt or resentment begins by giving the hard thanks that this person is my teacher in this moment for my soul’s development. It has nothing to do with who’s right.There’s nothing to be fixed, justified or changed. Can I find the place in me that is thankful for this opportunity even when it doesn’t feel good? How can I show up to be the person I want to become? It takes practice to wade through the ego’s reactive emotions that arise with “how could you…”,  “I can’t believe you…”, “you need to understand…” Surrender these thoughts and the magic begins. Have you ever noticed that the people who have been through the WORST life has to offer have the most gratitude? Their experience of pain allows them to savour the smallest pleasure.  This 10 minute Ted talk from Louis Schwartzberg was passed to me by a friend who embodies gratitude after she endured horrific unimaginable conditions escaping Vietnam during their war. Louis recently released his latest documentary Gratitude Revealed that he introduced in his Ted Talk. It was beautiful : ) I was not surprised to discover his parents were both Holocaust survivors spending several years in Auschwitz. He grew up in a home where waking up and being able to open your eyes was a gift. Most of us have not experienced the unimaginable, and we’ve  been given so much that we take for granted. I need my own reminders to live in gratitude – I believe we all do. It’s the powerful secret to creating what you desire by raising your vibration to a state of feeling good at the soul level. It miraculously creates more of what feels better. Louis’s other powerful documentary Fantastic Fungi makes the connection between nature and spirit that can’t help but leave you feeling a total sense of AWE. This Thanksgiving here at our cottage, gratitude fills my soul. I can choose to put our differences aside and simply avoid talk of certain topics. That’s what works in my situation. Yours may require something different. Finding a way to your own healthy boundaries is up to you to create not for someone else to change their mind. Gratitude paves the way to create your happiest, most fulfilling relationships. Introducing a private Facebook Community … Conscious Leaders Seeking Fabulous Relationships I’ve resisted starting a community Facebook group for so long (censorship here & the way social media can be misused feels out of alignment), but I’m practicing …

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Are You Seeking Better Balance?

Are You Seeking Better Balance? I’ve always felt connected to the idea of finding a better balance. I remember someone once saying you can have it all, just not all at the same time. I took that to mean you had to choose between what was most important, and sacrifice something else, but do you? A Different Way towards Balance Life coaching taught me that balance is not about making everything equal in the areas of our life, but rather connecting to our values. Do you know your top 3 values, and are they finding their way to the top of your life experiences? Spiritual health and growth is one of my top 3, and it’s what gets the vast majority of my time. Connecting to this value deeply over the past decade has helped me find a better balance. Ever since I became a mother to 3 souls, and left my corporate job – it felt like I was forever seeking a balance between raising my children, coaching/writing, and managing everything at home. Often, it would feel like I was doing a gazillion different things at once without any kind of balance because there never seemed to be enough time! Eventually, I gave up trying to fit things into any kind of time frame. Instead, I simply focused on what mattered most and went for that. I added in daily spiritual practices, and somehow it seemed like all the pieces of life “fit in” and flowed forward with relative ease. Gratitude, living judgment-free, speaking my truth, exercising compassion, patience, understanding, being authentic, and staying out of fear…became my secret weapons. Last week I was introduced to something that helped me see more clearly HOW I got to a place where I feel well-balanced. It’s a sweet spot that can be best understood from an ancient Japanese concept called Ikaigai or your “reason for being”. Here’s what it looks like. Notice the 4 outer circles. 1) what you love 2) what the world needs 3) what you can be paid for 4) what you are good at All of these must come together for you to feel in balance or what I call “soul alignment”. What I realized was this model also applies at home with your children to find better balance! Think of your role as a parent here instead of your career calling. If you are a parent, your children are your responsibility in the same way you take responsibility for your career, only it’s an even higher priority – a privilege, and a gift. Switch out “what you are paid for” for “what you are rewarded for in appreciation, and all the ways your child loves you. “What you’re good at” must include not just what you do, but who you are as a parent. The center reflects where your love comes back, and as you grow to be a good parent, you create a child that the world needs. Where You’re Out of Balance When you grew up – ask yourself were there any circles missing that would have had your vital early experiences out of balance for you? I grew up in a very “doing” results-oriented family. I was longing for a more “being” connection and purpose-driven family. We need our being to lead the doing for balance. When one of the four outer circles is missing, you’ll experience your soul being out of alignment in these ways: 1) Satisfaction, but the feeling of uselessness (missing: what the world needs). 2) Delight and fullness, but no wealth (missing: what you can be paid for). 3) Excitement & complacency, but the sense of uncertainty (missing: what you’re good at). 4) Comfortable, but the feeling of emptiness (missing: what you love). As a mom, my highest priority was my children first, then work. The other day, my daughters went out for breakfast together and told me after “we talked about how grateful we are that whenever we needed you, you’d drop your work, and make us a priority.” For the vast majority of their life, I designed my life so that was possible. It wasn’t always, but it was enough. Pretty much every day I get hugged & feel the love at home : ) All these years, I was secretly wanting them to find this intersection. My children are all doing what they love, and are good at, and as students, all have been paid for their chosen pursuit …. what the world needs are people who have come alive. When you achieve Ikigai – your “reason for BEING” means your soul comes into alignment. How do you know? Amazing experiences magically flow to you. You will experience signs and synchronicities. You will be surrounded by the people you want to be surrounding you. Your life feels balanced because it’s always moving positively getting better with each passing year despite any messiness you encounter. The alignment here provides a balance that has the power to withstand whatever chaos shows up. As you move through your life’s challenges from this place you will keep growing your soul. That’s why you’re here. To your spiritual growth, Carolyn

The Little Trap of Punishment and Reward

The Little Trap of Punishment and Reward Have you ever thought that “the best can only be bought at the cost of great pain”? How about “no pain, no gain”? I am someone who already avoids pain being an Enneagram #7 (Enthusiast/Epicure), so I admit I’m biased with what I’m about to tell you. My soul growth is about leaning into pain, but there can be a trap here. In my life before soul awareness, I used to blindly accept some pain as “normal”. Not all pain is the same! Like the pain I’d feel going to tax class I’d dread (as opposed to psychology class I loved). The pain of struggling through writing 4 hour accounting exams, and auditing clients’ financial records. Pain from not being aligned within. Then came the painful exhaustion of trying to take care of my home, the finances, and being a mom to 3 little beings under age 3 without any awareness of “self-care”. Pain from being physically and emotionally tired. I kept needing to get it all done, and ploughed through somehow. I believed in reward and punishment back then. Work hard for a reward. The degree, position, money. Mess up and get punished. Isn’t that why we had rules, and how life worked? NOPE. Even for pain, there is no one size fits all. This morning I was back on our Peleton after missing a few weeks allowing my body to heal. I’m the last person you’d see sweating it out on a spin bike, but these days…I’m there! My favourite trainer is Emma Lovewell (guessing not her real last name) .. joining her ride is like attending a mind-body-soul inspiring class. Her energy pushes me through the pain I need to lean into for a healthier body. I LOVE that she has a deep connection to music (as former DJ) as music is a soul spark that keeps me engaged. She had me visualizing healing my re-curring cyst that I’ve nearly dissolved using overnight bentonite clay with coconut oil masks along with a pile of other lymphatic system catalysts (skipping rope, dry brushing and hot/cold shower). After enduring 2 surgical removals and antibiotics only for this cyst to emerge a 3rd time – here’s what I believe: 1) There are natural ways we can heal our body with ingredients from Mother Earth and better eating. 2) The power of our mind in touch with our soul can heal including visualization, but mostly by keeping our energy away from the resistance of constant “fight/flight” that creates tension and is the essence of reward and punishment. There’s a reactive quality to reward and punishment thinking that moves us towards control instead of letting go and trusting.  I keep reminding myself: the power that created our body can heal our body. When we tap into our highest light energy away from reward and punishment, a whole new approach to life opens up. Emma often says “this isn’t punishment” when she pushes me through a hard climb “its fitness”.  It’s the kind of pain I’m being called to embrace knowing it will improve my health. She focuses on “showing up for yourself”, and “by stretching your limits you are growing”. Her attention is on being kind, and compassionate with yourself without taking yourself so seriously. I could put my attention on the numerical stats that pop up on the screen, measuring how I last performed, comparing myself to others on the leader board, and checking things off a list. It’s what I used to do to get results. Today I’ve learned to BE to get the experiences I most desire. Show up for what matters. I focus on “does this FEEL aligned to ME”? There’s a different energy here and its more powerful than reward and punishment. It happens when you begin living your own uncomfortable truth. Too often we are more comfortable with everyone else’s truth. Here’s the Trap of Punishment and Reward Punishment breeds fear. Fear can get results. It also creates stress that harms your body. Reward is also a trap because it breeds a different kind of fear. You can get attached to needing rewards (money, position, recognition). Sure, it can also bring results, but at the cost of becoming controlling. What if you could enjoy what you want and keep expanding into more of what you want? Here’s a couple questions to ask yourself: How can you trust more what’s true for you? Are you willing to step into the kind of pain that helps you discover the real you, own your own truth, and follow your heart? From a place of trust within, your sense of fulfilment and love can only grow. BE what you want and everything you desire will unfold. Your results will be delightfully better than you expected. BE the love. Be the connection. Be the difference. Be the ease. Watch as you become the flow in your own life.  Let go of the little trap of punishment and reward, and the kind of pain you need to let go of will surface. The kind of “growing pain” your truth, your beauty and your goodness needs to grow will also emerge for you to embrace. What pain do you need to embrace today?

How Your Body Can Heal Itself

How Your Body Can Heal Itself There are countless stories of the body miraculously healing from past trauma, dis-ease, dis-order, and dys-function. The kind you need to hear with your own ears or see with your own eyes to believe. Growing up, I would tune in to stories my grandmother shared… A pregnant woman would walk past a severely crippled man sitting on his porch, his legs contorted from a rare disease on her daily route to work. Though the expectant mother tried not to stare, her gaze would catch a glimpse of his horrific condition and quickly turn away. My grandfather, a doctor in British Guyana delivered the baby. Her child was born with the exact same rare condition. How could that be I wondered? Then came the stories of all the ways a growing fetus is affected by what the mother sees, hears, feels, ingests – so not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Expectant moms intuitively know that glowing during pregnancy energetically makes a difference to a new soul. A classmate (and second cousin) in my 6th grade class had a visit from her deceased grandmother who appeared at the foot of her bed to gently announce: “I will be seeing you soon”. This cousin was soon diagnosed with leukaemia, and passed away shortly thereafter. People could see and hear their lost loved ones?  I spent the summer with my twin cousins in England when I was 10. My Scottish aunt shared how her mother remembered details of another life as a soldier. You could be born again to another life? She would look down and vividly see army boots. Noticing what shoes you were wearing I’d later discover was a very common experience during a past life regression. My aunt believed if you still had important lessons to learn or amends to make – you’d be back for another trip. I would tuck these stories away not knowing how to process them. Stories without a scientific or logical explanation. Perhaps you have a few of your own? I couldn’t easily sweep them under the rug as “nonsense”. More unexplained stories came along because my thoughts were now tuned into a different frequency I was paying attention to. I’d put them together like a giant jigsaw puzzle searching for pieces until one profound spiritual reality would make itself known, and then another to make sense of it all. As a teenager, the placebo effect told me there was something we were all missing. How could you have a physical response to something when nothing physically actually changed except your belief in it? It made me PAUSE. Labelling something an “effect” doesn’t explain anything. Somehow your beliefs – what you think about could become your reality in some mysterious way. Our choice of thoughts carry not only our emotional vibration, but a spiritual frequency deep in our superconscious mind holding energy at a quantum level. As you are the chooser of your thoughts – you have the power and potential to create your life. It’s why the term “thought adjuster” from the Urantia Book made sense as the term used to describe the personal fragment of God living within our consciousness! The Creator Source living in you can adjust your thoughts to a higher vibration for any challenge, problem, desire when you ask and choose to align your thoughts and move into action for the higher truth, beauty and goodness. You get to decide whether to align your free will with a higher Divine Will (truth, beauty and goodness whose essence is love), which becomes you exercising your imagination. Turns out that power can also heal you. The mind, body, and soul need to find balance in order to function optimally, happily, in ease and harmony, but also in coherence spiritually. A few weeks ago a dear friend forwarded me an interview with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. It takes alot to surprise me these days. Let’s say I’m still in awe. I bet you haven’t heard of her either? Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Health Summit, the Harvard Club, London’s Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, Tesla Tech, Regenerative Technology and Anti-aging Congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and Ministries of Health worldwide.  Knighted for her humanitarian service, Dame Dr. Michael has served on the board of the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines and as a Commissioner for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. Her technology has miraculously healed thousands of people including senior officials in government who were near death and “elites” who recognize the tremendous value for their health. She created a healing technology in the 1970’s that uses zero point energy. I’m sure you’ve head of this .. Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems constantly fluctuate in their lowest energy state as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This healing technology gives me hope for the future knowing all the ways energy can be created to heal and sustain life. Another example was in the film The Need to Grow showing we have the technology to sustain our soil and grow food in abundance without ANY chemicals. Can you imagine a world in the distant future without dependence and addiction to chemical pills and all their side effects? Who doesn’t have an allergy, dis-ease, dysfunction, or disorder to something these days that depends on chemical medication? It’s the rare few. Given our advancements, our health should be the other way around, don’t you think? We’re more sick than ever before. Sandra’s work is NEXT LEVEL healing to help reverse what has too often been a quick outer solution to a bigger inner problem … the kind I imagine Jesus was talking about when he said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will …

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Creating with Intentions instead of Goals

When I first heard of letting go of our goals in favour of holding intentions I was intrigued. Was it really possible? I really learn more about creating with intentions. Setting those SMART goals and achieving them felt like the only way to succeed at anything! I’d written out this “Definition of Success” in one of my earliest (falling apart!) journals as a teenager…not understanding what it all meant. The power of intention is like a feeling of inner knowing you hang onto. Definition of Success To laugh often and love much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the approval of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To give of one’s self without the slightest thought of return; To have accomplished a task whether by a healthy child, a rescued soul, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson What I didn’t know back then is how you can hold an intention inside of you with it’s frequency raising your light vibration. And, work on creating with intentions. It’s like you planted an invisible seed waiting to be nourished. Success is all about BEING. It’s those ever-lasting experiences you create that are worthy of survival value because whatever grows your soul will light you up. Being kind, compassionate, generous, loving. Making a difference in your own creative way. What if the more powerful way to create comes from intentions that light your path for who you need to BE to accomplish what you want? What we most value isn’t measurable. There’s an unexplainable sense of what rings our truth bells that aligns somewhere deep inside of our being. Our intentions can be our pilot lights. Instead of setting goals reflect on “WHY do I want WHAT you are wanting?” What exactly will it give me? Our “felt experience” for what you can imagine is needed to start the process. The power in reaching the goals you say you want lies in the intention you hold living underneath. An Experience I Really Wanted I always wanted twin girls since I was very young. Imagine if I set that as a goal? It would feel ridiculous! But I imagined experiencing how incredible it would be raising twin girls of my own. It felt completely plausible and wonderful to me. I had the advantage of being close to my cousins who lived in England – twin girls my age. I noticed their connection was special, and not like regular siblings. It’s an example of the power of intention I didn’t know at the time. Allowing yourself not only to want something seemingly impossible, but to step into the intention of having it requires faith. I NEVER told anyone I wanted twin girls. It felt silly. But I kept an article from advice columnist Ann Landers (a twin herself) on how to raise twin girls – just in case. I didn’t remember until years later I’d had done that! Yet I jokingly said to my husband right before my 13th week ultrasound – I‘ll let you know if we’re having twins! I’d been “hanging on” to this intention… It wasn’t until I read Wayne Dyer’s “The Power of Intention” that I started connecting the dots looking back at my life. There are mysterious ways we are intentionally creating all along. What may seem random, or mere coincidence unravels to reveal a reality that you can participate in. Our “friendly universe” is highly organized and has your back when you are willing to step into your own imagination. “God” seeks your unique creative expression towards what’s true, beautiful and good. The greatest block in achieving what you want seems to be the disconnect between the world of science and logic that wants certainty & proof versus another reality of spirituality. And that’s when creating with intentions comes into play. Remember that creativity is really spirituality because the Creator lives within you to co-create with. The most profound wisdom seems to come from those who play in both science and spirituality. Einstein being one of the greatest examples. As both a physicist and creative genius, Einstein recognized the power of our imagination: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ~Albert Einstein Science is a source of knowledge – what we think we know based on proof using the finite mind. Spirituality is what fosters imagination – what we believe based on the experiences of the infinite mind. We tend to put religion, science and creativity in separate boxes, but together you will have an expanded reality that is more unified. “All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree.” ~Albert Einstein Einstein referred to God often yet as a scientist said: “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.” On 12 April 1930, Einstein attended a concert where the Berlin orchestra played Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. After the performance, he said: “Now I know there is a God in heaven.” We can all recognize the brilliance when an artistic endeavour surpasses what feels possible to become God-like. Tapping into the Source of Creation living within us is the secret to harnessing the power of intention. Take this idea into all that is natural found in ourselves and mother nature, and suddenly everything feels connected. “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein Look deep into your own spiritual nature and you will understand yourself better. I am constantly amazed by the miraculous ways our true nature brings the truth back to light. Science is our attempt to solve problems, and we do, but …

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The Truth about BEING Healthy in Mind, Body, Soul with Spirit

Today, I wanted to discuss being healthy in mind, body, and soul with the right spirit. When I first watched the documentary “HEAL” a few years ago – it woke me up to how I saw my health. Here’s the trailer and maybe you’ll see why?  HEAL. I’d been following many of the spiritual teachers featured in the film: Marianne Williamson, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton & Michael Bernard Beckwith so their health wisdom felt like common sense. Having the science intelligence that comes with being raised in a medical family had me appreciate one side of health: data from objective evidence. But there’s another side of being healthy in mind, body, soul with spirity: our experiences. It comes from what’s inside when we allow our natural immunity to work and our body to heal itself. Our health includes a spiritual foundation, which is determined by our mind (free will) and what we choose to believe on both sides! How Stress Affects Your Being Healthy in Mind, Body and Soul I don’t suffer from stress because of the practical information I had, but also because I learned the spiritual tools on how to trust, surrender and let go. We need both science and spirituality for optimum health. I used to think stress was normal.  I’d even hear stress is good and necessary for you. Kind of like guilt is good for you. It’s a lie. Of course we feel disappointed and sad at times. Angry and upset for sure. But stressed or guilt-ridden? These are spiritual problems. I believe a lot of us have accepted stress is part of life. We get what we expect and create what we tolerate. You stop experiencing stress or worry after you’ve been willing to face and heal your wounds while applying spiritual practices into your life. That’s what directly affects your emotional, mental and physical health. Stress has the greatest impact on your physical health. It’s “un-peaceful” in our internal network that throws all our energies out of balance. We create stress in the ways we see, hear and react, so we can also uncreate it. Learning how to come back to centre amidst any chaos is a game changer. It’s hard to get a spiritual practice going when you’re suffering from headaches, lack of sleep, constant distraction and flying by the seat of your pants! It’s why so many are reliant and believe in external “bandaids or pills” that are not sustainable for being healthy in mind, body, soul with spirit in the long run. There’s quiet spaces you have to be willing to carve out because that’s where your creativity lives. The “easy fast button”, which dominates how we approach physical health is short-term gain for long-term pain. Our emotional, and mental health too. Think of how we reach for alcohol, eating or shopping when we’re feeling emotionally down or working long hours wanting to take the edge off. If alcohol, eating or shopping are your “pick me ups” – they are bringing you down in the long run. Maybe you’re telling yourself “I deserve a treat”, but be mindful here. It can be a well-deserved gift for self-care, but if a choice takes you away from your higher health, you’ve moving away from your centre. Every choice emotionally either raises you up or brings you down and accumulates over time.  Your life experience will tell you which way you’re going. Entertainment and even fitness can be an unhealthy mental distraction if it means you’re running from deeper pain or exhausted from your existing turmoil. Discovering Your Seeds I watched the Heal trailer recently and didn’t realize Anthony William – the Medical Medium – was in that documentary! His work was a seed I’m ready to water this year. Seeing so many suffering from illnesses, disease, and now a rampant fear around a virus that’s managed to turn our world upside down feels like a clarion call towards our whole health. Your spiritual health is the undercurrent that flows into the other 3 areas of health: mental, emotional and physical. I was here at one time stuck in the Mutiny of my Soul and I pushed through to the other side. When I discovered Anthony William has been receiving guidance from a celestial teacher for healthy living, it hit a chord. It’s where I’ve been receiving my best guidance over the last decade: spirituality. Our external systems are changing rapidly right now.  Health care, education, financial systems and the way businesses operate are shifting dramatically while our lives are inundated by digital technology and unethical surveillance. It’s the real reason I want to dive into Medical Medium this year – to keep up with the radical changes and remain healthy in mind, body and soul. I want to apply the latest health revelations decades ahead of its time to prevent and understand how to heal so many of the chronic illness and disease we face, and the constantly changing viruses increasingly upon us. I want to go on a health journey with this book to get bigger questions answered, and have new natural food solutions we can try at home to become part of a healthier lifestyle. I have a few spiritually awakened souls joining our gathering who I know will bring incredible insights. I want to know the best supplements and how I can radically change its effectiveness by visualization. Medical Medium is the first book in a series, and contains his story and soul practices. These are the crucial bits! Anthony William talks about the “Unforgiving 4” that have gotten into all our systems: Viral Explosion DDT Radiation Toxic Heavy Metals We know unhealthy toxins get into our systems daily, but how these affect your body may not be known until its too late. These days we are not even legally allowed to know what’s being injected in our bodies. My Soul Book Club Starts Sunday January 30th, 2022!!!! I’m ready to take this soul health journey for my …

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Reclaim Your Health – Mind, Body & Soul with Spirit for 2022!

Reclaim Your Health – Mind, Body & Soul with Spirit for 2022! I was set to launch “Conversations with God” this year for my 2022 book club, but Spirit guided me to this book instead: Medical Medium is well known in the spiritual community and was just updated in 2021 to include Covid and other latest discoveries to combat illness and disease. The idea of taking back control over our health feels vital right now… We are facing a health crisis on many levels. This incredible resource is both spiritual and a way to take back ownership over your overall health in a massive way for your lifetime. Our emotional, mental and physical health have been stretched to the limits over the last 2 years, and your spiritual health has never been more important. This life saving material coming from Spirit has been embraced by millions that’s helping them a better mind, body and soul. “Anthony William’s invaluable advice on preventing and combating disease is years ahead of what’s available anywhere else.” ~Richard Sollazzo, MD, NY board-certified oncologist, hematologist, nutritionist and anti-aging expert, author of Balance Your Health “Anthony doesn’t offer gimmicks or fads to finding ultimate health. His recommended foods and cleansing programs are simple and delicious and THEY WORK! If you’re done living with pain, fatigue, brain fog, intestinal disorders, and a myriad of other nasty ailments, drop everything and read this (and his other ) books. He will quickly bring health and hope back into your life.” ~Hilary Swank, Oscar winning actress My Health Journey Several years ago I started looking at my health in a more integrated way with “Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit and Sexy Until Your 80 and Beyond” that came out in 2004. It got me focused on key fundamentals for my overall health – “Harry’s Rules”: • Exercise six days a week for the rest of your life. • Do serious aerobic exercise four days a week for the rest of your life. • Do serious strength training, with weights, two days a week for the rest of your life. • Spend less than you make. • Quit eating crap! • Care. • Connect and Commit. It felt easier to commit to doing a 7 minute workout consistently ever since. The style of conversation between Dr. Lodge and his “star” lawyer patient in his 70’s planted a seed of exercise into my values. But this seed comes from somewhere else to keep you on track. In 2017, the author Dr. Harry Lodge, MD died of prostate cancer at 58. He didn’t make it even to 60 while positively impacting millions hoping to be thriving in they 80’s and beyond. It was the reminder that knowledge requires the part I was missing long ago: spiritual practice. I was surprised, but not shocked. I had suspicions and did a little digging. His marriage ended, which usually creates enormous mental and emotional stress on your system if you haven’t done your ‘inner work’. MDs are notorious for not being the best patients with a tendency to ignore their own health. Knowledge can work against you because your ego can give you a false sense of reality that only spiritual wisdom can override. Your mind can think it knows better, but there’s a disconnection from a deeper truth that our life is fleeting and a gift that requires we slow down, and give reverence to what we’ve been given. It’s a deeper value that gets you to an Dr. appointment on top of a very busy schedule. Prioritizing yourself is a shift that changes what feels inconvenient into living your values. In general MDs don’t make time for self-development, and spirituality is often not on the radar for science minds. Prostate cancer can be detected and treated early so to lose your life at 58 from this disease is especially tragic for someone who had all the resources and knowledge to the best health care. I am not 100% certain, but I suspect his death was preventable. We need that gentle, but powerful push from Spirit to be proactive with our health. To focus more inward than outward. A Bit About My Health My soul theme for 2022 is ownership, so I’m owning up here: I am 53, 5″4′ and weigh 123 lbs. My goal is 120lbs. I was hovering around 128 lbs, but there are ways I will share that get you to where you want to be with seemingly little effort. I take no prescribed medication. I have no allergies. I cannot remember the last time I felt sick with anything. Apparently this is no longer “the norm” for someone my age. I don’t take flu vaccines – I trust my own natural immunity. I rarely eat fast food and extremely little processed food. I’m mostly vegetarian, and can’t imagine going vegan, but the healthy wonders of a plant based diet are calling me! I use toxin-free cleaning products as much as I can. I carefully choose beauty products looking at the ingredients. This may change your view of shampoo forever, and will make perfect sense … my hair feels healthier these days..just saying! I use vinegar instead of chemicals of a rinsing agent in my dishwasher that works perfectly, and far less $. The soap I still use! My sleep is whatever my body needs anywhere from 5 – 7 hours. I don’t wake up to an alarm, and I’m awake most days before 5 am. Today it was 4:44 – one of my guides awakening me : ) What I Need to Improve I’ve been doing a 7 minute workout 2-3x per week and attending a live pilates class every Friday for last 17 years. Small, but consistent does wonders! However, my cardio needs a lift big time. I didn’t grow up with sports so been challenging adding this in consistently. I’ve been concerned the past few years that my husband wasn’t finding time for any exercise and it was showing. As …

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Picking a Soul Theme to Create Your Greatest Year

At the end of every year I choose a soul theme with a few close soul friends & we review our existing theme to see how it showed up. There’s something mysterious that happens when you put an intention out in the form of one powerful word for something you want to step into. Reading Wayne Dyer’s “The Power of Intention” years ago gave me the understanding of holding what you want in your mind this way. “If you aren’t doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn’t the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don’t love will appear in your life.” ~Wayne Dyer Hmm…I just realized this vase has been on my shelf for years…a gift from my hubby who supports me wholeheartedly in doing what I love! Today I understand the power of intention on a soul level. When you direct your thoughts in the form of a clear intention, you are putting “light into your field” that allows you to receive divine guidance from within, and with your guides. You can create your reality with a thought or take it up a notch to co-create miracles when you realize you’re here to grow your soul. Just a reminder that we are living in a Universe filled with Spirit personalities and you are a significant part of the collective consciousness evolving on our planet in this material plane at this time in history! It’s why when you can feel into gratitude (or fill your field with a higher vibration), then set an intention – more light comes your way in divine timing or those magical moments. If you feel stuck, stressed or down in the dumps – it’s difficult for your guidance team to assist your intention. How can your guidance team reach you from their higher light field of love if you are operating in the fear of darkness? Think of it the same way you ‘meet people where they are’ to best communicate from where you are. If you are worried, it means you’re living in fear not faith so releasing your doubts is a necessary first step to allowing your soul theme to lead you. It can be difficult when things are not working on the outside because we’re not conscious of how our reactions our old patterns of behaviour affects our energy field. We listen to the media and can take in fears. We can let other people’s needs, demands and desires dominate our own inner voice. We can find ourselves people pleasing or trying to meet expectations. We can let thoughts of criticism and judgment block our creativity. We can justify all kinds of rationale to explain why we are feeling trapped or overwhelmed that keep us stuck. When you take a deep breath with intention –  use that pause to bring your personal divine part of God into your life to see through your higher self. This is your primary relationship above all else where we learn to love ourself. What Loving Yourself Means in Practice We know that taking care of ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically are ways to practice acts of self-love. But what does loving ourselves spiritually mean? How can you love you when you’re the same person? Unless there are 2 of you … and there IS! The greatest, highest, most divine love you can imagine that’s unconditional, non-judgmental and a love beyond our human comprehension – that love is living inside of you. God IS love. It’s the light source of the entire universe. At the soul level, discovering God is really part of each and everyone creates a profound practice of self-love. Someone whose birthday is about to be celebrated this Saturday around the world came along to tell us this same revelation: “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21). I didn’t find spirituality and God in the bible. There are so many spiritual writings that have led the way, but the fourth section of the Urantia book describing Jesus’s whole life helped me understand what the bible was trying to say similar to Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love” based on the Course in Miracles. Reading the Impersonal Life (1916) had me experience how God lives in you because it was a dialogue between the author and God talking to him: “You cannot awaken to this fact until you can get away from the consciousness of this body and intellect, which so long have held you enslaved. You must feel Me within, before you can know I AM there…Be still! – and KNOW – I AM – God” ~Joseph Brenner, the Impersonal Life Wayne Dyer discovered this book just before he passed away in 2015 and shared his experience with the CEO of Hay House here. It was like he was describing my experience! A Philosophy I Practice SO first thing – you have a light in your soul. Connect with the light first, and everything else will follow. It can start with choosing a soul theme to help bring light to your field in the coming year. What you’re really doing is asking your divine fragment to help you grow into more of who you want to BE in order to have the experiences you long for. It’s important to notice, a soul theme is not a goal you can check off a list. A soul theme is not an action item. It’s a calling of your soul to step up. My 2021 soul theme was bravery. It found my way to the song “Brave” by Sara B. that sounds like God’s talking to me while I’m doing this sun salution in the early morning. How a Soul Theme Works “Real movements seem to start unintentionally … it’s more true that movements create us”. ~Charles Eisenstein When you do something that resonates with your soul, some will notice and follow your …

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