The Spiritual Importance of Naming…Who Knew?

The way signs show up in my life continue to surprise me – this one on the importance of naming came in so quietly, and suddenly it’s so loud!

What’s the Importance of Naming?

I looked at the snake necklace my daughter was showing me on her phone  – ‘I’ll pay for it with my own money!” she pleaded.

My daughter saw her favourite singer/songwriter Taylor Swift in concert over the weekend, and wanted to show support for Taylor’s latest ‘Reputation Tour‘ symbolized by a snake.

Why a snake I asked?

The Backstory

Apparently a few years ago, a certain Kim called Taylor a snake on social media and it caught on the way a match catches fire in a dry forest. A simple name can destroy you.. or save you. Because a name makes it personal. And that’s why you can’t ignore the importance of naming.

The more popular you are, the more people to judge, and hate on you. It reached a point where Taylor wasn’t sure she wanted to continue her music.

But with her creative genius, she turned this nasty judgment around to create her latest form of “anti-bullying” message. What better way to stand up to attack, then to embrace what she knows is simply not true about her?

With “Shake It Off” reaching 2.6 billion views –  it seems there’s a universal need to shake off other people’s judgment.

Years earlier, her song “Ours” echoed the same theme:

“Seems like there’s always someone who disapproves,

They’ll judge it like they know about me and you..

So don’t you worry you’re pretty little mind, 

People throw rocks at things that shine.”

It’s hard to understand that sometimes the more successful you become, the more you can be despised.

It Happened Close to Home..

At my daughters’ school as their grade 11 year was ending, the new principal of their Arts high school was attacked as a “racist profiler” in our National media.

In response to the school board’s proposal to cut back on specialty education noting findings of a lack of diversity, she attempted to compile a list of black students she shared at a teacher’s meeting.

Her intention was to explore whether opportunity gaps existed at their school.

During the meeting discussion, she withdrew her approach realizing it was flawed, but several months later this single “mistake” offended a few teachers, and was leaked to students – then to the media.

When indignation shows up, anger is really judgment in disguise.

Suddenly she’s named, and now viewed as a racist after a long career devoted to students that included winning a National Principal award for her efforts assisting minority students improve their academic performance.

A parent has filed a human rights violation.

She felt there was no other choice, but to resign.

Her commitment to student education was destroyed with one name: racist. A judgmental thought in someone’s head that’s contagious without even questioning her prior history.

What I personally witnessed her first year:

  • she attended all the numerous arts events
  • she took photos of students to play on video for encouragement during long rehearsals & came out for those too!
  • her detailed & positive newsletters informed parents of what was happening in all 6 of the art areas
  • new congratulation letters for mark achievements, low absentee rates, and % improvements arrived with their report cards

I wondered when this woman slept!

My daughter met with her personally on several occasions to discuss initiatives, and always found her encouraging. How could I explain to my daughter how someone so committed to helping students could be so easily condemned?

I reminded her it’s the same way Taylor gets attacked in the media.

Judgment becomes”I am right, and you are whatever derogatory name I decide on.” Leaders with this attacking lens become dangerous.

It’s very different from “please help me understand why you decided to choose that approach”.  Then LISTEN. The majority of us do not wake up in the morning with intentions to hurt other people.

People would rather be right than be compassionate.

What is going on?

For so long I couldn’t understand WHY we still have war, violence, and unspeakable injustice. How has our collective consciousness not matured spiritually, and evolved to a higher place? I’ve been on this quest..

I want to help create a judgment-free world. It’s not easy…

When I looked up the snake necklace to order on-line, I was startled to see this:

I’d been meaning to watch this movie again with my children before they disappeared off to University.  They were too young at ages 5 and 6 to appreciate the deeper meanings in this fantasy tale:

“The Nothing is spreading,” groaned the first.

“Is it very painful?” Atreyu asked.

“No,” said the second bark troll, the one with the hole in his chest. “You don’t feel a thing. There’s just something missing. And once it gets hold of you, something more is missing every day. Soon there won’t be anything left of us.”

― Michael Ende, The NeverEnding Story

Something felt missing in my life until I discovered spirituality – this bigger collective consciousness that connects us all.

A Universal Story

The 1984 film was based on Michael Ende’s book originally published in German. Michael grew up during WW2. In 1945 when Germany was desperately drafting boys as young as 14, a few of Michael’s classmates died in action their first day. Michael joined the resistance movement instead.

The NeverEnding Story was translated into 40 languages with 10M copies sold. I often wonder what kind of life prompts this kind of imagination that successfully crosses cultures.

His father was a surrealist painter whose work was banished by the Nazis, his mother a physiotherapist. Michael received that unique “arts AND sciences” blend that seems to create magic.

A NeverEnding Story (spoiler alert)

The main character, Bastian, discovers ‘The NeverEnding Story’ when he hides in a bookstore being chased by bullies. He begins reading it in the school attic. The planet Fantasia, which contains all of humanities hopes and dreams is being destroyed by “the Nothing”.

It needs the help of a human child before it completely disappears.

Bastian begins to realize he may be that human child, but has to overcome his own lack of faith and belief in himself.

5 Powerful Spiritual Messages

  1. Eternal Life

Bastian’s mother has recently passed.

Bastian’s Father: “You’re old enough to get your head out of the clouds, and start keeping both feet on the ground, right?”

When faced with death, we all want to believe our life is never-ending. That there is a ‘Heaven’ filled with our hopes, dreams, and loved ones. We all struggle to maintain that balance of practicality with fulfilling our dreams while seeking the truth about the eternal nature of our soul.

2. Look in the Mirror

Engywook: “Next is the Magic Mirror Gate. Atreyu has to face his true self.”

Falcor: “So what? That won’t be too hard for him.”

Engywook: “Oh, that’s what everyone thinks! But kind people find out that they are cruel. Brave men discover that they are really cowards! Confronted by their true selves, most men run away screaming!”

The only way we can raise our consciousness is to become the change by looking in the mirror. Facing the reflection of those you can trust, and taking responsibility for any negative experiences that reflect your inner self.

When you pass from this life, you will have a life review of looking in the mirror where the veil is lifted. Why not be willing to face what’s right in front of you now to avoid creating more pain?

3. Your Life is Important

Child Empress: “He doesn’t understand that he’s the one who has the power to stop it. He simply can’t imagine that one little boy could be that important.”

Your life’s meaning demands courage to simply imagine it’s purpose. You are important.

4. Beyond the Veil

G’mork: “Foolish boy. Don’t you know anything about Fantasia? It’s the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. Therefore, it has no boundaries.”

Heaven on earth is the dream of mankind. There is a veil we’ve created – a boundary so to speak, but as our consciousness rises, the veil is lifted, and miracles begin to appear.  Oneness exists because there are no boundaries.

5. The Importance of a Name

Atreyu: “Are you the Southern Oracle?”

The Southern Oracle: “Yes! We are!”

Atreyu: “Then you must know what can save Fantasia?”

The Southern Oracle: “Yes…the Empress needs a new name!”

What do you need to make someone personal in your life? Know the importance of naming and then their name.

When I began learning how to communicate with my spiritual guides, the first way one of them showed up was by me asking for their name. I had to have faith and listen.

A name popped into my head, and with assistance, I have been learning from a celestial teacher for the past year. Wisdom from afar my soul has been seeking, and our world needs desperately.

With all the angels, Saints, celestial teachers, and passed loved ones now available to communicate with, I’ve often forgotten to engage with the most important one of all that we each carry within.

Years ago a spiritual friend told me that my indwelling fragment of God needs me to give ‘her’ a name.

If I want to co-create, and progress in the magical world of hopes, dreams for a better world, it begins with this divine inner connection. Your personal relationship with what you call the Source of Creation – God, or the Universe etc.

Now I hear it louder than ever…

That all of the ways you can be a ‘channel’,  be creatively inspired, and co-create your life starts by making this relationship personal. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for by becoming the change.

I’ve finally given “Her” a name – what about you?

Do you now know the importance of naming? And What name will you give your indwelling divine fragment?

For questions about practicing judgment-free living or to set up a free 30 minute spiritual coaching consultation, email Carolyn at