Living in Love Versus Fear

There is a spectrum on which we all live: love on one side, fear on the other. I call it living in love versus fear. You know which side you live from based on your emotions. Love feels grounded, flowing, abundant, and compassionate with a resonance connected to your spirit. Fear feels anxious, condemning, competitive, scarce, guilty, and disconnected from your spirit.

Many emotions along this continuum translate into an energy vibration you are holding- high being love, low being fear. Neither one means you are better or worse than someone else, but your experience, and how others experience you will either be positive or negative, constructive or destructive, loving or unloving.

There’s a middle ground. It’s practical. Seemingly wise. Filled with knowledge, but not necessarily truth. It directs your life looking at the circumstances of what is, and has difficulty stretching beyond to the possibilities outside of the box.

Somewhere in this mix is where you live searching for your own truth. Can you feel where you are? It’s a choice you may not be aware you’re making. It’s constantly changing, swinging back and forth with your life experiences, but hopefully moving in the direction of love through your own life lessons. Eventually you reach a point where you can trust yourself, and not look to other’s fears and expectations, or old conditioned beliefs that no longer serve you to determine how you should be living your life. Instead you move effortlessly connected to the values true to you hitting bumps along the way you must overcome to reach the other side to an even deeper love.

At the beginning of this year I picked a theme: breakthrough. An intention for my life with no idea how it would transpire. I found myself in writing competitions after beginning to write my first book that opened many doors leading to my first publication with best-selling authors. I discovered that love has no boundaries, and is abundant when you can let go of your ego, and fear. I launched my website, attracted an abundance of people who resonate with where I am. Instant connections from all around the globe.

I learned a powerful skill of discerning how much truth someone can receive depending on where that individual lives on the spectrum of love versus fear. The more they live on the fear side, the more judgment, and the less authentic I can be. Those who live from love can receive it all. It is profound, deeply connected, and the speed at which love flows continues to amaze me.

This morning as I was making lunches, my son blared Adele’s “Set Fire to the Rain”, I took in her voice, its powerful lyrics, the memories it evoked, and listened to the sound of my children laughing, my daughter on the piano sounding out the melody, and felt that love so familiar now flow through my world.

This year I want to live further along this side of the spectrum for it has no end – love is eternal. Each moment will be that much more joyful, meaningful, happy, and continue to create the kind of life I want to be experiencing. Spiritual growth attracts experiences that are nothing short of miraculous : )

Are you confused between love vs fear? Do you want to choose love or fear? What will be your theme for 2012?