Ifocus on the healing, transformation, and growing the relationships most important to you. As a spiritual life coach, I apply a model of living judgment-free.
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When we decided to contact a life coach my wife and I came to the conclusion that we needed a better understanding of our relationship.
We contacted Mrs. Hidalgo and the experience was far more inspiring than we anticipated. Her spiritual approach to obtaining relevant information about us and our happiness allowed us to explore and express ourselves more deeply. She is quite enthusiastic, optimistic and honest in her thoughts and opinions. Her approach was really insightful to us both. We are truely grateful for the group conversations, and are looking forward to working with the materials she provided us.

We would strongly recommend Carolyn for guidance in your marriage.

Jelani & Nadia

I was pretty resistant to embracing my spiritual side but felt I invested in my physical well being so why not my mental well being. I don't see spirituality as God but the peace and connectiveness I feel in nature, with animals and when I'm being creative. Carolyn helped me approach spirituality on my own terms, opened up some new thinking and got me to challenge myself that I had fallen into a pattern of self neglect. She gave me strategies and readings to break the pattern and reinvest in myself.

Deirdre Thomas

Working with Carolyn over these years has truly been enlightening and life shifting for me. I started as someone who thought life was all good, I had a roof over my head, food in my fridge, my kids were 1, 3 and 6 and life was peachy. I met Carolyn for one coffee and with a few questions I started crying. There was so much I had suppressed internally beneath the surface that started coming up to be cleared. Fast forward many many many years later and I am truly a new greater version of myself because I invested in myself to work with Carolyn. She has taught me so much about bettering my relationships with my spouse and my children to a level I never ever imagined...dream like; she helped me get unstuck with many blocks I didn't even realize I had yet they would show up as overwhelm and stress in my life and in my body. One step at a time, one coaching session at a time, she helped me and supported me through so many aspects of life. Over the most recent years, the spiritual coaching has helped me beyond measure and beyond words. I lost my Mom 30 years ago and even though I did a lot of healing on my own, having the spiritual understanding of losing a loved one has helped at that next level....I can easily say I don't grieve anymore, I simply celebrate the love I got to experience and that I continue to experience. To have this understanding spiritually of what happens when we hold on to anger, anxiety, sadness; what happens when we react and judge ourselves and others; what happens when we dwell on things out of our control....it's all clear for me now. I can quickly and easily pull myself out of a negative thought, or overthinking or in those moments where anger does show up or I take things personally...now that I understand myself at the soul level and understand the spiritual laws of the Universe, I am able to live a very aligned life. A life where I feel at peace most moments of each and every day. I can bring myself back to what I call soul alignment, quickly and easily after doing this work month after month, year after year. If you have wondered what spiritual coaching is, it truly is getting guidance back to who you are at your core essence. And having a coach to guide you is key I believe. We often can't see our own blocks or can't connect our own dots, yet when we can release and connect, it can lead us to feeling more free within. Having a coach who is free of judgement, who offers a safe space to share and be vulnerable and speak my truth has been my golden ticket to my internal freedom, my business growth, my incredible mind blowing relationships in my life and my true deep flourishing happiness. Carolyn is a true gem and has so much incredible knowledge to share with the world, knowledge that can help us all in this human life experience and knowledge of the spiritual world. Together this knowledge has been key for me to have the soul level growth I have had. I wish for so many people to have a chance to be coached by her. I am grateful beyond words to have Carolyn as my coach all these years!


Sometimes we just need someone to listen. To actually hear what we are saying with no judgment, no preconceived notions, no obstructions. That’s Carolyn. She has many, many skills but her ability to listen to me and hear what I was saying was so important. She also has this great ability to provide solutions and communicate them in a very effective way. I truly respect Carolyn and I feel I have found a friend for life


Sometimes we need someone outside our circle that has the skills and time to listen to and find potential solutions for the unique problems each of us faces. Carolyn has the ability to think outside the box and offer viable solutions or valuable insights from a different perspective. I would recommend Carolyn for any type of ongoing problem that needs a solution.

Ian Holliday

Carolyn has been an incredible source of resourcefulness and positivity through my journey with self-discovery, accountability and spirituality. We started with hypnosis and covered the importance of staying in the high vibrations of love, joy and trust. Fear, skepticism, guilt, resentment, control still reside with me from time to time, but now I pay attention to those feelings and my mantra: “I have a choice. I have been given free will.” I can choose my own thoughts over thoughts that aren’t mine. Noticing this inner voice was a breakthrough for me. Carolyn helped me with rephrasing my words when tricky situations came up with a family member. She taught me that 1) taking care of my needs and well-being is not selfish 2) I can not change other people to be kinder or more understanding 3) implementing boundaries is not only crucial but safe and compassionate. Carolyn’s guidance into the spiritual world is fascinating, vast and stunning. It was eye opening and means so much to me, knowing, that a fragment of the Divine is within me and everybody else. Thank you Carolyn, your guiding light, passion, wisdom and insightfulness has brought me so much inner peace and confidence.


Pick up your free guide on how to live judgment-free so you can experience inner calm, gain clarity and love at the deepest part of your soul. 



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