Imagine: A Judgment-free World
We judge something (a choice, situation, object) as “good or bad” and “right or wrong” based on our own personal experience and beliefs to make decisions that are best for ourself, but judging someone as bad or wrong with contempt, disdain or scorn can have enormous destructive repercussions. When judging someone leads to controlling and condemning thoughts and/or behaviour you carry against another soul for not following your “right” or “good” way, it will end up backfiring against you.
We’ve all felt someone being controlling towards us or experienced the feeling of being judged. It’s like the freedom to show up authentically, think your own thoughts are being put into a cage someone else owns.
How about someone who belittles you by putting you down or ridiculing you? It could be anything you said or did, but goes against someone else’s “right way”resulting in a reaction of censure or disgust. There’s not only disagreement, but a need to put you on a lower plane from a sense of superiority.
We need to discern what’s right and wrong for ourselves, which is different than judging someone. Figuring out what’s right and wrong based on our own experiences to reach our own truth that works for us is necessary. This is the process of discernment. We make mistakes, and take mis-steps through life where we must take responsibility for what may turn out to be wrong or bad for ourselves, but that is each of our own lessons to learn and soul journey to take.
Judging someone involves taking a moral stance on what you believe is right and imposing your will to override another’s free will, justifying inappropriate control, power, or influence over their soul’s freedom to express themselves.
Freedom to be your true self so you can learn to trust your own inner voice is our God-given birthright, and can disappear where judgment is present.
How I Discovered What It Means to Judge Someone
When I found myself being judged (morally condemned) by a close friend, I was devastated, confused, and angry. I responded in defensiveness, feelings of resentment, and for the first time in my life, a deep sense of betrayal swept over me.
I blamed her for thinking in ways I considered to be the opposite of what a friendship means for me: trust and acceptance that someone has your back even if you disagree. Until that moment, I’d never felt hatred or ill will towards anyone so viscerally. I was in my early 40’s and of course had met people I didn’t respect, like or get along with, but THIS was different.
I had an epiphany when I realized what was causing my sense of betrayal, hate and scorn: I was judging her for judging me!
I couldn’t forgive her in this place and I was the one creating my own angst.
Many questions arose: what does it mean to judge someone? If you think someone is being judgmental, aren’t you judging them? Don’t we need to judge right from wrong?
The Confusion Around Judgment
The word judgment is described when you have a first impression of someone – good or bad. It’s been used to state a belief or hold an assumption. It’s also been used to make an assessment or draw a conclusion.
These are all ways to discern what’s right and wrong for ourselves, which is an important part of making healthy productive decisions.
What’s destructive when it comes to judgment happens when your ‘right view’ becomes “my way or the highway” for someone else. When you become morally opposed to someone because of their choices, then proceed to condemn, demonize, bully, control or attack them in your thoughts and actions.
The use of influence or power to demand, impose or require someone to follow your way disregarding how they feel or what they think creates a controlling space that breaks down our relationships.
It’s the feelings of contempt, disdain, disgust and scorn that accompany judgment where we despise, loathe or take personal offence to someone that causes separation, and irreconcilable differences.
These destructive emotions can lead to resentment and painful suffering. It’s the cause of so many unresolvable conflicts, grudges, and an inability to forgive someone.
Judging a person fosters controlling, condemning and entitled behavior with a need to be right. It can lead to cruel punishment we justify of those we judge — because “they” don’t fit into our version of what’s right for “us”.
The Difference Between Judgment and Criticism
Criticism attacks what you do and fosters guilt.
For example, judgment is “how could you be so stupid – what an idiot you are! Criticism is “what a stupid decision you made – what were you thinking?”
It can be a fine line, but judgment focuses on “being wrong”, while criticism focuses on “doing wrong”.
Both judgment and criticism can land as “what’s wrong with you?”. It’s an attacking energy that’s in opposition to our spiritual nature of kindness, compassion, and love. There’s no space for patience and understanding when someone is already wrong in your eyes.
Our world is overflowing with criticism and judgment, especially in the media, but also rampant throughout our systems of government, education, charities and even the justice system.
It starts in our homes and filters out into our communities. Entire countries are feeling divided by the overwhelming way people criticize and judge, creating a world of “us against them” to address major issues instead of the judgment-free spaces we desperately need to come together so we can really listen to all sides.
A New Paradigm for Human Interaction and Connection
We need to learn how to move away from “us versus them” thinking because it’s a divisive trap.
“Right” isn’t true – it’s subjective .. it’s simply what’s true for you!!
What’s right may be true for you and my right is true for me. Truth is in eye of the beholder – your own perception.
So there are 2 relative truths. This is what confuses people. We all have an agenda .. we all see world in way that makes sense to ourselves.
Can you sit with anyone and listen to their different truth without getting offended?
The field beyond right and wrong is that space when no matter what anyone says or does – you don’t feel offended. You may feel angry, disappointed, frustrated, sad – even hate, but offended means someone needs to be living according to your personal standard of what’s right for you. Where’s the freedom for them to learn and grow? Would you want others imposing their right onto you with control or force or would you prefer to discover what’s right for yourself?
Our narrow sense of what’s right can make someone else wrong fuelling judgmental energy instead of staying open, curious, and seeking to understand the choices other people make.
We are all living together on a planet each with a growing soul where we can become more “God-like” through our experiences together so we can live in peace, joy and have the adventure of a lifetime.
A Divine Connection We Share
We each carry a divine fragment of God within. The idea that “the Kingdom of God is within” connects us to something much bigger than ourselves.
We each have the opportunity to help evolve the collective consciousness by aligning our will with the light of God’s will through your lived experiences based on how you choose to think.
God is non-judgmental, compassionate, and merciful.
Being with someone without judgment when things go wrong or when we don’t agree can end the cycle of guilt, shame, and blame.
A Spiritual Practice
On some level, most of us understand it’s not OK to judge someone, but how does it apply in practice? It goes back to a Universal principle found in every major faith: the Golden Rule. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Who wants to feel judged? Yet we treat people to our judgment all the time and justify it.
The Serenity Prayer can be turned into a question and answer with those we are in conflict with to help release our criticism and judgment.
What do I need to accept that I cannot change in order to access serenity (a peace that surpasses all understanding)?
What can I change about myself or the situation (not the other person) that I need courage for?
Do I see the difference between what I must accept, and what is in my ability to change about someone?
Wake up in the morning, and before you get out of bed, meditate on these questions directing them to your still small voice of God within, and you will get the answers you need.
My vision is to inspire and empower individuals to create a world free from judgment and criticism—a world where every soul can rediscover the divine essence within. By releasing judgment, we unlock the profound freedom to see ourselves and others through the lens of compassion, understanding, and unconditional love.
The journey of letting go is not just about personal peace; it is a transformative path that leads to the awakening of your soul’s highest potential. As you embrace the practice of living judgment-free, you align with universal spiritual principles of truth, beauty and goodness that guide you back to your true divine self—a reflection of God’s love, wisdom, and creativity.
Together, we can cultivate a global community where authenticity, connection, and spiritual growth thrive. Our mission is to provide tools, teachings, practices, and community that help you navigate conflicts, heal relationships, and live in harmony with the inner Spirit that unites us all.
Our bird logo represents spiritual freedom—moving lightly through life, unburdened by judgment. As I awakened to this vision, swallows built nests in my front entrance. I would often hear their signature song outside my home office, and so often their deeper meaning has surrounded me. Just as the swallow soars effortlessly, those who release control and trust in divine flow discover an unseen power guiding them home to their highest truth.
Join us in creating a world we all deserve where freedom from judgment begins within, and the divine in you can shine it’s light for a truly wonderful life!