The Connection Between Spirituality & Love

I often wondered about the nature of love. We can love our friends, children, parents, and of course our intimate partner.  Can you really say I love this child more than that child? This friend more than that one? What are we comparing exactly when each individual is unique? Spirituality & Love are not a competition.

“You are together because you resonate on the same wave lengths, you fit together vibrationally…you are not the source of each other’s Love.  You are helping each other to access the LOVE that is the Source.”

~Robert Burney

You may like certain qualities, feel closer to one than another, but isn’t that about your experience, not who they are? The nature of love as Shakespeare wrote is an ‘ever-fixed mark’. It’s your own consciousness of love that alters who you love, and how you experience the joy, and ecstasy of love.

Love itself is the embodiment of that connection that is eternal, abundant, and without conditions.  There is a high resonance WITHIN when we are vibrating at this higher place. How do we get there?

Recognize when your EGO is at work making you wrong with the emotions you are feeling because of the thoughts  you choose to hold. You are either in the perspective of love or fear (power or force) with the lens you see through. It affects the spiritual energy you give and receive from others.

When do you feel authentically connected to someone?  When you are connected to the light of who you really are. We have a light within us – a God fragment, if you will, that is connected to a higher power – God, the Universe. We are all connected through “Source” to each other.

When you are vibrating at a high level, you attract similar vibration people, and experience Spirituality & love more fully. Ever notice who the complainers, and toxic energies attract? The Ego “Edges God Out“, and takes you away from love. If you choose to be selfish, you are living in fear of lack not abundance. If you choose to be critical or judgmental, you are living in fear of I need to find fault or be superior to you, which condemns.

We thrive in the connections that allow us to grow.  Who teaches us the most, but our children? When do we feel most disconnected from our partner? When we are not growing together.  We may be accomplishing new things, but it can feel empty with a lack of passion, purpose, and meaning when we cannot share in the experience our being expanding that is behind all the doing. 

The secret to experiencing the incredible thing we call spirituality & love is found when you learn to move away from your ego, and towards a state of being that is loving. This is spiritual growth, and it is a fundamental part of our existence because it is who we are, and meant to become – loving human beings. It gives us the connection we all deserve.

“Take my hand and lead me to salvation.

Take my love for love is everlasting

And remember the truth that once was spoken

To love another person is to see the face of God.”

~Les Miserables