The Divine Mother in You

I believe there’s a divine mother in each one of you. Let’s talk about it..

We all have a mother.

Some of us become mothers.

When I became a mother what struck me was “My God…we created a life”.

A whole perfect human being.

I would stare at my son in total awe and marvel at his existence. How could a living, breathing whole being be created and come through me, and this love with my husband?

Well, yes, and the ACT.

I imagine every mother has some sort of this feeling.

It gently nudged me towards a spiritual path…I didn’t recognize it at the time, but now its very clear.

What I Know Now that I didn’t Know then

There’s a “Holy Trinity” where we all came from –  the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Holy Spirit or Infinite Spirit or Mother Spirit.

This Mother Spirit is the SPARK of life. She is here and pervades our Universe. Here are some of her qualities you’ll recognize:

  • Nurturing
  • Patient
  • Kind
  • Supportive
  • Caring
  • Passionate
  • Protective

and this one last one requires FAITH:

  • I believe in you

The Divine Mother Spirit is not the same as “Mother Earth”, which is a different spirt bound to the earth plane.  We see how nature work in an intricate balance where we are all inter-connected so often think of “Mother Earth” as “Mother Nature”, which the Mother Spirit is a part of.

The divine mother spirit in you believes in all the ways your child can become whoever he or she wants to be.

She nurtures, supports and provides every way for her child to feel safe, while venturing off onto their OWN adventure of life – not hers.

Especially not with her fears of what could happen if her child fails. Falling down is part of the journey to joy, success, purpose. She’s there to support the ‘getting back up’ part.

What I Discovered Raising 3 Children to Adulthood

I learned to stop following the crowd of ‘parenting rules’ that said “do this or do that”.

I learned no one knows your children like you do.

But first you have to know yourself.

Investing in me transformed my parenting.

I learned how to LISTEN to them. It took patience and asking questions. What’s going on over there in their little minds? Do I even understand where they are coming from?

I learned how to SUPPORT them.

I practiced being PRESENT. I drove them, fed them, championed them.  I put their stuff ahead of my stuff.

My husband chose to become the ‘breadwinner”, and I chose to become the “spiritwinner”. They needed both.

He provided the means, and I provided the way.

We are spiritual beings living in the material world.

I learned how to TALK so they could LISTEN to what I needed to teach them by meeting them where they were with KINDNESS not judgment.

I learned how not to land critically (a work in process as it’s been conditioned in me, and hard to see.) When I see WHAT’S wrong, I want to FIX, but it can land as CRITICISM.

I learned how to have constructive conversations by moving away from CRITICISM because it sends the message that ‘something is wrong with you’.

I learned how to PAUSE, and NOTICE so I could recognize their defensiveness was coming from my tone with my words.  We could resolve issues in that moment or later moments after we’d cooled down.

I learned how to NURTURE their interests by paying ATTENTION not to what I needed, but to  what they needed at their various ages and stages.

I learned that when I said “YES” and the times I had to say “NO” that I ensured a WHY went along with it. Our values are hidden here, and often get missed.

I learned to APOLOGIZE for my mistakes and missteps so that one day they would come forward to take responsibility for theirs.

I learned that a child needs to feel SAFE inside themselves with who they are in order to face the outer world without falling apart.

I learned to BE LOVE and give them the nurturing SUPPORT they needed because they are children needing a divine mother to believe in themselves.

I took this to be my RESPONSIBILITY.

It does not spoil a child when you are kind and respectful. They do not feel entitled when they have a role model who they see working hard, and treats them with love, patience and understanding.

Trusting themselves is their journey, but if I didn’t trust them, and truly believe in them, how could they?

3 Young Adults – Happy, Healthy, and Thriving

What came back is beyond my wildest dreams.

The precious moments we share every day. The laughter and learning. The good times and sad times.

The conversations!

All 3 feels a sense of purpose in how they feel called BE and what feels right to DO.

All 3 are actively pursuing their passions – what makes them feel alive.

We are very close because they want to share things with me without me asking!

I learned how not to nag them – I think this is a life skill that could fill a whole book!

Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, they are healthy.

Most of all, they are kind, compassionate, and want to create something meaningful in their lives.

They want a better world. They see what’s wrong out there. We all do.

They are hard working, determined and self-disciplined.

I get embarrassed to share the things they do and say here at home – like “I LOVE my LIFE!” and <gulp> “You’re the Best Mom!” followed by a huge hug.

I feel SO blessed, and want to celebrate the qualities of what it means to BE A MOTHER – a DIVINE mother.

I am thankful for my mother who instilled hard work, kindness and respect. It gave me a necessary foundation to trust myself.

If you feel you were missing qualities you needed growing up, know that they are available to everyone through the Mother Spirit that’s always been here for all of us.

She is the spark of life when life begins on a planet. It’s what humans cannot ever create out of nothing. It’s what you experience in nature, in all the creatures big and small when you pay attention to how life evolves…it’s in us because we were born from this same Divine Mother Spirit.

When your mom became a mother, she did her best to give this same spirt to you, but we can also access these qualities within us since we were born of the Holy Trinity.

Once you do, you carry the Divinity of this Mother Spark that you can bring to others who need support – big or small.

What comes back feels like nothing short of a miracle.