What Do You Really Want to Experience?

Have you ever stopped to consider what you really, I mean REALLY want and experience — not what you think you should want? Your deepest desires, what makes your heart sing, the experiences you long for in your soul? Is even wanting this not practical, or realistic? Too much work to contemplate? Can’t have your cake and eat it too? What’s the point of having cake if you can’t eat it?

Things in themselves don’t make us happy. People don’t make us happy either. When you light up, and feel your passion radiating, your authentic emotions appear. There is no drama. Life flows. No fear, only love. You attract people who nourish, champion, and support your growth with no expectations, criticism, or judgment. When you become the change you want, the things, and people you want shows up to give you the experience of happiness.

Imagine there were no expectations of you, and you let go of your expectations of others. These are your ‘right ways’, and other people’s ‘right ways’ being projected onto you. Our mind grows up believing these ‘right things’ are what we should be, and want. Underneath is something deeper – what our soul yearns for without external influence. Understanding what you REALLY want requires you to break out of your box of the story you were born into. Our limiting beliefs dictate what’s possible to want, and we allow circumstances to hold us back. Notice the ‘shoulds’ in your mind. I should be…? You should be….Are they really true? Where did they come from? Let go of these, and ask yourself, ‘What experiences light me up? If money were no object, what would I choose to do? Dream big. Feel into the emotion of those experiences. Believe it, and only then will you see it. Move with the opportunities, and doors that open now you could not see before.

When Sean Patrick Simpson, founder of Alska Publishing in Australia contacted me out of the blue, I could feel the resonance in our first communication. I knew this was a doorway. I was working on getting published, and was offered another extremely similar opportunity to be published in a compilation book -these “coincidences” (there are none) are the “synchronicities” (there were many) that I know to pay attention to now. Click here for my first publication!

When you get clear on the experiences you want, your light attracts a similar energy. Become aware of the choices you are making. Do they honour YOUR values? Play outside your comfort zone. The only person responsible for your happiness is YOU, and you are not responsible for anyone else’s – they are. Happiness lives from within. An interesting thing happens..the people, and things who no longer resonate with what you REALLY want begin to fade (sometimes painfully)…your old story ends, and the story you want to manifest begins..