Why Care For Your Soul? Wisdom from Sedona & Beyond

I grabbed ‘Care of the Soul’ by Thomas Moore from my pile of books to read for our recent family trip to Sedona.

Thomas starts with..

“The great malady of the 20th century, implicated in all our troubles and affecting us individually and socially, is loss of soul.”

I’ve been savouring the chapters as you might a fantastic glass of wine. When words hold that quality you can’t describe, you know it’s touching into a part of you that is now waking up.

It’s what felt missing in my life over a decade ago  – the importance of soul development.

The concept of your soul is difficult to grasp even in the softer world of life coaching.

It wasn’t until earlier this year that ‘soul relationship coach’ finally felt like the right description for how I work with clients these days.

I help them reconnect with this part of them that was lost to tackle whatever challenges, stresses, and issues they are facing, especially in their relationships.

Soul relationship work is the core of what I’ve noticed creates wonders in our lives.

I was raised to approach life with “here’s the problem, and here’s how you fix it. DO that, and all will be well.” It worked for a good part of my life, and it’s still my ‘go to method’ for some things.

But we, in our relationships don’t work this way.  It’s closer to ‘soul practice creates perfection’ and less about ‘try this practical solution’.

Soul work is about planting seeds, readiness, seeking, and curiosity. Transformation happens the way nature unfolds – miraculously.

Suddenly the flower is there, but all along it needed nourishment.

We all have different lessons with our own soul answers.

It’s hard to care for our soul when most of us have difficulty defining what our soul even is.

So, what is the Soul?

The soul is the energetic loving essence of our true self that’s eternal. It’s the part of you that is accumulating valuable life experiences needed for your spiritual growth, and ascension career.

There’s an eternal life beyond this one that as an ascendant soul being you are moving along!

It matters how your soul evolves here because your experiences form what you will carry on your path forward.

We encompass different energies – mental, emotional, physical, but it’s our spiritual energy that is the most important aspect of ourselves, and our greatest internal power.

When you pay attention to your soul, you’ll notice it longing for the things you cannot quite put your finger on: purpose, serenity, bliss, love.

It’s these intangibles in our material driven world that are critical to our overall health, and well-being.

If you struggle with finding meaning in your days, or don’t heal the wounds that show up in this lifetime, it can affect your soul’s progress.

We develop ‘unresolved energies’ or ‘unfinished business’ that manifest as stress, pain, and drama that will need to be cleared one way or another often in the form of forgiveness or releasing judgment.

A Soul Compass

There’s guidance to experience what lights up our soul known as the “Trinity of Being” – Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

I first learned of this concept from a group of celestial teachers in 2010 known as “The Circle of Seven”. Yes, invisible beings – I had to practice stretching my own faith back then!

I was guided to their messages after finally following the sign “11:11” that showed up too many times to ignore. (As I typed that, I see the word count is 1111..keep writing, they whisper).

The Trinity of Being provides a compass for soul progression where you will start to reflect the perfection of your Divine nature.

In a very real way, your outer world will start reflecting this inner map of:

Truth, Beauty and Goodness

The Circle of Seven describe this Trinity as follows:

Truth will become ever more apparent and the understanding of it will become clearer and more defined..your spiritual ears will develop; you will hear the voice of your indwelling with greater clarity; and you will learn to trust your intuition when unseen guidance points the way.”

Beauty. “With respect for body, mind, and soul, you will become more beautiful in every way..your very aura will shine with greater luminosity. Your personality will become magnetic, and your fellows will be drawn to this inner beauty..

You will acquire a new appreciation for all things beautiful: nature, art, music, poetry, philosophy, and other virtuous expressions of higher human consciousness.”

“Goodness will be the banner of your presence..You will communicate the goodness of the Father to others by becoming a living example of His unconditional love. Goodness and love freely given will be reflected back unto you..

Gentleness, humility, and self control will transform the nature of self from what you were, to what you will become as God purifies the soul through the building of strong character.”

Truth, Beauty, and Goodness is the Trinity of Being and becomes the very embodiment and reflectivity of God likeness.”

~The Circle of Seven

A Few Examples

One of my clients, Jodi is a photographer whose ability to capture precious moments comes from an essence of her soul that embodies this Trinity. It’s unmistakable when you know her deeply.

You hear it in the richness of her testimonials:

“You have such an incredible ability to capture the MAGIC. I’m actually speechless about how organic and beautiful these images are. These are exactly what we were envisioning. Thank you thank you thank you for being YOU! We love you!”

Can you think of someone you know who brings something so entrancing that it takes you to a place that feels almost surreal?

That’s a part of their soul connecting with yours.

My dear friend Sonali is another example where I can feel this essence in her paintings, and through her beautiful friendship.

Her process of painting includes visualization where she can feel the colours, and see the images while experimenting with different techniques on a canvas.

What pictures come to mind when you imagine being connected to your truth, beauty, and goodness?

Final example. When my children were young, they would ask me to read certain stories over and over. I often wondered “what exactly is it about this book”?

Here’s one such story:

\"\"The illustrations initially felt dark, and gloomy to me, and frankly kind of scary! It appears to be an adventure a mischievous young boy takes, but children somehow know it’s really a story about unconditional love.

We’re mysteriously drawn inwards to the “peace that surpasses all understanding”.  We don’t know what we don’t know, but we also know what we don’t know : )

We all have the Trinity of Being waiting to be lit up. It takes soul practices to co-create the brand of magic you’re looking to experience.

A New Trinity Teacher!

I had a very ‘spiritually active’ summer where I’ve had to take time to process, and reflect. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming!

We are officially entering the beginning stages of what’s called “Light and Life”.  It means we all have greater access to connect with our soul because certain circuits that were damaged long long ago from a certain Rebellion are now repaired.

It’s been part of the reason our world is in such disarray.

A new celestial teacher named Uteah arrived to confirm some key events.  She is of a higher order known as “Trinity Teachers”, and is consequently available to anyone who calls on her at any time.

She is part of what I call the spirit of “Christ Consciousness”, and confirms that we indeed hold within us a storehouse of pure love essence.  That it resides in a fragment of the Creator we each have that is a love yet unknown to us.

She says it’s a “Sacred Space between your decisions and actions – before your reactions.” Loved that!

Do you recognize this part of you that has learned not to react personally, but pauses to stay in the light of who you are? This is your sacred space.

Your Soul Seeks Aliveness

  • Reach for 10 minutes of inner stillness instead of 10 minutes of the outer news reels.
  • Have a face to face conversation instead of posting on facebook.
  • Take time to listen without judgment, and stand courageously in your truth.
  • Avoid letting your mind blame, and complain to find that sacred space.
  • Notice when your ego has hi-jacked your mind – it will feel out of alignment with your truth, beauty, and goodness.

When more attention is paid to ourselves as a “spiritual being having a human experience”, you will foster your soul’s evolution, discover your sacred space, and life will keep unfolding in ways you imagined it was meant to be all along.

A Sedona Couple’s Soul Adventure

Part of my soul development this summer included celebrating that my hubby and I both turn the half century mark this year.  OMG 50. I’m pausing to take this in.

We decided to do an intensive couple’s soul adventure in Sedona. Ok, it was my idea, but my hubby was a willing participant. It takes serious soul practice when it comes to marriage!

Here are the main areas we explored:

  • Byron Katie’s “The Work” – uncovering the places where we hold judgments of each other, and turning them around
  • Soul Communication – heartfelt soul talks to take our communication to new levels
  • The Enneagram – Discovering how our soul personality types interact with each other
  • Breath Work – a new practice that had me feeling strong vibrations in my body!
  • Clearing Karmic energies – letting go of past life memories, and other energies that weren’t serving me

Our trip included spending time with our 3 precious souls. Bittersweet with my son now in first year University, and on that road to independence.

New truths were discovered. Stunning beauty took our breath away. The goodness of family filled our trip with laughter, connection, and excitement of new experiences..

My husband’s JOY? Successfully driving our rental SUV off-road over seriously rocky terrain. We each have our own soul adventure : )

I came back from Sedona a little wiser, softer, and in awe of the overpowering sense of “soulfulness” there.

How will you explore your soul today?

If you have questions or are interested in the different ways you can connect with your soul, please contact Carolyn at carolyn@carolynhidalgo.com to set up a free consultation.