What is Love Really?

Are you still figuring out this thing called love?
Love can be the most complicated and the most exquisite experience of our lives.
The soul is a piece of this puzzle, and of course our Spirit.
Some wisdom I’ve learned so far about the most one of the most important questions ever — what is love?
I used to hear how you have to love yourself before you can ever really experience love.
What could “I love you” mean if you don’t love yourself first?
It sounded logical, but I still didn’t understand how you could love yourself since you are you – unless there were 2 of you…
That was before I discovered I was a “spiritual being having a human experience not a human being having a spiritual experience.”
Me being spiritual means I am carrying a divine fragment of Spirit within my mind so there really is “2 of me” here!
Who AM I includes what was given to humanity over 2,000 years ago …  the “Kingdom of Heaven is within you”.
It was the awareness that changed everything for me.
God is the higher ideal of divine LOVE that’s already part of you. You are LOVED already, but to feel & know this love, we have to go within and harness this connection.
Here’s a profound Lesson on Love:
The Infinity of Love
If you picture in your mind the symbol used to represent infinity — a figure eight on its side — you’ll see that when you write this symbol, it contains two semi-circles enjoined, having no end, but which also contains an intersection where the two semi-circles meet.
This is the cycle of eternity where the infinite and the finite meet, where God reaches down to man and where man reaches up to God.

This is also how the River of Life flows from paradise to the worlds of time and space, and back again, in an endless procession, and in an endless exchange of love — the perfect love of the Creator for His children and the perfecting love of His children for the Creator.
It is difficult for your imperfect, finite mind to understand this infinity of love. You may understand how to feel it another person, a child, a parent, a spouse, a friend, but how do we understand how to love our Creator Father when He seems so far away from us, so intangible, untouchable?
How do we really know if we love Him, and how do we know if it is reciprocated by Him? The answers to these questions, my friends, are relativities to our understanding of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.
This infinity of love is something that becomes more real to you as you ascend by faith and as you bridge the gap with your Adjuster through the living experience of doing the Will of God — by allowing the exchange of this powerful emotion to flow in both directions.
With love, there is trust, and this trust only comes with increased communication, with loyalty, and with devotion. When we reach out in faith to our heavenly Father with childlike affection, we trust that we are secure in our standing, and that we shall achieve the prize of God-like perfection through our father-like actions.
When we show kindness, mercy, and tolerance of imperfection to our brothers and sisters, and on into each succeeding life station in our journey toward paradise, we will finally understand the infinity of love, where the intersection of imperfect love becomes perfected love, and where we receive the embrace of the Universal Father.
The value of knowing perfect love is not in the achievement of intersection, but in the journey — the astonishment, the struggles, the triumphs, the joy of adventure, and the discovery of what it means to know and to do the Will of the Creator — to be participants and partakers in the creation of the cosmos and the realities of sublime grandeur.
Those children whose parents were deficient in providing this most basic of spiritual needs may find it difficult to express it as a growing adolescent and then adult.
Love IS a spiritual reality and because your cultures and societal memes separate spiritual realities from material realities and give emphasis to the “seen” while dismissing the “unseen,” there are myriad interpretations of what it actually is.
A child may be “loved” by its parents, but only to the degree that the parents understand what it is. Some adults believe that by providing only material needs to a child is to “love,” and so the child perceives the security of its parents by having its physical needs met yet is missing the deeper spiritual significance of true nurturing.
It is the dysfunctions of this understanding of love, or the absence of it, that confuses so many and creates this false sense of self-hood—a disconnected spirit—a separation from God (reality), and so the ego compensates for the absence of this emotion and attempts to protect the heart by making the self “important.”
This is why we need to have affection towards everyone on this planet, for it is not only in alignment with the Will of God, but it is the one thing that draws the soul into unity with God. To move a whole planet into “Light and Life” requires a greater understanding of love by all its inhabitants.
To love is to understand—to understand is to know the character of God—to know His character is to “be” the light of love to others.
~Opheilus and the Circle of Seven.
Your true “soul-mate” is this divine part of you – your eternal partner that leads you to real love and for me is the true meaning of “loving yourself“.
“Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world. Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.”
~Christ Michael (Jesus) speaking to John after he’d arisen.
“Seek after those values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness (Trinity of Being) in your life experiences, for Truth is Love, Beauty is Creative, and Goodness is the Will of the Creator.”
~Ophelius & the Circle of 7
Discovering within what is true for you, beautiful for you and good for you will lead you back to the love that is seeking you.

Explore and experience your soul’s expression of love with Carolyn’s Professional Soul Coaching