What Are You Manifesting?

I have exciting news. Along this journey of writing my first book: Authentic Connections: How Surrendering Criticism and Judgment Allows Love to Flow in Your Relationships, an incredible opportunity showed up to bring my message of non-judgment to an international audience through a compilation series. It’s something I have found myself doing ever since I got on this spiritual journey: manifesting the most unbelievable things! I share my story of how I manifest here:

I know that I manifested being part of this particular series with these amazing authors because of the way it all unfolded: effortlessly, and with synchroncities I can now recognize. Co-founder Sean Simpson of Älska Publishing in Australia (pronounced elsh-ka) contacted me at the exact time I was in my first author competition that included a remarkably similar opportunity to be part of a compilation book with best selling authors. I paid attention. That compilation opportunity materialized within weeks when I made it to the top 25 authors (thanks again for all of you who voted!), but I made a difficult decision to turn that book down to focus on this one to help share my message. After practice you will just FEEL it, and know what to do. (Btw, that competition led me to an even better author competition that I’m currently in!! Eckhart Tolle’s publisher is awarding the winning contract..more manifesting..)

In less than 6 months, I’m now published for the first time ever alongside international best selling spiritually minded authors Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Fred Alan Wolf (both from The Secret), and Brian Tracy (Business Leadership Coach & Speaker). Wow. Can you imagine if you could manifest the kinds of experiences you want, and they actually became your reality? It’s one incredible ride after the next in the direction you want to go!

Älska means ‘Love’, and founders Sarah Prout, and Sean Simpson have exuded authenticity, and love since we first connected. It has been pure joy working with them. Part of how I just ‘knew’. Every day people are able to manifest what they want, attract the kind of people they want surrounding them, and this new series has given us the opportunity to share our true stories of HOW we did it, and so can you!

The Adventures in Manifesting Online Hub is www.whatareyoumanifesting.com. Check it out! There’s a FREE Adventures in Manifesting Course and Community you’ll be able to join soon, and I’ll be part of it as well. Today around the world we are sharing this series together, and I’m getting a chance to connect personally with all the authors now too! You can see our bios here.

The official launch date is November 1, 2011, but stay tuned for a link where you can order a limited number of signed copies for a special price that includes taxes and shipping that will be available in October. It’s getting difficult to stay connected with hundreds of you that I am in touch with personally, so please type your email in the box below my photo on this page, and we’ll be able to stay in touch : ) So much is happening so quickly now, and I want to be able to share this journey with you as you have been a big part of it!

What are you Manifesting? It’s a powerful question. You may be pleasantly surprised as to what ways this question will initiate manifestations in your life. Would love your comments below. What are YOU manifesting today?

3 thoughts on “What Are You Manifesting?”

  1. I relaly like the habit of happiness’ idea. So true no matter part of life you are talking about!! Your spouse can’t make you happy that’s something you control.

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