Your Higher Purpose for Being Here

Your Higher Purpose for Being Here

When you think of purpose, most people think “what am I supposed to DO with my life”? What you believe you’re meant to be doing is your outer purpose. It’s living the actions you take in a career, calling or what you perform in the roles you currently occupy.

Your inner purpose asks “who AM I meant to become in order to live the life I envision?”

Who you are as a human being is led by and sculpts your character as an evolving soul and is sparked by all the ways you feel most alive. What brings you joy, meaning, and connection? These lead to your inner purpose.

It’s a sense of being called towards something meaningful or drawn to someone where you feel an authentic soul connection you can grow from.

Your inner purpose (being) is the compass for your outer purpose (doing).

Being Guided from Within

Have you ever worked really hard at something, got the results you wanted, but something still felt missing or wasn’t quite how you envisioned you’d feel?

Being courageous enough to go after what really touches our soul is the road less traveled. 

It’s not that we won’t face challenges, difficult times, or struggle, but if these hardships don’t lead to your experience of an amazing life, then it’s a great opportunity to dig a little deeper.

What can help is taking a good hard look at how you live the values that encompass the divine part of your soul: truth, beauty, and goodness.

  • Are you living true to yourself?
  • Are you living from the beauty of what you are drawn towards – even if it’s outside the crowd?
  • Are you living from the goodness of your highest self with the people you love and serve?

Every way you are internally is what moves you towards the external life of your dreams.

If you’re feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or like something feels missing – you may not have quietly connected with your own sense of inner purpose.

You’re aiming for a feeling of alignment  – it doesn’t just feel good, it feels resonant. There’s a feeling of AWE when you living from your purpose.

It’s literally a vibration you’re holding that’s aligned with you, and the higher part of you that IS true, beautiful and good. You know and trust it from your experience.

As you venture inward towards your own most resonant vibe, you’ll begin noticing signs and synchronicities that after a while become ridiculously frequent. It’s a nudge from your spiritual guides that you’re on the right – the ‘light’ path or as Gabrielle Bernstein says “the Universe has your back”.

Some examples are finding the exact right thing in the moment you need it. You’ll be thinking “wow – that was strangely handy!” Little things, big things, and unbelievable things will come your way in perfect divine timing.

You’ll happen to bump into someone you were just thinking of or they call you.  You surprisingly receive exactly what you need without seemingly doing anything to get it.

It’s like your internal vibrational signature is creating external experiences that show up to reflect yourself.

These ‘magical moments’ are validation you’re living your inner purpose.

There’s a grounded, visceral sense of bliss, gratitude, and experience that you are deeply loved.

We don’t just have an inner purpose and outer purpose – we also have a universal purpose.

The Universal Purpose

We are here for one thing: to learn to love one another and have the experience of soul growth towards higher and higher ‘perfection’.  Divine love that is both unconditional and non-judgmental is the experience we’re seeking.

Here’s how one celestial teacher describes divine love:

“When you experience a tender moment with someone who you really love because of their unconditional love, kindness, patience, non-judgmental acceptance for who you are and what you believe—someone who is there for you, who has helped you through a trial in life or has taught you how to overcome and rise above the confusion of the world. 

It is in these ones that you hold so dearly in your heart that the divine signature is made manifest to you.  They have opened themselves to the channel of divinity and have let it flow through them and out into the world.  When you sincerely say, I love you with heartfelt reverence to some person, you are acknowledging the experience of divine love coming through that person and into you.”

~Opheilus & the Circle of 7

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, and this is our playground to figure it out – to experience what it means to love and be loved, and lead our lives from here.

You carry a divine fragment that is the very essence of divine love. It is often referred to by many names that first begins with recognizing your intuition.

This “6th sense” evolves to understanding you have a ‘higher self’ separate from your own voice. It’s been called by different names: your inner pilot light, divine fragment, mystery monitor, and a new term I really like: your Cosmic Compass!

I grew up on a street called Cosmic when I turned 11. One of my favourite spiritual sources of revelation is the 196 Papers of the Urantia Book, which I discovered in 2011. I was guided here after repeatedly seeing the prompt 11:11.

It was at a time when I really beginning to recognize how both “seeing is believing” AND “believing is seeing” provided a far more complete picture of reality.

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”. “Hebrews 11:1

Here’s how the Urantia Book elaborates on the importance of faith:

“Genuine spiritual faith (true moral consciousness) is revealed in that it:

  • Generates profound courage and confidence despite natural adversity and physical calamity.
  • Maintains a mysterious poise and composure of personality in the face of maltreatment and the rankest injustice.
  • Contributes to the continued survival of altruism in spite of human selfishness, social antagonisms, industrial greeds, and political maladjustments.” (Paper 101:3)

Where Science Meets Spirituality

The Urantia book includes the cosmology and spiritual history of our planet and the universe describing all the religions that were around ~2,000 years ago including a lot of missing details about the life of Jesus.

I’m waiting for the astrophysicists (especially Neil deGrasse Tyson) to discover it’s contents and compare notes because you can integrate both science and spirituality into your own truth.

“We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.”
~Neil deGrasse Tyson
Our ‘Cosmic Compass” is the ‘whole universe’ living within us because it an actual fragment of the divine Creator. We are indeed part of a bigger whole, and that bigger whole is a part of you.

The creator of the Star Trek series, Gene Roddenberry was a student of the Urantia Book.

The idea of the ‘prime directive’ that required “non-interference” by any Star Trek fleet member when they visited other worlds was inspired by the Urantia Book.

The idea of “non-interference” is a key understanding of spirituality. Spirit cannot impose their will on us, and will not interfere with what we choose. It’s the red flag of what can make religion a huge problem – indoctrination.

True spirituality doesn’t interfere with you thinking for yourself – and encourages you to ask, and seek truth so you can choose what to believe that makes sense, and resonates with your experience.

There’s an overriding reason the answers or solutions to our personal, and global issues aren’t handed to us on a silver platter. We have our lessons to learn, experiences and mistakes to grow from, and total freedom to explore given that were born ‘imperfect’ (not sinful) by design.

Non-interference of our free will is a universal law

We are responsible for what we create individually and collectively. You reap what you sow –  on a path of light or darkness. It is not that you will be punished for your errors, flaws or shortcomings, but your choices reflect a vibration that creates your reality.

There’s a responsibility we each carry for our choices for ourselves and others.

If you choose a spirit poison like ‘pride’ or ‘hate’ that comes from your ego and rejects compassion – this quality creates its own consequences within your inner purpose of growing your character.

You contribute to the bigger whole – this is how we are all connected, and part of a universal purpose or a “Great Plan”.

Our World Today

This global pandemic has forced many of us to stay home, slow down away from all the doing as we face a new reality going forward. We have an opportunity to see our priorities more clearly.

What isn’t aligned within so many of us – brutality, prejudice, and injustice is no longer acceptable because this deeper part of us is speaking louder.

When death feels closer, life feels more fragile. Our standards light up and need to be heard.

Walls of tolerating what isn’t OK crash down when we go within into our own stillness.

Collectively when this happens, BIG shifts occur in human consciousness.

Many people who are going through the early stages of the awakening process are no longer certain what their outer purpose is. Seeing the madness of our civilization so clearly, they feel somewhat alienated from the culture around them. Some feel that they inhabit a no-man’s-land between two worlds. Inner and outer purpose have not merged. ~Ekhart Tolle

Our journey is to merge our inner, and outer purpose while we fulfill the universal purpose of what it means to love the way we are loved by our Cosmic Compass (which is…and this took me by surprise: our true soul-mate).

We know that the only way you can really love someone is to first love yourself, and that comes from connecting with your divine self within you that loves you without judgment.

It can take our entire lifetime and beyond to learn to love ourselves unconditionally, but once you get a taste of this here – it’s the same love that comes back to you.  That’s how your soul seeks grow to fulfill an outer purpose is aligned with your inner purpose.