The Way We Lose Our Way & Guidance Back Home

I always wondered how people lose their way and how they could get guidance to return.

I used to believe that the opposite of the truth was a lie.

It was the way we lose our way.

If someone having a conflict was telling the truth, the other was presumably lying.

It was a trap so many of us fall into: If I am right, then you must be wrong. 

Yet the idea of “what isn’t true being a lie” is not necessarily true!

We tell our children from day 1 to “tell the truth”, and proceed to create an environment where they will lie to you. That is, until you discover it is how you show up that keeps them from sharing their truth.

When do any of us keep secrets? When we’re afraid of how someone will react with their negativity by judging us. If you don’t want to be attacked negatively, controlled or condemned, you will be motivated to remain quiet.

We don’t lie necessarily because we’ve done something wrong in our own eyes, but because of someone’s else’s version of wrong from their eyes. Who’s right is not the relevant question to get to the heart of any matter.

It’s “why are you seeing it that way? Can you please share more so I can understand you?”

There’s a space we slip into of “pro and anti” that’s like being in a dark room we create with very little light to see or hear the whole picture clearly.

It’s a very common place we need to move away from.

Get Guidance to Reach The Path  to Living True to Yourself

As I dove into seeking what was true in my own life, I began to see how this erroneous mindset of “duality” where we judge keeps you in a tight box of self-deception. We get lost and confused trying to find answers to solve problems, only to find we are the ones creating them.

“The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. 
Niels Bohr

The invisible forces that cause us to lose our way? The destructive force of judgment between people that creates “us against them” and effectively blocks our ability to see that we can have our own different versions of truth that may both be correct.

Truth becomes hidden in our separation, and better long term decisions for all of humanity get missed because we cannot find a unifying consciousness that is without judgment to hear one another.

Instead, there are the few who dominate and control the narrative for many.

Notice that this dynamic begins at home as parents with our children. It began when you were a child with your parents.

What doesn’t work as a parent? Trying to control your child with your agenda instead of creating a judgment-free space to make mistakes, and give guidance so a growing child can find their own unique way in the world.

We’ve Lost Our Way When It Comes to Our Health

It began decades ago…

There’s genetic and chemical engineering that’s been tampering with the nutrients in our soil and food supply.

It’s become an accepted way our agricultural systems works.  Herbicides (toxins), and experimental workings on both plants and animals are part of the “way it is” today even though we know it’s not healthy.

This video by Dr. Zach Bush provides the bigger picture, and helped me understand this pandemic and the role of this experimental vaccine – both the positive and the negative.

We know there are toxins in our food after glyphosate use exploded in 1996 when Monsanto introduced “Roundup Ready” crops. These genetically modified seeds were immune to glyphosate’s toxic effects. Herbicide is sprayed on the fields, and it only kills weeds, while the crops continued to grow.

It’s why you will look for “Non-GMO” (without genetic engineering) on food labels, and buy organic food when given the opportunity. There’s an inherent knowing that “nature knows best”.

Perhaps like us, you’re growing some veggies and visiting local farmer’s markets more often? I’ve begun soaking my fruits with baking soda to help remove any pesticides.

For years, I’ve tried to reduce the toxins in everything we consume from the laundry detergent to the shampoos, even the candles I burn.

When you think about how our immune system works, and what is going into our bodies, a bigger picture emerges. Autoimmune diseases have been on a sharp incline ever since toxins and chemical farming got introduced to our lives.

Our bodies don’t like foreign toxins, and must adapt somehow. Life has it’s own evolution, and we are bigger part of it than you may realize.

We all know someone with rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, type 1 diabetes, or multiple sclerosis. The increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases are closely associated with what we’ve allowed into our bodies over the past few decades.

It takes time to see long-term damage so whatever we decide to put into our system that may appear “safe and effective for all” today in the short-term is likely going to have unknown long term effects.

The question is – are these effects something you’re willing to risk creating? Does it have to be for everyone knowing there is going to be some damage given our history, knowledge, and what’s being suppressed?

Statistics for the Covid Vaccine

The media is filled with one dominant narrative right now that has many of us believing that the Covid vaccines is “one and only solution” to our health with this pandemic.

What is the real risk for you at your age with your health history of dying from Covid?

What about your children? Right now I’m facing a dilemma. Do my children take an experimental vaccine so they can attend their University classes now that it’s been mandated?

Do they stay home or take covid tests to attend some classes? It will be their decision in the end, but I’ve been educating them for years and they believe their own healthy immune system is best left alone to battle whatever shows up even the delta variant.

I had the ability to wait, and I know some people do not given their circumstances.

I’m looking for the long-term data before I rush into a short-term solution so I can help with the long-term impact. On Aug 26th this large study from Israel showed:

“the natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. People who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.”

We’ve known for the last century that for many infectious diseases, naturally acquired immunity is more powerful than vaccine-induced immunity and often lasts a lifetime.

We now know the effects of the vaccine wane over time so a 3rd booster, and after that? Will people just keep getting more shots for the rest of their lives?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about our mind, body and soul its that we barely know ourselves and what we’re capable of healing. Hypnosis and past life training taught me the power of your beliefs through the energy of your own thoughts and its vibrational frequency.

I’ve seen unbelievable miracles when it comes to our capacity to heal ourselves knowing that we are made up of energy. This is an entire field of medicine! It requires inner work, and a strong inner foundation.

Here’s What We Know Numberwise

Data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021, a total of 623,343 total adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for the Covid Vaccine, which includes 13,627 deaths, and 17,794 permanent disabilities.

So 31,421 people have voluntarily submitted data after getting this vaccine that they are now dead or permanently disabled. Yes, its “rare” given how many millions have not had the vaccine, but knowing this is what happens, deciding on this risk given a healthy child, don’t we deserve the freedom to choose what goes into your own body?

According to Government of Canada, there have been 16 children under the age of 19 who have died from Covid-19, and 68 from ages 20-29. I’m focused on age and death for my children in terms of their risk, but also for all children whose lives are ahead of them my heart is torn.

I’m faced with a mandated vaccine so my children can attend University at their ages 19, 19 and 21. Given these figures, would you not want the choice to say “no thank you”?

It is RARE for a child or young person to die from Covid, and it’s rare for a young person to die from the Covid Vaccine, but FEAR of death is what is now mandating a vaccine for all healthy people regardless of age, and their existing health.

Does that make sense to you? These are pieces that need to be questioned.

The WHO still does not recommend the vaccine for children under 18, and there’s rushed FDA approval for 12+ years?

The biggest problem is our hospitals being overrun with delta variant cases with insufficient resources to take care of all those needing hospital care. The vaccine is needed for some at high risk for sure.

But vaccinating everyone who have such low risk of serious injury or death with a “one size fits all”?

Why are we not assessing risk by age, and recommending appropriate measures? 

Why aren’t we using existing proven safe drugs (eg. ivermectin) and other treatments that are showing positive effects to both treat and prevent Covid?

Here’s a discussion on the case for ivermectin by Dr. John Campbell who supports the vaccine. I’ve heard many firsthand stories of this proven safe inexpensive drug working well for covid patients yet its been forbidden to prescribe?

We have so much conflicting information and can’t seem to find space to hear both sides from ALL the experts so how can the public even make a decision? I have heard multiple stories of success so using it with medical supervision just seems like common sense.

Until you look at the mainstream media…where the pro-anti confusion lives, and common sense isn’t so common.

Where are the basic recommendations to remind us to boost our natural immune system? Vitamin C & D (sunshine!), a probiotic, practices that reduce your stress, eating healthy and exercising all boost what we naturally carry around.

How do we believe so easily that a manufactured vaccine is the one and only solution for everyone instead of what we know to be true with our inherent immune system?

FEAR can be a powerful motivator down a dark hole.

This doesn’t mean the vaccine isn’t necessary for those who are older, at high risk for severe symptoms and death, but I believe we’ve forgotten about the power of LOVE we hold within ourselves.

Our Present Situation

I’ve been listening and watching in disbelief as courageous scientists, MDs, virologists, immunologists, microbiologists with decades of experience and extensive credentials share their concerns about the Covid Vaccine, and what else we can also be doing.

I am shocked at how fear in our global media can create one dominant narrative to condemn (judge) and silence reasonable questioning on the other side.

When Dr. Francis Christian, a Saskatchewan surgeon and professor was fired after he tried to alert his colleagues to the risks of the vaccine for children, I honestly felt like we’re going backwards in time.

Why would anyone share their thoughts in this kind of crippling environment?

I’m so thankful for those who do. Here’s Dr. Ryan Cole a Pathologist, trained at Mayo Clinic sharing his work on early treatment for Covid:

This is the most published cardiologist in history speaking to the Texas Senate on how we can be effectively treating Covid in addition to the Vaccine and how people falsely believe there is no treatment available when so much is actually available.

It’s mind boggling what he shares that is not available to the public in the media.

Judgment Clouds Our Vision

I’ve often had this one recurring thought over the last decade as I’ve been discovering what’s true for me: “Why don’t people know about this?”

I realized a long time ago the ‘mainstream media’ is the last place where truth lives and the first place most people believe it exists. I used to think “if that were true, it would be in the news.”  Nope, that’s exactly where it’s not.

Truth is between the spaces, in the small conversations, in the few who work behind the scenes. It’s in the still small voice that knows what’s right for you.

The divide of Pro vs. Anti has each side using its $, influence, position – all its resources to control the narrative to convince “their side” while blaming the other. The whole truth never finds its way to the surface.

Relationships becomes ME against YOU.

Society becomes US at war with THEM. Shaming, guilting, bullying, punishment, and the loss of our freedom is the price we all pay.

It’s Such a Strange Time We Live in

When the pandemic was announced in March 2020  – we were all facing fear of this unknown Coronavirus that turned out to be a type of virus scientists are very familiar with  – just not this particular strain.

Last week I was guided to watch a relatively unknown documentary “Eating Animals” (2018) as I was putting together this article.  It gave me another “missing link”.

What has gone on for so long with the control and contamination of our Earth’s soil, and food is a direct parallel to how the Pharma industry works with medicine, and how this pandemic is playing out with our health.

When the farmers so close to nature could easily recognize the damage being done from the pollution, antibiotics, hormones, and cruelty in factory farming to accurately predict this virus pandemic was coming that we now face – I was quietly stunned.

We want things to be convenient in our fast paced world where we expect solutions faster than ever before, and it seems we’re willing to give up our own freedom for the short-term gain.

Short-term pain for long-term gain. We are now doing the opposite heading into what’s going to be long-term pain.

Understanding How Everything is Connected

The emotional journey I felt watching “Eating Animals” was the opposite experience seeing the “Biggest Little Farm” that shows how nature works far more abundantly without any toxins at all. It’s the story of how biodynamic agriculture could be working for all of us to maintain our health.

This natural cycle of how farming could work integrating Mother Nature and the animal kingdom’s interconnectedness was shared from the spiritual work of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist who was also clairvoyant, and someone I recognize as clairaudient when you see the volume and content of his spiritual writings.

Interestingly, one of his books discussed whether humans have freedom, which I’m now questioning in The Philosophy of Freedom.  He suggests that freedom is dependent on a person bridging the gap between ideals and the constraints of external reality with action being inspired by moral imagination. 

Today it certainly feels like we’re needing to come together through a collective moral imagination!

“Courage is following your conscience instead of following the crowd.” Eric Harvey

There’s a spiritual part in each of us that knows what’s right from wrong. It sees the bigger picture and recognizes when both sides aren’t telling the whole truth.

We need to move away from “us verses them” to hear what’s going on from a place of compassion, non-judgment, and willingness to listen to opposing views.

When life hits us with a problem, we need to slow down, and also consider what’s sustainable. We want the easy convenient button so we can get on with life, but will it be “one pill” forced on everyone as the way to handle this crisis?

If we don’t look back to recognize the damage we’ve been doing, we’ll be stepping forward into further damage we’re creating, and its our children who will pay the price.

Whatever decision we each make with this vaccine is right for you. We all choose based on what’s best in our circumstances, and it includes my husband who is double vaccinated as he travels alot for work.

Evaluation Versus Judgment

I go to spiritual wisdom when I’m feeling lost and looking for answers. This is coming from an ascendant teacher who lived on a world far more advanced spiritually than ours. His name is Samuel, and I’ve found him to be very wise.

“A difficult matter to understand is the difference between judgment and evaluation, such a human dilemma.

You live on an evolutionary world where potential deceit occurs on a daily basis. Life on an evolutionary world is synonymous with taking chances good or bad, making acquaintances trustworthy or very much otherwise.

Right where you are, you must trust your intuition, your inner voice, to evaluate without judgment.

It is important, and righteous behavior, to be open, to have the wisdom and intelligence, prudence of mind and common sense to see a proposition that may go pear shaped, a situation that may endanger you physically or financially, and yet you are to be aware and evaluate how this may affect you and yours, not ever judge.

To clarify: It is not your task to analyze the other party, demean them in your mind or make an announcement of their shortcomings, suggest the punishment to be meted out to the supposed offender.

It does you no good to harbor resentment towards another, who is also meant to be a progressing son or daughter of God, but perhaps nearer still to the very starting point towards perfection than you are.  In dwelling upon your judgment, a possible ruling, verdict or sentence for the wrongdoer, you are soiling the soul-mind-temple in which your Thought Adjuster dwells.

In a world of monstrous inequity – hunger, lack of education and lack of opportunity, of misuse of political power, deceit and crime – a world almost devoid of mores and morality – it is difficult to be so forgiving as to not ever judge.

For most it is a trial to even realize they are judging. Consider the importance of correct evaluation, and the wrong of judgment, which must be left to the Creator of all that is. Consider the shrewdness of the snake, the innocence of the dove.

~Samuel, Daynal Institute, via George Barnard, March 3, 2010

When talks of a vaccine began, I wanted to believe it was the answer for this deadly virus, but as I listened – I could see there were many pieces being ignored. When we’ve lost our freedom to choose among reasonable alternatives – it is a precarious time we face.

I grew up believing in one right answer, but I learned that problems are far more complex than meets the ‘scientific’ eye, and the best answers need to include ‘spirituality’ for the very fact that every human soul is different.

How can one thing ever apply to everyone?

Each of us is responsible for making our own decision for our own health without having to deal with the fears of other people judging us. I’m so grateful for those willing to put themselves into what has now become a “lion’s den” to share their knowledge for those of us trying to navigate our way through this pandemic.

I have hope and faith that as more studies and actual experiences are shared, we will get out of the dark place and into the light.

Let’s all get guidance and move out of our own way, listen with patience, and non-judgment to hear all relevant sides so we can get back to the amazing lives we were meant to live.