Picking a Soul Theme to Create Your Greatest Year

At the end of every year I choose a soul theme with a few close soul friends & we review our existing theme to see how it showed up.

There’s something mysterious that happens when you put an intention out in the form of one powerful word for something you want to step into.

Reading Wayne Dyer’s “The Power of Intention” years ago gave me the understanding of holding what you want in your mind this way.

“If you aren’t doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn’t the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don’t love will appear in your life.”

~Wayne Dyer

Hmm…I just realized this vase has been on my shelf for years…a gift from my hubby who supports me wholeheartedly in doing what I love!

Today I understand the power of intention on a soul level.

When you direct your thoughts in the form of a clear intention, you are putting “light into your field” that allows you to receive divine guidance from within, and with your guides.

You can create your reality with a thought or take it up a notch to co-create miracles when you realize you’re here to grow your soul.

Just a reminder that we are living in a Universe filled with Spirit personalities and you are a significant part of the collective consciousness evolving on our planet in this material plane at this time in history!

It’s why when you can feel into gratitude (or fill your field with a higher vibration), then set an intention – more light comes your way in divine timing or those magical moments.

If you feel stuck, stressed or down in the dumps – it’s difficult for your guidance team to assist your intention.

How can your guidance team reach you from their higher light field of love if you are operating in the fear of darkness?

Think of it the same way you ‘meet people where they are’ to best communicate from where you are.

If you are worried, it means you’re living in fear not faith so releasing your doubts is a necessary first step to allowing your soul theme to lead you.

It can be difficult when things are not working on the outside because we’re not conscious of how our reactions our old patterns of behaviour affects our energy field.

We listen to the media and can take in fears.

We can let other people’s needs, demands and desires dominate our own inner voice.

We can find ourselves people pleasing or trying to meet expectations.

We can let thoughts of criticism and judgment block our creativity.

We can justify all kinds of rationale to explain why we are feeling trapped or overwhelmed that keep us stuck.

When you take a deep breath with intention –  use that pause to bring your personal divine part of God into your life to see through your higher self.

This is your primary relationship above all else where we learn to love ourself.

What Loving Yourself Means in Practice

We know that taking care of ourselves emotionally, mentally and physically are ways to practice acts of self-love.

But what does loving ourselves spiritually mean?

How can you love you when you’re the same person?

Unless there are 2 of you … and there IS!

The greatest, highest, most divine love you can imagine that’s unconditional, non-judgmental and a love beyond our human comprehension – that love is living inside of you.

God IS love. It’s the light source of the entire universe.

At the soul level, discovering God is really part of each and everyone creates a profound practice of self-love.

Someone whose birthday is about to be celebrated this Saturday around the world came along to tell us this same revelation:

“The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21).

I didn’t find spirituality and God in the bible. There are so many spiritual writings that have led the way, but the fourth section of the Urantia book describing Jesus’s whole life helped me understand what the bible was trying to say similar to Marianne Williamson’s “A Return to Love” based on the Course in Miracles.

Reading the Impersonal Life (1916) had me experience how God lives in you because it was a dialogue between the author and God talking to him:

“You cannot awaken to this fact until you can get away from the consciousness of this body and intellect, which so long have held you enslaved. You must feel Me within, before you can know I AM there…Be still! – and KNOW – I AM – God”

~Joseph Brenner, the Impersonal Life

Wayne Dyer discovered this book just before he passed away in 2015 and shared his experience with the CEO of Hay House here. It was like he was describing my experience!

A Philosophy I Practice

SO first thing – you have a light in your soul. Connect with the light first, and everything else will follow.

It can start with choosing a soul theme to help bring light to your field in the coming year.

What you’re really doing is asking your divine fragment to help you grow into more of who you want to BE in order to have the experiences you long for.

It’s important to notice, a soul theme is not a goal you can check off a list.

A soul theme is not an action item.

It’s a calling of your soul to step up.

My 2021 soul theme was bravery.

It found my way to the song “Brave” by Sara B. that sounds like God’s talking to me while I’m doing this sun salution in the early morning.

How a Soul Theme Works

“Real movements seem to start unintentionally … it’s more true that movements create us”.

~Charles Eisenstein

When you do something that resonates with your soul, some will notice and follow your lead in their own way.

It’s leading you, and you lead by example.

An intention isn’t a ‘to do’, but a way to grow into your field of possibility. It’s a little space you hold of who you want to become by being willing to walk into it.

Being brave has meant sharing more about my spiritual understandings that have felt difficult to explain in ways that people can best understand and apply.

I feel like I live in my own little world operating in other realms of reality most of the time!

The arrival of the vaccine and their mandates created all kinds of unanticipated opportunities to be brave.

Though I’m used to being in the minority with my spiritual views which comes with some judgment, I wasn’t expecting the worldwide fear, shame, distain, and blame coming from how this pandemic has been handled.

Difficult encounters this year where I sought to understand all the different points of view required I be brave.

The conversations with family & close friends – with loved ones can be the toughest, but speaking my own truth has been necessary. I can’t hide where I stand with people I love.

However they don’t need to know my why until they’ve earned that space, which is not available sometimes.

I do my best to plant seeds wherever I go. If it’s someone I really care about – I am planting bigger seeds more often.

Bravery really helped me to navigate this challenging time for myself and my family this year.  Staying strong in the face of massive opposition and censorship is not easy.

I found a new tribe of spiritual people who believe in upholding our freedom of autonomy over our body, and am thankful to friends who can honour our different choices.

It’s easier to be brave when I can hear my own voice with my personal fragment of God more clearly than ever. Every morning I listen to a song where I can hear this higher part of me:

See if any songs show up for you this year to help tap into your Spirit of the Creator.

My 2022 Soul Theme

A theme popped into my mind during our annual reflection: ownership.

What’s been challenging is attributing all of what has felt successful in my life to little ‘ole me.

I’m not afraid of failure. I’m more afraid of success.

It’s easier to say I’ve been blessed.

I tell myself I’m so fortunate.

I came from a good family with parents who were kind, respectful, hard working and valued education. I had a very happy childhood.

But something was missing for me. Although science and logic provided a solid foundation, spirituality and inner alignment are the pillars for my life today.

I’ve noticed that spirituality precedes science. What we learn spiritually, science has yet to prove. Greater truth comes more from our combined experiences than a single randomized peer reviewed study.

It can be difficult to summarize, package and share what I’ve done because I have not been “owning” how I got here.

I wonder who am I that got me here?

I don’t fully know to be honest. I followed my inner Spirit, I trusted, I listened, and I have lots of conversations with people far and wide on spiritual topics! I can create what most matters in my life by being who I am, and I know you can too.

Owning exactly who I am feels needed this coming year to help more people who are struggling during this very divisive time. I can be the minority, the one that doesn’t fit in, and be totally at peace because here in my world I’m full of love and feel whole.

Who are you that created the reality you live in? Do you know?

What will be your soul theme for 2022?

Share your soul theme at carolyn@carolynhidalgo.com as it helps get your intention out into your field (open the possibilities by sharing with others) so your divine guides can reach you more easily : )