The Power of Your Spiritual Health
Did you know that your healthy state of mind and body is integrated into the connection you have with your Spirit and spiritual health?
What do I mean by your Spirit? I don’t mean your soul.
There is a part of your mind that is spiritual. A fragment of Source, Creator, Universal Father or God – whatever name works for you! It is an actual part of your mind’s consciousness that you can begin to hear as your learn to listen to your own inner guidance or intuition.
Your soul is like a container or what I call your “soul trust” because it’s like an asset that is growing over time depending on how you invest in it.
Nourish it with the spiritual values of truth, beauty and goodness, and it will blossom into light, and everything that brings you joy, peace, and love. It’s a high vibration you can’t really mistake.
Your soul is an eternal part of you that is held in trust by your guardian angels, and will go with you into the afterlife. It keeps growing as your mind moves from the material to the spiritual, and from imperfection to perfection – we’re all on an ascension path.
Here’s a way you can picture your field of consciousness, and imagine yourself moving up towards the star in the top right corner. You are having experiences, and you live somewhere in this field of consciousness depending on the state of your mind.
As you raise your vibration spiritually, and move away from fear (out of the darkness) and into your light consciousness – love is what you will experience at higher and higher spiritual levels.
Disease is really dis-ease. Our soul is not at ease. It’s a disconnect from spiritual love.
The Confusion of Religion Versus Spirituality
Most of us understand that we are spiritual beings, but to actually put this concept into practice has been difficult because religion (set of beliefs/practices defined for you) can often get in the way of our spirituality (our personal connection and experiences with a higher Source Creator).
One is static and the other dynamic. You are dynamic, and creative, which is the power of Spirit you get to exercise in your own life. There are universal spiritual principles, and it’s your willingness to find these for yourself in your own experience that becomes your personal religion.
Those who want to exercise power over you will make spiritual beliefs into doctrine that is ‘unchangeable’. You can’t question anything here. It’s a red flag because of one universal principle: free will. It’s so strong that even your guides are not allowed to break it – they will NEVER tell you what to do, but they will give you guidance for what you can do IF you ask.
All decisions are yours to make.
You get to choose what to think, and when it aligns with light vibration, only your experience can tell you it’s truth.
” Spirit realities respond to the drawing power of the center of spiritual gravity in accordance with their qualitative value, their actual degree of spirit nature. Spirit substance (quality) is just as responsive to spirit gravity as the organized energy of physical matter (quantity) is responsive to physical gravity. Spiritual values and spirit forces are real. From the viewpoint of personality, spirit is the soul of creation; matter is the shadowy physical body.”
~Paper 7 of the Urantia Book
You have a “God-given” personality that is like the potential of perfection “style” that you can grow into while you’re here. It’s your evolving energetic signature that represents your unique presence in the Universe.
Who Are You?
You have both an energy body and a material body. You also have a logical, material mind, and as your mind experiences spiritual values of truth, beauty and goodness, it becomes “spiritized” to help bring you back to whole health.
When life hits us with the unthinkable, our mind has to deal somehow, but without a map of guidance, we get lost.
The pain you feel whether mental (stress), emotional (anxiety) or physical pain is trying to tell you something. Usually it means – slow down. Pay attention. Look within.
They say your body doesn’t lie, and our “mental/emotional baggage” is really unresolved energy that can affect your physical health when it remains buried in your subconscious mind.
When you have experiences that are out of alignment with your soul (e.g. abandonment, shame, guilt, judgment, betrayal, abuse, unforgiveness, misalignment) – essentially anything that goes against your spiritual nature, your body and mind will react, and attempt to cope.
The result is stress, and all manner of mental health problems – some are illnesses that require medical intervention.
The vast majority of mental illness is not a physical problem – it’s a spiritual problem.
Yes, some of our pain even the mental and emotional propensities comes from genetics, and a whole lot of it comes from toxins we unknowingly put into our bodies.
There’s SO much that isn’t natural that ends up in our bodies these days, and there’s negative conditioning (brainwashing) all around us that affects the way you think that can have you disconnected from your Spirit.
Are your thoughts serving you? They hold an energy vibration and this is where your own power lies.
Everything in MATERIAL FORM you see today came from someone’s thought.
Everything that is LIVING you see today came from Spirit. That includes you : )
What are you feeding your mind, body and soul?
Your mind is looking to align with what your heart feels authentically. What are you passionate about when you get quiet? What experiences are you longing for?
Your body thrives on clean nutrients & minerals from Mother Earth. It has an innate immune system that works well when you give it exercise, and healthy food.
Your soul is seeking to feel alive. What do you feel called to do? What are you longing to feel?
Your spirit is here to lead you. When you trust that there is something in you that holds your answers – wisdom you can tap into, your signs and synchronicities will begin showing up to let you know you’re on the right path.
There are specific spirit personalities behind these signs helping to guide you if you are open to them. You have to open your own circuit of light in order for them to reach down to your vibration.
You will FEEL life very differently when you become aware of how the Universe is highly organized and teaming with spiritual guidance.
Our Current Challenges Affecting Health Worldwide
It’s been heartbreaking to know the grief, uncertainty, stress and anxiety being felt globally with Covid-19.
The level of stress people were feeling before Covid-19 hit was palpable. Now it’s off the charts.
Now, more than ever we are focused on our overall health.
Your Spirit is the Source of Spiritual Health
Think of a soldier’s experience who has been trained and brainwashed to kill, and not be afraid to die for their country. Now imagine there’s a divine piece inside each soldier’s mind that knows killing another fellow human goes against your soul.
Why do you think soldiers experience PTSD?
Fighting in a war, seeing and doing horrific things, while indwelled with the spirit of our Universal Creator creates all kinds of unresolved energy. Your intuition knows what’s right at the soul level – it won’t feel aligned to take the life of another person.
Now imagine all the internal struggles people face with abandonment, betrayal, abusive parents, job stress, family stress, loss of loved ones, financial stress, and now Covid-19?
How does your mind respond to the external world that’s in chaos?
Without good spiritual health practices that connect you back to your soul, it’s so easy to seek out external coping mechanisms that include alcohol, drugs, spending, or entertainment to temporarily allow you to cope.
Our mind often cannot handle the internal stress, disorder and chaos it is trying to process.
Without a connection to this part of your spiritual nature, we tend to move to outer band-aids that temporarily numb our pain, which does not get us long term spiritual health. It’s when the deeper unfathomable pain hits us, that we can get push so far outwards that we no longer know who we are.
The overwhelming grief, isolation & uncertainty has many coming facing to face with their own mental health. Our minds are trying to navigate without a guide – without a light.
Until I began to understand that a part of our mind’s consciousness holds a hidden essential spiritual fragment that many of us don’t know how to connect with every day – we try to achieve success and happiness by looking outside when all our answers are inside.
Invest in a Morning Ritual to Improve Your Spiritual Health
It’s why I wake up early every morning to connect with this part of me, and I listen. I light candles, and incense. I play a song that sounds like my Divine Self speaking to me while doing sun salutations to awaken the energy of my mind body and soul.
The first song I discovered this way was “Eternal Flame” by the Bangles, but I encourage you to find one that speaks to your soul. I now have a whole collection! Music is the language of the soul.
These divine songs will sound like a love song because the Creator within you IS the highest representation of love. It’s a divine love we can only get glimpses of here, but it’s growing as we all move inward to create a better world : )
If you found this article helpful, please support me in The Sunrise Challenge to help raise awareness and critical funds for the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres. For more information about CAMH, please visit
I’m part of the Rise ‘n Shine Team – any support to CAMH you can give at this link makes a difference. Donations are also tax-deductible for Canadian residents. Thank you!
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