Reflective Wisdom on the Afterlife – a Tribute

Reflective Wisdom on the Afterlife – a Tribute

Some of you know my dear Gran passed away on the early morning of January 6th. She just turned 101 on December 11th.

It’s the first time I’ve lost someone very close to me. I feel extremely grateful to have had her presence in my life for so long.

There’s also an empty space where her ‘soul signature’ used to be.

For most of my life, I learned how to shove my emotions somewhere that didn’t need to be felt. Although I had a warm, happy upbringing, it was heavily focused on the practical, and results of getting things done.

I learned to appreciate how my Gran’s values of hard work, independence, and ‘no-nonsense’ got passed down to me.

There was no guilt, or shame being thrown around. Instead, there were simple rules of right and wrong – do your best, be nice, respectful, and do what your parents tell you!

Missing Emotions

What was missing in my childhood was emotion.  Anger, and deep sadness I never got close to growing up. Happy was there, but that immense feeling of joy stayed under the radar.

I got so good at tucking away my emotions that when anything happened (failing an exam, not getting what I applied for, etc.), I could pretty easily “accept what is” from a sensible perspective, and simply move on.

Today, I am much more tuned into my emotions because I learned to connect to my soul. Your emotions are a vibration that can be used as a guide for your soul’s truth. Unfortunately, many face trauma, stress, or drama that creates unresolved emotions that can block your soul growth.

By practicing stillness every morning where I connect with my divine self (either through a song, journaling, or meditative communication), I can move away from my dominant thinking/doing side over to feeling/being.

Once I consciously slow down and sink into the deeper quiet part of me, I can tap into the sadness around the loss of my Gran. Our real emotions don’t leave us – we take them along as part of our developing soul.

Early Soul Stories

My Grandpa was a physician – a man of science my Gran described as a “common sense kind of fellow”, and certainly not a believer of anything supernatural.

One of my earliest ‘soul stories’ was the time my Grandpa awoke and saw “as clear as day” a woman with a long braid standing over his son in his crib.

The servants had seen this woman in their old government-owned home in British Guyana. Up until that moment, my grandpa assumed their sightings were just an “old wives tale” – not anymore.

Their local pastor was called in to bless the home, and this mysterious woman was never seen again.

A mother who previously lived in the home had taken her life after her young son had died from an insect bite.

For some reason, none of this story scared me. I was intrigued wanting to understand.

Some people transition, and don’t know to go to the light. They are so attached to this material plane from some kind trauma that some may not realize they have died.

All it usually takes is a gentle nudging to let them know not to be afraid, they won’t be judged, and to go towards the light.

It’s important to know you have an entire soul ascension career ahead of you on the other side that’s part of a Great Plan.  How you travel will be determined by the experiences you create, decisions you make, and the impact you have on others.

A Little Surprise

My Gran’s younger brother lost his life at 22 during WW2, but it wasn’t until after she died that I needed details for her funeral.

Her father’s full name? I didn’t know it was Arthur Alexander Amory. I discovered her brother’s name was Richard Gore Amory. I got a nudge to google him.

I knew he was buried in Cambridge, England, but was surprised to find him online with details of his death:

“Took off 23:55 20 July 1944 from Grimsby to bomb railway facilities in tactical support of the Normandy Battle Area. Homebound emerged from low cloud and crashed 03:30 21 July 1944 at Aylesby 6 miles W of Cleethorpes in Lincolnshire.”

As I’m writing this, I noticed the handwriting on the photo reads “To my loving sister”. Wow. Richard joined the Royal Air Force (without telling my great-grandmother).

He was stuck in the U.S. trying to get home to British Guyana.

Friends from University in England had enlisted, and he wanted to help.

My Gran told me how her mother had an upsetting dream of seeing her son working at a desk, and then collapsing.

Later she was informed upon his death that he had become a pilot and flight navigator.

He was apparently found slumped over his desk on a map after his plane was shot down.

Stories like these planted seeds of me believing in “something more” early on.

A Special Lady to Many

Gran was our family Matriarch with 17 grandchildren, and 38 “Greats” as she called them.

She was the only one in my family who believed in these unexplainable spiritual occurrences.

My Gran’s generation seemed to have more faith in unknown mysteries despite the lack of knowledge.

I want you to have faith in something bigger and understand your own soul path to elevate the quality of your life. Your mental and emotional health, relationships, and a sense of meaning and purpose are important for your soul!

It really starts with a genuine curiosity in “who AM I”?

Your Soul Versus Your Spirit

Are you a “mind, body and spirit” or a “mind, body and soul”? I used to think the spirit and soul were one and the same. What’s the difference?

The soul is like a container you carry collecting all the experiences of spiritual value (truth, beauty, and goodness) that will move with you into the afterlife.

Your soul is safeguarded by an angel or seraphim whose role is to help you gain as much soul growth through your experiences here as possible.  Your guardian seraphim travel and remain with you in the afterlife.

I know my Gran’s soul carried a great deal value because of the life she lived. Your soul grows with practices of patience, compassion, kindness, empathy, understanding, generosity, nonjudgment – qualities she lived, often with a great sense of humour!

Nearing the Time of Transition

There’s a “thinning of the veil” as you approach the end of your life, which results in some common experiences.

Towards the end of my Gran’s life, she had more contact with my grandfather and would tell me how often she would feel his presence.

She had a vivid dream for the first time of her mother.

“Right before dying, many people experience vivid and meaningful dreams and visions, according to accounts across cultures and throughout history.” ~Scientific American, Nov. 2014

She also kept seeing “wispy transparent material that would move across her drapes”. She would grab this material that also showed up on her clothes, roll it up into a tiny ball and feel it in her hands.

Finally, she would increasingly become awakened in the middle of the night. A feeling of panic could sweep over her as she described children in danger of drowning or being trapped she was seeing in her room.

It’s common to have dementia as we age, but I suspect there’s much more going on as you approach death than simply your mind deteriorating. We know how much we carry in our subconscious minds that may be surfacing with the veil thinning.

I believe as you get closer to the other side you can access other sensory capacities that may cause you to see in other ways, but being on the material side it appears like you are losing your “whole mind” when it’s just your material mind losing its capacity.

The Other Side

On the other side, you will have a new range of senses to experience the afterlife. Besides our 5 physical senses, we have the capacity to develop our 5 psychic senses or “clair senses” that’s operating closer to the other side.

For example, people who are clairvoyant can see what you and I don’t have the capacity to see, and they are NOT hallucinating.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear from spiritual personalities and is often how we receive insights and creative inspiration.

You also have what’s called a developing “morontial mind” as you progress spiritually. Morontia is a term meaning a vast level intervening between the material and spiritual.

“In the physical life, mortals may be outwardly beautiful though inwardly unlovely; in the morontia life, and increasingly on its higher levels, the personality form will vary directly in accordance with the nature of the inner person.” ~Nordan Symposia

What is real, and what is an illusion is difficult to discern, and I suspect it’s a little of both happening –  shades of grey!

Signs and Synchronicities

People often report getting a ‘sign’ of a past loved one. It may be a bird, a feather, even a dime. I had swallows show up building nests in my front alcove.  One day I just began thinking of a beloved aunt who passed away and connected her to the swallows who I could hear in my office.

Later I discovered a locket she had given me was engraved with a swallow.

Our loved ones can communicate with other light beings to help give us signs using connections we’ve made in our minds.

They essentially use our mind’s ‘library’ – what we believe, think, understand to help communicate with us.

I posted a message about my Gran that ended with “goodbye for now until we meet again.” A friend saw my post and promptly began making a bracelet that used black, white, and grey beads.

When she came to my door, she explained that the beads read “until we meet again” in morse code. I was SO moved by her expression of thoughtfulness!!

I immediately put it on, and realized I was wearing a top with the EXACT same 3 colours – black, white and grey! I often talk about things not being ‘black and white’ where the different one is seen as the enemy in the practice of living judgment-free.

There’s so much grey to sort out among people’s perspectives especially in the spiritual arena when it comes to beliefs!

If you can get to that open field beyond black and white, good and bad, right and wrong, you can discern the grey more clearly.

My Gran had very strong opinions. She would speak her mind, but remained respectful of everyone. She could laugh at herself in her old age – a quality I am still working on!

I believe this synchronicity of the identical colours and their meaning was a sign from her that all is well.

Near-Death Experiences and Past Life Memories

Last week after a 5th person asked “have you seen the new series Surviving Death?”  I decided OK I will watch it!

There seemed to be a consensus that the first episode on near-death experiences (NDEs), and the last episode on past life memories were worth seeing, the others on mediums – maybe not so much.

I was SO thrilled to see the stories, and research that is SO familiar to me, but difficult to explain unless you’ve read the books. That it’s trending on Netflix means these spiritual ideas will reach so many more people, even if a lot of them think it’s all a hoax!

It was really amusing that the husbands featured, at first don’t believe any of this soul stuff. I seriously wondered if testosterone has a role to play in not being open-minded somehow?

Turns out there was a 2017 study through Wharton, (U. of Penn) studying testosterone, which has long been the scapegoat for many bad choices. This kind of explains my husband and the men in my family’s immediate reaction to spirituality!

We found that testosterone is making men rely on their wrong, instinctive answer that jumps to their head.

–Gideon Nave

Bottom line: there is an afterlife.

It may not be your time, and you’re sent back. Everyone I’ve met who’s experienced an NDE has had a profound spiritual experience.  Their outlook radical changes for the better, they often have new spiritual abilities, and their awareness of the ‘bigger spiritual universe’ changes how they live their life.

Children are experiencing memories of people who lived here at an earlier time. I don’t believe in reincarnation in the sense that someone from the past returns as a new person because I understand that our soul is unique and each personality has their own journey forward.

The Complexity of Our Soul

Your fragment of God indwells your mind at around age 6 when you have the maturity to make your first moral decision. It is the same time when past life memories in thousands of children reportedly disappear from consciousness.

These memories may go into the subconscious mind at this point.

Having done past life regressions with adults, I can attest to people definitely having memories of past lives in their subconscious mind. Once they surface, they can be resolved, and there’s a weight lifted.

Just as a fragment of God splits into human consciousness, a soul can contain multiple fragments of personality consciousness. When we still have something we need to learn here eg. forgiveness, judgment, pride – there’s “unfinished business” that still requires growth or healing.

Instead of resurrecting to continue your journey, you may exist in what’s called “life between lives” where you have an opportunity to still gain experience virtually through the life of another person’s soul.

We need to grow spiritually for our soul to mature enough to reach the First Mansion world. “In my Father’s house are many mansions” John 14:2). Once you resurrect in your morontia form, you won’t be coming back unless you choose to volunteer as a celestial teacher or for a higher administrative role.

It’s up and onward from here!

I know my Gran is on the other side happily moving along her soul journey because of her faith and where her soul development defined her character in a high vibration.

She had no ‘unfinished business’ here, and could leave peacefully.

That gives me peace, and joy.

In Loving Memory of Edna Maude Sang