Your Incredibly Creative Soul…
Everybody has a creative soul. In fact, it is the storehouse for your creativity.
I did not grow up thinking I was creative – at all. I had mistakenly associated creativity with something only more artistic people who had talent could do. Painters, dancers, film makers, story tellers…you know those people : )
When my twin girls auditioned and got accepted into a musical theatre program in high school (an hour commute!), I was thrilled for them, and a little panicked.
I had no idea how to support what I assumed was an ‘arts approach’ to education, and I wasn’t ready for the idea of them traveling downtown on public transit at 14.
I had to remind myself I took public transit for an hour commute when my mother decided attending a private all-girls high school at 14 was better for my education.
The Artist’s Way
That’s when I remembered a book collecting dust on my shelf called “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron & figured it might be valuable now!
It was one of many synchronicities to remind me that you have exactly what you need in mysterious ways.
It turned out to be a 12-week course on how to get out of your own way by following a spiritual path to higher creativity. I couldn’t believe this book had been there all along just waiting for me to be ready.
I completely devoured it. Did the exercises, tasks, journaled. It was a big missing piece I was seeking:
Everybody possesses a creative soul and it comes from our spiritual nature!!
For you to become a creative soul and get creative ideas need space. A deep PAUSE is required away from the external noise in our busy minds. The creative process connects you to your spiritual ‘well within’ filled with ‘living water’ that never runs dry.
Your Divine Fragment
There is a part of everyone that’s creative. I call it your Cosmic Compass. It’s also known as your mystery monitor. Others call it your intuition, higher self, divine self, or pilot light.
When the pandemic hit, and all my children were back home, their creative juices of these spiritual seeds I’d been doing my best to plant – began sprouting!
I wanted them to follow their own sense of purpose and somehow help elevate the consciousness knowing that each of us is a divine part of our collective reality.
It had to come naturally from within their creative soul.
I’ve been sharing shorter spiritual lessons with them to help remind them of their creativity this summer..
Compose yourself, clear your mind. Don’t think about anything. Don’t think about not thinking. I like to use the example of the water in the glass. The more you try to calm the water, the more it is stirred. Just allow it to fall into the bottom and come to rest naturally, and you will find that there is a stillness which has great vitality. Those who can find meaning in the empty spaces are truly on the right path. – Will
I explain how when we try to control something that’s bothering us, the more resistance you will get, and it will become an uphill battle. The space of stillness creates flow when they are calm. Insights show up here.
There is a light they can find that will have them experiencing signs and synchronicities.
It’s not only signs like the 11:11 time prompts to confirm they are on the right path and surrounded by unseen guidance, but creative ideas that can arrive inconveniently in the middle of the night.
Awake at Night..
Music for a song will suddenly pop into my daughter Leah’s mind at 3 a.m., and she has to get up and write it down. It’s the same way ideas show up for my writing – smack in the middle of the night!
There really is a part of you waiting to connect within that is FULL of insights you want to know about, and ideas you’re looking for.
It can happen watching the sunrise. With journals in hand, this early morning of stillness witnessing the beauty of nature is perfect for creative flow.
I’m a big believer in listening and following the yearnings of your soul. Where a will exists to make a genuine difference in whatever creative way feels right for you – a way will show up!
I wanted to share some “results”, which I think of more as “outcomes” of how creativity flows from your soul that my children have been creating this summer.
We often only see the ‘end result’ without understanding the process of what went on all along…that’s the silent journey of your soul.
Leah – an aspiring Composer
When Covid hit, she and her sister decided to watch every Disney Princess movie in order from the beginning..her twin sister Makayla suggested she create a medley out of the Princess songs.
Leah arranged a duet by ear arranging each piece and teaching her sister one by one.
It was hard not to notice the evolution of Snow White waiting passively with “Someday My Prince Will Come” in 1937 to the independent, adventurer of Moana’s “How Far I’ll Go” as she set sail across the ocean in 2016.
That led to a Disney Villain’s medley, and a you tube channel – she’s nearly done another medley!
In elementary school, Leah wanted to quit piano after discovering the guitar. She was composing music since grade 7, so I encouraged her to keep taking lessons, but cut back on how often to make space for the guitar.
It was her decision, but she’s grateful I explained how piano is helpful if she wants to continue composing music (find their WHY)!
I encouraged them to play whatever they wanted (whatever lit up their soul) and the nuts and bolts of the Royal Conservatory Program was secondary to whatever grade they wanted to pursue. Grade 4 and 5 were plenty, and playing for their own enjoyment now remains.
Although technically it would have given them stronger theory – the emphasis on JOY mattered more. We all need to find this balance in our lives between our inner JOY, and the results we want.
Let your JOY lead, and you will not be disappointed.
My intention was my children appreciating & playing music they loved. It manifested itself by trusting what felt right inside of me. Listen to that voice of truth…nagging them to practice didn’t feel good so I didn’t do that.
Instead of “you must practice” that would stress me out, I would say “just notice that when you practice, you’ll get better!” Their own style of music drew them in.
Performing in a recital every year gave them the discipline to start, master and share at least one piece. The smallest things done consistently sparked by joy is enough for a lifetime of results.
Makayla – an aspiring Film Maker
Makayla has loved taking photos since elementary school. Soon she was talking about how she’d get pictures in her mind with a story, and got very interested in filming. She would put our family vacations into a video with music.
Here’s her short film experimenting this summer with new software. Inner Critic Will Show Up
She was SO excited when the idea of this next shorter video “Hidden Potential” showed up vividly in her mind, but by the time she was done, she was so disappointed with it!
She was reluctant to show me after SO much hard work (“It sucks! I hate it!” ), so I reassured her that your inner critic as a perfectionist (her type #1 on the enneagram) is going to rear its ugly head.
I shared that the creative process really bumps up against our limiting beliefs when you want to release your work. It’s never going to feel ‘good enough’. It’s accepting this is a common feeling, and keep going anyway.
This one reminded me to create shorter articles! told her how many authors I’ve heard say after their book is published STILL have that feeling of wanting to edit it! But they have to let it go, that “done is better than perfect”.
I shared that when I’m about to post anything I’ve written, I hear a voice come in to say “is this worth sharing? It’s WAY too long? Does anyone care about this?!”
It’s why I’m so thankful if you’ve got this far…
I explained that I get SO many writing ideas that don’t see the light of day. I remind her and me that this is how the creative process goes. It’s like your inner critic is battling it out with your soul who keeps saying trust and go!
When I’m in the stillness of my own mind, everything seems to flow in so easily. It’s a practice to go here. I’ve always had a very active mind around people, stories, and diving deep into ‘what’s underneath’.
But the moment I attempt to form my ideas into a written piece – holy geez, that critical voice jumps into the picture.
I can hear whole books being written in my mind at 4 am, when I’m in my ‘theta or alpha’ state of consciousness (closer to my soul), but pulling it together in my conscious ‘beta’ state with all the outer noise still gets tricky.
It’s why I joined the 5 a.m. club : )
Josh – a Website Creator with a Vision
My son Josh has been working on a website for students. He taught himself how to use WordPress. He has a vision to give students trying to choose their post-secondary education school and program – the authentic student experience.
It’s what I wish I knew to help me choose!
Our neighbour hired him to create his website from scratch (a dentist!) That money he’s using to support his website. This is what I mean by flow.
Encourage them follow their soul passions – it will keep leading them in their highest direction.
With all of us working creatively at home it’s been a reminder that the best things in life are FREE.
Listening, supporting, and cheering each other on is free.
The connection with our children as they delight in their own creations and want to invite you into the process is free.
The time we spend together talking about our day over meals – free.
Watching your kids collaborate, and support each other – free. (Makayla gave Josh her film clip of the sunrise to use on his website. He helps us all with tech. and media stuff! Leah creates the music & edits the sound for Makayla’s films. Makayla films Leah’s videos.)
Learning from free Mindvalley masterclasses
Journaling – free.
Watching the sunrise, and that feeling that wakes up inside of you – free.
The creative soul path is FREE, and the most valuable.
Connecting to Your Divine fragment every morning – free.
Our ability to create our life exactly the way we desire comes down to you connecting with that “all powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present” tiny invisible piece that lives inside your mind, and is evolving your soul.
Whenever you get an idea out of nowhere – do you wonder where it came from? You may think you thought of it, but who is ‘you’ exactly?
Getting onto the inner journey of understanding my soul meant discovering who I AM. When I keep stepping into this place of allowing my soul to be led by a divine fragment of the Creator – everything in my life seems to flow forward in this amazing positive direction – in the most magical of ways.
When you start planting seeds for your soul, you will see the ‘fruits’ coming through creatively, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think “wow – you’re so talented”.
Then you realize everyone has untapped talent when you go within to connect with your creative spark.
When you practice what brings you joy, you’ll discover your talent.
All it takes is a little inner pause to remember who you are as a creative soul.