The Power of Love Versus the Power to Control

I’ve shared how bewildered I’ve been that humanity is facing so much chaos, divisiveness and war these days. I picture us one day in some distant future looking back at ourselves and thinking “what were we thinking?”


It’s like an innocent part of us knows “We can do better than THIS, can’t we???”


The only way I’ve been able to make sense out of the nonsense comes down to how we use our personal power.


Are you using your power of love or power of control to navigate your life?


Love expands, and control tightens.


I came across something recently that blew my mind around the “power of control”.

We’ve all heard that LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe, so I’m starting with love, then I’ll dive into control.


These words first helped me understand the POWER OF LOVE:

In other words: our power to LOVE rests in our ability to release our JUDGMENT. 


Judging someone is a way we use our power of control, sometimes intentionally, more often unintentionally.


More Wise Words from the Spiritual Masters


Mother Teresa famously said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them”.


It’s as if you’ve tossed love out the window of time when judgment against someone poisons your mind.

Jesus said…

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your eye?” ~Matthew 7:1-5

Judgment in this context does not mean evaluation or assessment or even having a negative opinion of someone. We all have the right to think for ourself, however – are your thoughts about someone self-destructive and harmful to others?

Here’s a previous article I shared to help clarify what it means to judge someone in practice:


10 Ways to Be Less Judgmental of People You Disagree With


When you label a person as bad or wrong, it becomes a slippery slope as these words are subjective, and can affect how you treat someone because of judgmental thoughts even if you’re not speaking them aloud.


Your personal idea of what’s right or good can have you morally condemning someone from a limited lens of reality, and whatever ILL WILL you hold against someone will come back to you in unseens ways.


The law of attraction works both with dark condemning energy and light loving energy.  It’s why love creates more love and hate creates more hate.


We cannot walk in another’s shoes to ever fully understand their story or the soul lessons they are meant to learn.

Being judgmental is an attempt to control someone’s “wrong thinking” with your “right thinking”, and thought is part of our consciousness that has great power. 


But what if someone is attacking you with their judgment?


Judgment as Control in Your Interactions


Have you ever had anyone attempt to control you with how they think you’re supposed to be?

You will IMMEDIATELY feel defensive, and for GOOD REASON!!


If you allow yourself to be controlled by being imposed upon or avoiding an attack when you silently disagree – someone has power over you.


The spiritual law of free will that gave you the right to think for yourself is being stepped on.

A Shocking Wake up Call – the Power of Control

I recently came across a book called “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene.


With over 72K reviews on Amazon with 4.5 stars, I was surprised it hadn’t crossed my path – maybe because it was written 25 years ago?


I glanced through recent comments – so much praise.  I thought “wow – this must be a classic”!


These laws were so popular, they’ve been summarized in charts available online. As I began reading, I was stunned.


Here’s a few so you can “be the judge” meaning evaluate these laws for yourself.


Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You, But Always Take the Credit: Delegate tasks when possible and take credit for successes, enhancing your perceived power and influence.


Law 11: Learn to Keep People Dependent on You: Foster dependence in others to increase your power and influence.


Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally: If you have adversaries, eliminate them completely to prevent future retaliation.


One 5 star reviewer praised its “unapologetic examination of human nature” and Greene’s laws for the range “from the strategic and cunning to the ruthless and manipulative, offering readers a glimpse into the darker aspects of human behavior.”


It assumes humans are naturally dark. 


This NY Times Bestseller shows how to effectively use “a sword” in your dealings with people to maintain power.


It’s the opposite of what it takes to love someone: trust.


These are 48 ways to maintain your control over others not trust in your higher power of God’s love within you or anyone else.


My first thought was “does this author have any connection or faith God”?


Here’s Greene’s view on God in his words:


“I don’t have a hardcore spiritual practice. I’m not a hardcore Atheist; I’m sort of how Einstein was: He wasn’t a believer in the Jewish God. I’m intrigued by the sense that there’s something there. I want to make people more realistic about the human animal and how we behave sometimes. We are still primates. We are not descended from angels.”


It’s true we did not descend from angels – these are seraphic beings of a different order, and not who we ever become when we cross over after death.


However, when we remember that a fragment of the Creator resides within us: “Be Still and Know I AM God” becomes our reality as spiritual beings who have the potential to ascend beyond our pre-historic animal nature!

Getting Triggered with Judgment

I admit it took serious effort to suspend my condemning judgment against this man for creating what to me is the Luciferian playbook!


Lucifer’s plan for humanity over 250,000 years ago was to sever our relationship and ascension with the concept of One Source of all creation – a higher power that is Love within that IS God or whatever word captures universal intelligence for you.


This disconnection has been working really well when you look around. Do you see the Spirit of God anywhere in our systems that run our world?


Spirit has been carefully removed from our governing bodies that manage our lives.


We use words like “energy” and “the universe” that lacks a “loving presence” to describe that mysterious force while wealth keeps moving into fewer hands that control the masses.


Einstein’s words share the importance how we view human nature as light (friendly) or dark (unfriendly): 


“I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.”


“For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process. If we decide that the universe is neither friendly nor unfriendly and that God is essentially ‘playing dice with the universe’, then we are simply victims to the random toss of the dice and our lives have no real purpose or meaning.”

“But if we decide that the universe is a friendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to create tools and models for understanding that universe. Because power and safety will come through understanding its workings and its motives.”


“God does not play dice with the universe,”


There is an organized universe we can trust and believe in, but it requires we surrender our control, and align ourselves with a loving presence within that connects us to the One Source.

The Practice of Living Judgment-Free

So I had to slow down, and get curious. What can I learn here? I want to understand how tens of thousands of people support these laws wholeheartedly without calling out its deliberate intention to deceive and manipulate as a fine way to control.


I even looked up a recent interview “Your Dark Side and How to Control Your Life” with Jordan Peterson who I respect as a “truth teller” to better understand Greene’s perspective.


Again, you be the judge for what makes sense to you, but I see great danger between the lines.


These laws have been called “the Bible for Atheists”, amoral, ruthless and effective. The author Robert Greene has been called “evil”, but says “I’m a realist”.


There are always two sides mixed with grey, but you will have to choose.


The intention for these laws is to maintain control for a sense of security and avoid stress that comes with losing your power to someone. I get this.


I could have used a few of these laws in my interactions with certain persons I’ve removed from my life.


I see those with a “dark nature” not as inherent, but as “lost souls” who need my prayers not my condemnation.


The minority who knowingly choose evil create their own living hell and will face adjudication at the soul level by the Ancients of Days.


I believe our world is in chaos because the need to control others is deeply rooted that has us judging with contempt and using controlling power to be “my way or the highway”.


It’s easy to justify deceit, manipulation and force when you see humans as bad, wrong or evil then call it security or “for their own good”.


We need  to self-examine and ask – where might I be choosing this kind of controlling power in my dealings with others?


If control is a strategy you believe is good for humankind, you will become this same force others must live with.


There’s another kind of power we need to be awakening to — our true spiritual power of love.


The Serenity Prayer is really a transformative practice of letting go of the power of control and trusting in the power of love.

Here’s ALL 48 Laws of Power (a handbook on how to control other people) – I suspect it will confirm why our world is upside down.


If you are dealing with someone who’s proven they will stab you in the back, you may want to try these laws to survive a current situation, but be careful of who you may become in the process.


There is one value we all agree on: the freedom to speak your mind without the controlling power of money, position or influence to dictate what you must think.


Our mind is a sacred place because it houses our thoughts that creates our shared reality.

Leaders Who Use the Power of Control

“We start this book in hopes of impacting the world for the better. The 48 Laws of Power is a great book .. as businessmen ourselves, we write from a business perspective in hopes that you can actually apply some of the knowledge to your life in business and at home.” ~Trump & Gates


I was reminded that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and that using these laws at home is where it all begins.

Imagine if you shifted each of these 48 laws of power to release control and return back to love?


Greene’s Law 1 of Control: Never Outshine the Master: Avoid drawing attention to your abilities and achievements, especially in the presence of those in power.


Carolyn’s Law 1 of Love: Always Let Your Light Shine: Bring your gifts, talents and superpowers to give others permission to share their abilities, and achievements and inspire us all to step into our own light.


I’m working on the other 47..


Could we begin to shift ourselves away from all the divisiveness, pain and war and move towards a sustainable loving world for all?

It would align with a vision I’ve had for a long while: creating a Judgment-free World.