The 4 Pillars of Miracle-Making: How to Transform Your Life in 2023

If you wish to transform your life in 2023, here are the 4 pillars that you need to strengthen…

At the end of each year I hang out with 3 soul sisters I’ve known for nearly 2 decades.

It’s part of a year end tradition that includes 4 pillars to create miracles and transform your life in 2023.

Amidst the pure joy, laughter & crazy delicious food, we take time to reflect and create the first key element of what I call my “Soul Map” for the year:

  1.  Your Soul Theme

It’s one word that captures how you want to BE in the new year.

In order to achieve what you want, who do you need to BE more of? Some examples are alignment, joy, calm, and focus.

It’s like your secret compass for the year ahead gently guiding you through tough moments and encourages you to step into what may feel uncomfortable.

Looking Back 

We first reflect on the past year sharing how our current soul theme played out in 2022. What happened? How did we handle? What did we learn?

Mine was “ownership”.

It meant stepping into ownership of what spirituality means for me and getting creative on sharing the “hard to believe” soul pieces.

A soul theme calls you to step into new territory.

Be a little bolder. Do what feels hard and scary. It asks that you surrender, trust and go.

Once you decide on a theme, your unseen guidance team (angels, Master Spirits, celestial teachers, past loved ones etc.) will place subtle or not so subtle opportunities for you to experience.

Their purpose is to help your soul to grow while you’re here.

You may not recognize opportunities unless you are slowing down to pay attention and can trust your own vibration for what feels right despite what everyone else is doing.

The more connected you are to your inner compass, the more often you will experience amazing signs and uncanny synchronicities.

It’s like you’ve been sprinkled with Magic Soul Dust that allows you to see and hear what you couldn’t before.

My 2023 Soul Theme

The soul theme that came up for me was FLOW.

It doesn’t always show up right away, but some things were already leading me here and it seemed to pop in as if it were whispered in my ear.

It had me thinking of balance and growth – giving/receiving, Yin/Yang energy, and how our outer world keeps reflecting your inner world as you tap deeper into your own truth.

Once you choose a word, suddenly its meaning will find itself working its way into your life. It’s like how they say a book writes itself.

I added this message to my screen saver to remind me of FLOW:

Is there a word that feels like it’s calling you grow?

What state of being are you wanting to experience more of to transform your life in 2023?

What feeling are you seeking?

2. Your Morning Ritual

My early morning ritual includes playing a song while doing sun salutations to connect my mind body and soul with Spirit (my divine fragment).

I have a personal name for my “Higher Spirit” that I encourage you to find so you can develop what I believe is the most important relationship you have – you with your Divine self.

It’s this conscious connection with your fragment of God that is a gateway to creativity.

This part of you is “impersonal” meaning it doesn’t have personality because it takes on yours through your life experience here, but it is also “personal” to you!

One day way into the future, on the other side, the “Greater Plan” is for you to be “as One” or fused with your fragment of God.

When I take time in stillness to connect each morning, my will connects with God’s Will to help me adjust my thoughts towards the highest vibration of what is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present to create what I desire.

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will Be done” … I never understood these words meant, but today I have such respect for keeping our “free will” sacred.

The freedom to think for yourself is a spiritual birthright so whenever powers of control, imposition or dictatorship appear in ANY form – be on guard of agendas that may appear to be “good”, but are really darkness (unbalanced egos) in disguise.

For prayer to work (practice of asking and receiving), it’s your thoughts you are developing through your internal divine relationship for desired changes to come to fruition.

Morality and ethics come from a much higher place we can all tap into.

Our journey here is learning to trust your vibes or listen to your intuition, which recognizes you are connected to something much bigger than you.

The spiritual quality of our thoughts or willingness to choose how to think using our imagination and creative power determines who we become and the life we can experience on earth and the hereafter.

When you make a decision to daily connect and communicate with the highest will of what IS love, truth, beauty and goodness – your life becomes that which you are.

Music – An Avenue of Divine Connection

A few songs on my TA playlist are “Eternal Flame” (the Bangles), “I Believe” (Nikki Yanofsky), “Believe in Me” (Paul Janz). I can imagine the lyrics coming from my Divine self or Cosmic Compass, and experience a feeling of total AWE or unconditional love.

The most powerful love songs secretly speak from our true soul-mate – the divine part of us that is love. Learning to love yourself requires taking time in stillness to bring yourself into alignment with your true self.

This year one of my soul sisters suggested we have a song to go with our theme, and a few songs came pouring in for FLOW .. “Let the River Run” (Carly Simon) & Come Sail Away (Styx).

Your guides often speak to you through music and lyrics – as well as books, films, and art. Watch and listen deeply …Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? If yes, then you can also transform your life in 2023.

3. Following Your Signs and Synchronicities

During my process of reflecting on 2022, I went back through my phone photos, the books I’d read and was thinking how my inward journey first began.

It started with a book called “Take Time for Your Life” by Cheryl Richardson followed by “Finding Your North Star” by Martha Beck. Both are life coaches.

I got inspired to become a life coach.

Committing to do the exercises in these books facilitated by a life coach where I invested time, resources and effort for an entire year changed the trajectory of my life.

Investing in yourself is the best one without a doubt!

I can connect the dots for what I experience today back a willingness to push through challenges, do unexpected things no one else was doing in order to get here.

These are not steps that could be written down to complete a material goal, but rather a soul map I’ve been following to experience no regrets, and living a life true to myself.

I’ve been trusting an inner compass all along that’s gotten louder and louder as the years pass.

That first one-year commitment felt hard at the time, but eventually you do it again and again. Having the impossible became possible is a new reality.

Life continues to amaze me.


One of my first synchronicites was reading how Cheryl had received a gift of a silver turtle. I was reading in my office (not my normal reading spot), and on my desk was a silver turtle my husband had given to me.

It seemed funny at the time.

She discovered a compass was hidden inside.

My turtle was also a clock. I’ve been fascinated by the concept of time – how it moves faster when you are loving the moment and slower when you don’t yet its the SAME time.

Then there are the moments when time stands still. You transcend time.

Cheryl described the spiritual meaning of a turtle – the hard shell to protect against their softer insides was the same protection she needed for the inevitable criticism and judgment she received in the relatively unknown field back then as a life coach writing books and speaking up.

The slow, persistent pace to win the race and not fall into the trap of the fast, stressful lifestyle so many believe is required to succeed.

I began seeing turtles in remarkable ways and people started giving me more turtles.

I suddenly had a nudge to count them – gosh 21 of them! I thought “wouldn’t it be funny to discover there were 22 at the end of 2022”?

Then remembered my first silver turtle – still on my desk!

This is how Spirit speaks to us … a feeling of WOW overcomes you and its like you shift across a veil onto the other side of infinite possibilities.

It’s happened so many times now, I can’t keep track, but I keep a little journal on my desk to jot them quickly down.

It’s one of the journals I review at the end of the year to remind me of all the little miracles that year as its the gateway for bigger ones!

What you focus on expands.

Oh gosh, I’m sitting at a table and glanced outside the window ..

Laughing here ..seriously – our turtle sandbox positioned perfectly looking right at me : )
These signs and syncs are really Spirit’s way to communicate with you. Pause and pay attention.
What are you doing in that moment?
What are you thinking?
What do you want guidance on to transform your life in 2023?
Ask in that moment of AWE – who is here? Listen for an answer. Check-in with your body for vibrations.
Trust that you are being guided by multitudes of divine assistance when you choose to nurture your spiritual path.

4. Your Desire to Grow

Soul growth isn’t something alot of people think about. Since you are reading this, it tells me you are!
Most of us are trying to get through life, navigate our messy relationships, and stay healthy.
We have responsibilities, things we want to do, places to see, and desires we want to make us happy.
But we also need meaning (your definition of success), fulfilment (your resonance with what matters) and purpose (your sense of what you feel called to do) to feel truly alive.
It all comes from your soul’s desire to grow. Specifically, to move along an ascension path from imperfection to the perfection of God, who is LOVE.
Love is the Answer
The kind of love without judgment we want from others (unconditionally) originates from inside us, and expands with your willingness to invest your attention, resources, actions, and check-in back to your soul.
Are you greeting this day, and every day with love in your heart?
By stepping into your soul theme, having a morning ritual to connect with your Divine Self, following your signs and syncs, and having a desire to grow your soul – you now have the 4 key elements for your Soul Map to transform your life in 2023.
Here’s to a miraculous 2023!!