What will you BELIEVE this Holiday Season?
Every Christmas I feel myself wanting to slow down. Reflect on the past year. Remember what’s most important. Spend time connecting with those I cherish, and space just on my own. I see, hear, and feel the rushing around me – Holiday stress, difficult loneliness, or struggle amidst Christmas Songs trying to spread love, joy and peace. Our Christmas tree is filled with memories – ornaments of places we’ve visited, some are gifts given by loved ones, and past photos remind how quickly time flies – one above was taken 4 years ago that seemed like yesterday. There is a story unfolding each year about your life, and how you are choosing to live it based on what you believe… “Do you see what I see? A Star a star dancing in the night… Do you hear what I hear? A song a song high above the tree… Do you know what I know…A child a child… He will bring us goodness and light.” I didn’t believe growing up going to Sunday school, attending morning chapel in high school, getting married in a church, being baptized, confirmed, even baptizing our 3 children. It was just a story about an idea that sounded nice – a “good” tradition to follow. God, the Universe, something Divine greater than me, larger than all of us, beyond the Stars? These were ancient myths about a concept I could not bring into my reality growing up in a scientific, practical world where having an education that brought financial independence was most important. Getting married, having healthy children, being kind, working hard, and living happily ever after was the plan. I achieved “it” – even the happiness part, but something deeper was missing. The miracle we received that represents Christ Consciousness I celebrated year after year was not meaningful. Christmas was a beautiful time spent with family & friends, but I couldn’t see, hear, or feel “it” the way I do today. My outer world “worked” so what was I longing for? Who am I? Why am I here? Why was there so much suffering in a world filled with such material abundance, and technological advancement? “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” ~Hebrews 11:1 Faith to begin following my heart was not easy – the ride to put it mildly hasn’t been smooth, but has been worth every moment for I found the “it” that eluded me. My head kept reminding me of what I should do. But my heart led me to my own truth, to people, and experiences that resonated, and illuminated what others cannot see, or hear until they began following their heart. They needed first to believe. There is a strange need to complain with a focus on what’s wrong, instead of what’s right. To share drama, and gossip especially it seems over the holidays when everyone comes together in spaces we don’t necessarily want to be. We will be sad for the ones no longer here, for the real struggle, and pain, but more joyful for the moments we now have because underneath is a faithful knowing that everything changes, and what’s real is everlasting. We can create an energy of stress, difficulty, blame, where everyone else is at fault including ourselves instead of being open to, and believing what can be changed from within. Sometimes all we need to do is ask for guidance, let go, and trust – but we grew up, and stopped believing in Santa (Angels), and the Spirit that is Christ(mas). I was skeptical, logical, practical, trying to fix people with solutions, and afraid to step into being me without needing to meet other people’s expectations. Some days I still struggle, but I notice as I practice letting go of my inner critic & judge what appeared to make sense eventually was overridden by trusting my intuition. Who I really am. Who you really are. Do you know? Will you believe? Are you beginning to see what many awakened eyes are seeing, and sharing? It feels lighter, brighter, easier, flowing, and ever-changing as you continue to evolve, and what you will see begins to shift. The gift of your life filled with love and light was given to you. Every year this celebration of the birth of a most cherished soul who shared a most profound message. It’s a love story about you and I, and who you can choose to become when you have faith in something far greater than yourself. A Divine truth that exists within you is waiting to be awakened, seen, heard, and felt. It is a love only you can unveil. Find it within, and your life will never be the same. Your experiences will feel more aligned, and all that drama, stress, and complaining? It slowly fades away. Choose to believe so you can trust in your own light, and have faith in the story of your life. Your precious gift to give. What will be your story, and how will it unfold over 2014? My theme for 2014 year is FOCUS – completing my book for a growing community of a vision (my purpose) of teaching others the practices of living judgment-free. It is pure joy to witness the impact it’s had on the lives I’ve been blessed to touch. I am so grateful to all of you for believing in me as I believe in you. What will you be your theme (intention) for 2014? Write it down where you can see it every day. Why does it matter to you? What do you long to experience? Feel free to share in the comments below. It will create more loving energy for your story to unfold :