Every Christmas I feel closer to the Spirit of “Christ Consciousness” that began with a baby’s birth over 2000 years ago that billions celebrate as the Christmas season.
I’ve met many friends who celebrate Christmas even if they don’t know Christ, which is wonderful because his light was for everyone regardless of your religion!
He didn’t write the Bible and didn’t create the religion of Christianity. Discovering these facts opened my eyes, and eventually led me to spiritual realities that made sense.
Today’s daily message from the Urantia Book (UB) was on religion in perfect timing to help share how spirituality and religion work together.
It’s Aways Been a Personal Journey!
Religion cannot be bestowed, received, loaned, learned, or lost. It is a personal experience which grows proportionally to the growing quest for final values. Cosmic growth thus attends on the accumulation of meanings and the ever-expanding elevation of values. 100:1.7 (1095.2), UB
Jesus separated himself from his religion of Judaism not to start Christianity, but to help us understand who we are spiritually. He wanted us to know God as the loving, nonjudgmental presence living within us – not an angry punishing God who judges us we are separate from.
My wish for you is that you experience the light of Christ’s Spirit by getting curious about him as a fellow human being.
His “soul signature” is full of peace and unconditional love.
You never needed to be Christian to experience his light!
I don’t consider myself to be a Christian. I don’t go to a church even though I believe in the value of his teachings and want to know Him better.
The same way I also find value in Buddha’s teachings, and don’t consider myself a Buddhist.
However, Jesus has a special place in my heart after discovering the Urantia Book (UB) in 2011 that covers our entire spiritual history, and his life and teachings.
Having many students of the UB over the past decade who can hear from celestial teachers (including Jesus) helped bring the Urantia Book to life for me.
Donna D’Ingillo, founder of the Centre for Christ Consciousness is one of them:
“Remember me as Jesus and how I lived, that you too may be the LIGHT OF THE WORLD in your particular corner. Be in my PEACE.” ~Donna D’Ingillo, Dec 24, 2011
Many people hear from Jesus, and if you were so inclined – you could hear Him too!
I grew up thinking everyone celebrated Christmas until I moved into a pre-dominantly Jewish neighbourhood and was shocked to discover my new friend didn’t have a Christmas tree, and eagerly showed me her Menorah.
Despite our differences when it came to God – something told me her God and mine were one and the same.
Has it ever made sense that one religious group is at war with another when their religions both talk of peace, compassion and love?
Each year in the “Christmas season” we slow down with the ones we love and seek meaningful connection – joy, laughter, love.
It comes from the “Christmas Spirit” that begins with knowing Him first as a person. It’s why we’ve begun watching “the Chosen” series as a family this holiday..
Getting to Know Jesus as a Person
I grew up attending an Anglican Church, and going to chapel every morning in high school. I learned of Jesus more as a central figure who was out of reach.
Do you think of him only tied to the Christian religion or as a special man who was born and died with some pretty important lessons to share?
For the longest time, I couldn’t separate the name Jesus without thinking about religion, and it’s why I still don’t know Him very well, but here’s some of what I’ve learned:
Jesus came here to “BE in our shoes” and know us personally in order to administer at His highest for his role on the other side.
He did not write anything down for his Apostles or followers wanting to avoid the tendency for words to become dogma or used to enforce rules or justify actions that turn words into weapons.
Instead of creating a religion, he role modelled throughout his short life and shared parables planting seeds of spirituality. He lived such a spiritual life that people who know him well will ask themselves in difficult situations “what would Jesus do”?
No matter what the question, the answer is always love, and he role modelled divine love for us – unconditional, nonjudgmental, and forgiving.
I believe Jesus’s greatest message and why He still lives on today was this:
LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe and it comes from God, who is Love and is part of you.
“Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world” ~Jesus, Paper 192 (UB)
How to Know God
Jesus wanted us to have a relationship with God and taught his 12 Apostles to do something radical back then, which I believe more people are now doing today including me!
He asked them to go to their room, close the door and talk to your Heavenly Father. This is a practice my spiritual friend and mentor, Chris has developed with the help of his guides that he calls “Conscious Contact”.
In the new year, we plan to develop classes on “spiritual communication”. Stay tuned!
Because Jesus and his Apostles were Jewish, they were accustomed to reciting prayers as their way to talk to God, and couldn’t understand how to just have a conversation!
So Jesus eventually created the Lord’s Prayer to help them begin fostering this connection with God.
I used to say this prayer every night before I went to sleep without a clue what it really meant. It was to prevent having bad dreams and if we (5 siblings & I) got out of bed, they wouldn’t work, and I’d have to say it all over again!
I have a smart mother.
Our Common “Religious” Threads
In 2011, I saw this poster at a workshop called “Going Within – Developing a Conscious Relationship with Spirit” in Michigan, USA. I met several students of the Urantia book here who have taught me so much through their personal experiences.
The creator of Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was also a student of the Urantia Book, and it’s clear what got inspired from here!
I noticed “Scarboro Missions” at the bottom left. I grew up in a town called Scarborough, Ontario until age 11.
Could it be the same Scarborough??
Yes, of course : ) The Scarboro mission began in 1918 by Father John Fraser with a desire to share Jesus’s teachings in China – where my ancestors are from!
Since childhood I believed there must be One God with different versions worldwide. It was like a quiet question looking for answer.
The “Golden Rule” was shared by Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
Teaching My Children about Spirituality and God
When I became a mom in 2000, I had a strong desire to teach my children about God, but wasn’t sure how.
Each time I attempted to read Bible stories to them hoping to give them some grasp of God – someone was getting killed or God was punishing people.
They became afraid of God!
The “good news” Jesus brought that God is kind, unconditionally loving, compassionate and forgiving I couldn’t easily find for them.
Instead, I found stories of people like artist Akiane who had no religious background, and her creative gift of painting (her connection to Spirit) was self-taught.
These were her paintings from visions she had of Jesus. The first one she called “Prince of Peace”, age 8 and “Father Forgive Them”, age 9. She’s now 29 and her originals sell for millions.
It’s when you watch her videos of how she creates her artwork, and her kind nature that you know this girl is connected to her Inner Spirit! I have a few of her stunning prints here at home:
Our World Problems Stem from a Personal Disconnect with Spirit
We have reached an unfathomable place in recent history where sharing your ideas – your free thought can mean going to jail. War, corruption and darkness seem to be rising and it can feel like humanity is going backwards.
Hope comes from each of us finding our own Spiritual truth to continue progressing forward.
Shining and finding your creative light is why we’re here. We’re all creative having a divine fragment of the Creator living within us. That’s the good news Jesus came to tell us.
Spiritual Changes are Happening
One significant change has been to the spiritual circuits that allows each of us to hear more clearly from Spirit. It requires you to turn off the “noisy outside influences” and learn to listen within.
One of my fav Christmas carols is “Do You Hear What I Hear?” …”Do You See What I See?”
We have been given spiritual ears and eyes, but it takes a little investment of time in our spiritual growth to see and hear what’s beyond the physical realm to find your way back home.
Perhaps you are getting more insights, aha moments these days? More vivid dreams perhaps?
Do you notice creative ideas flowing more easily or better decisions for better results? Maybe exactly what you want is unfolding without much effort?
Your body may be heating up at night or there’s a ringing in your ear. You meet someone who’s an immediate kindred soul!
You will also be getting lots of signs and synchronicites : )
It means you are tuning into your own inner Spirit, and your guides are close by to assist.
The True “Christmas Spirit”
In his farewell address to his disciples, Jesus promised to send the “Holy Spirit” after his departure, which happened on the day of Pentacost.
Pentecost falls 50 days (“pente” = 5 from Greek) after Easter and commemorates this gift he gave everyone.
Here’s excerpts from two people who can hear from their indwelling presence of God to help understand the Christmas Spirit or “Christ Consciousness”:
“Your Master Jesus sent you His Spirit of Truth some two thousand years ago, helping humankind more easily discern the reality of their very being. At the same time the Infinite Spirit sent Her comforting presence in the form of the Holy Spirit.”
~Lyske, 11:11 Progress Group
The first part we have is Christ’s “Spirit of Truth” – his love, mercy, compassion that is like a “guiding light” for us. The second part is the “Holy Spirit” or our “Divine Mother”. The third part is God – the fragment living within you also known as your “thought adjuster”.
This all helps you choose good thoughts!! Thoughts are what creates our reality.
On the momentous day of Pentecost, a trinitized spiritual ‘application’ was freely downloaded in human minds.
~Anyas, 11:11 Progress Group
“Man is subject to the teaching and guidance of a threefold spirit endowment: the spirit of the Father, the Thought Adjuster; the spirit of the Son, the Spirit of Truth; the spirit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.” ~UB, 194:2.11
This is like your personal “holy trinity” or “Christmas Spirit” that includes Christ Consciousness we have access to all year.
Messages from Our Home to Yours
This week I was sitting down to breakfast with my family when my daughter shrieked with delight saying to look out the window…
5 doves perched evenly apart enjoying the rain!
It reminded me of the peace that surpasses all understanding we can all experience when things get difficult and we have made a practice of going within.
Our inner calm, faith, hope and trust that we are spiritual beings having a human experience allows for miracles.
My twin daughters (at age 13) nearly 10 years ago painted a similar scene taking art classes taught by a dear artist friend 😇
Finally thing …a Wondrous Part of God – the Animals
God is in everything. I could not resist sharing this video that illustrates how ignorant we are of the life we share on this planet and how much we still have to learn!
Have you seen My Octopus Teacher? You may not look at an octopus the same way again.
We watched during the pandemic in 2020 and simply AMAZED. How has it taken us this long to see how intelligent these ancient creatures truly are?
It seems no different for how long it’s taking for us to release old thinking of religious ideology that separates us and awaken to shared spiritual truths that could unite us.
Our spiritual nature lives in everyone across all faiths and can provide the unity consciousness we need to end our hate, divisiveness and utter chaos.
This short video gives you a quick peek at how intelligent these creatures are and a reminder of how much is available to discover…I cannot eat them anymore 😂.