What Gratitude is Really All About..

We’re all familiar with the idea of giving thanks, but feeling gratitude is a more powerful creative force than you may realize.

Gratitude reflects a spiritual law that pervades our universe:

What you give comes back. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow.

We can easily say thanks and believe we should be thankful given what we have – a roof over our head, great food, our health, education, and surrounding friends and family.

But feeling grateful after the fact is really just an acknowledgment of what’s already been given that you appreciate.

To practice gratitude requires being pro-active not just reactive.

Gratitude flows from a Source within us that holds the key to creating those experiences in the first place.

I call it working from the inside out (co-creating with your unique divinity), instead of the outside in (responding positively to what’s already happened).

Being in gratitude is one of the ways you can create what you want. It’s an energy you are holding vibrationally that says “I feel good with who I am and what I have”.

Living in gratitude requires bringing your inner light to your life areas, and in service to others.

I’m remembering a song I grew up with… “You Light Up My Life”…it was one of the few simple songs musically that I could play on the piano!

“And you light up my life
You give me hope to carry on
You light up my days
And fill my nights with song
Rollin’ at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I’m turning for home
Finally, a chance to say, “Hey, I love you”
Never again to be all alone”
~Joe Brooks


Love songs can bring up thoughts and feelings about the kind of love you’re seeking out there from someone, but this love is already within you.

I call these “thought adjuster songs” or “divine fragment” songs because you can substitute listening to seeking love from the outside to seeking love from the inside.

See if you can discover the love songs that resonated for you from your past, and you will re-connect to the love within you.

You are loved. You are never alone. You are already home.

When you feel this kind of gratitude for the true essence of love that you are, you can give from this part of you. What comes back will be the same energy in many forms.

It applies to all the little things in every area of your life.

Your Home

If you put loving energy into the care of your home (as opposed to complaining about all the things that aren’t the way they should be) – what comes back is that feeling of “home being where the heart is”.

It’s most noticeable when you return from a trip and your home space gives you that warm, familiar unmistakable comfort. You literally feel thankful to be home!

Because you’d already given your light of love to this space, now you’re simply returning back to that energy.

Notice how different this feels compared to simply feeling gratitude that you have a house that provides a roof over your head.

Your Body

When you take care to mindfully put food into your body & give it the exercise it needs to thrive – your body will respond to function in all the ways you want.

You then feel gratitude for how you cared for your body, and what it allows you do movement-wise! You feel amazing IN your body.

Giving respect and care to your body as opposed to judging it for how it’s not is the secret to feeling grateful for whatever shape your body holds. How often do you think good thoughts about your body?

Can you look in the mirror without any clothes and honestly say “I love my body”. It’s very hard to feel gratitude for your body if you don’t love it already.


The more you love and feel grateful in your body, the more your body naturally responds to intimacy. Loving yourself where you feel aligned in your own light – at ease in your own skin means everything flows . It’s the greatest turn on for that special someone you give your love to.

Your Mind and Soul

Your mind needs stimulation of what’s true, beautiful and good according to you so you feel alive in your soul.

What are you nourishing your mind with every day?

How often do you spend time in the beauty of nature to lift your soul? This 10 minute  talk on gratitude is a great reminder of our connection to Nature’s beauty and the human connection that fills your soul.

Are you paying attention to who and what you allow into your field?

The quality of the media you plug into, what you read, and the people you hang out with, all make a difference to how you experience gratitude.

Just having enough is not enough and life is not about having more.

You know people with very little who are grateful for so much, and those with so much who can’t seem to find gratitude for what they have.

Gratitude is about tapping into a feeling of thankfulness you carry no matter how much you have or what conditions you face.

By giving to YOU – YOU are receiving from within. This affects your soul’s vibration, and what comes back.

Giving and receiving within our mind, body and spirit affects our home space, friends, family, and health.

Feeling gratitude is really about you giving from a grateful you.

When I can give from the place of a grateful loving heart, what comes back will feel remarkable, and will be more than enough.