Integrating Spiritual Wisdom into Your Life

Have you ever wondered how integrating spiritual wisdom into your life could impact it positively? If yes, this is for you…

I read a little book a while back that seemed to be on every coach and thought leader’s “recommended book list”:

I would not have read it based on its title, but it was personally recommended by one of my coaches as a “classic”.

I know …. don’t “judge a book by its cover” or its confusing title!

It was not what I expected .. a powerful short story that I didn’t put down until the last page.

I told myself I would go back one day to take in its enlightening wisdom of the ten scrolls…

Paying Attention to Signs

This book was published in the year I was born – 1968. Yeah – I’ll take that one!

It has 111 pages. Definitely one of my signs.

The author passed away in 1996 – I got married that year. Another sign?

It’s the kind of book you have to be ready for.

Are you wanting to harness the kind of universal spiritual laws we all know exists, but can’t seem to apply into our lives?

Sneak peak at Scroll II of X:

“I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures.

Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life, but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men and until I master this art I will remain no more than a peddler in the market place.

I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call can defend against its force.”

Imagine if the truth of these words LIVED in the deepest part of you?

Do you believe in the power of love at the soul level – beyond the subconscious mind down to the energetic experience of the soul-mind?

How would your life be lived differently if love was ever-present?

It wasn’t only a great story – it was packed with “9 success insights” – the first scroll detailed commitment to the practice.

To apply the wisdom of the ten scrolls seems to be a combination of prayer, affirmation and hypnosis all rolled into one.

Thoughts get into your mind’s consciousness from the day we arrive with everything outside you put your attention on.

These days we are bombarded with the mostly fearful stimuli, so our minds need a spiritual intervention!

Some call our mind a bad neighbourhood with all the negativity that can get in there.

The purpose of any spiritual practice is to help you become more aligned with your divine self to have a clear space to create the world you want to live in.

Dream big. Imagine wildly. Enjoy life on your terms, but in alignment with truth, beauty and goodness.

For some of us the deeper practice is going out into nature, meditating with the breath, being present, or attending a place of worship.

For me, it’s been digesting spiritual writings, and applying their insights into my relationships. Using common sense, but trusting in the magic.

What has the power to transform your life needs to tap deeply into your divine self.

When a book has reached 50+ million people worldwide, and is still selling hundreds of thousands of copies each month, I pay attention for the universal spark.

Universal spiritual insights that cross social, religious and cultural barriers resonate for a reason, and will stand the test of time.

Why I Love the Classics

Wisdom from long ago holds a secret energy you feel deep within where you know you can trust yourself and follow its bliss.

When I feel in me what millions have felt over thousands of years – I have the inner confidence to play full out.

Other classics with similar wisdom include:

~As a Man Thinketh (1903 by James Allen)

~The Master Key System (1912  by Charles Haanel)

~Think and Grow Rich (1937 by Napoleon Hill).

Profound success thinking.

Here’s a few more:

~The Celestine Prophecy (1993 – James Redfield)

~The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success (1994 – Deepak Chopra)

These all share similar “spiritual principles” that when applied has you following your right path.

Your own voice will resonate with the Universal Voice so no matter what anyone else believes you should do – you will know how to BE.

It’s in this space that “we are ONE”.

It does not mean life won’t be filled with ups and downs, challenges and heartaches, but you will consistently be moving on an enlightened path forward with your unique definition of success.

The Greatest Salesman in the World

So many pieces of this little story resonated!

It’s familiar in ways that shake your soul.

When I first read, I didn’t have the space to apply the wisdom as it recommended. I was raising 3 children with a husband who travelled and worked long hours, and taking on life coaching as a new career.

After continuously reading spiritual wisdom over more than a decade & applying bits and pieces to my life – miraculous things have happened I cannot explain fully.

I believe there is power in nurturing your mind with high vibration thinking that follows universal spiritual wisdom . It’s the real secret to success in every part of your life.

Does mastering any of these sound like it could improve your life tremendously?

I Commitment

II Love

III Persistence

IV Miracle

V Time

VI Emotion

VII Laughter

VIII Value

IX Action

X Guidance

What if I added on the wisdom from other spiritual writings too? I’m wondering…

There’s so much that has crossed my path – it can be daunting to figure out “how do I share all this?”

How We Transform Towards our Deepest Desires

Universal wisdom is only valuable if you can apply it.

When I look out into the world today – it feels obvious so much isn’t working well.

Imagine if you could draw from  your inner well to grow and flourish on your own right path despite what was happening around you?

Finding a way to stay aligned internally each day makes me wonder what could you create from this place?

Og Mandino’s Story

I often look up the story behind the story.

How did the author come to write such a profound book that impacted millions?

Og followed the ancient wisdom he shared to navigate his challenging journey that began with the sudden loss of his mother who collapsed in the kitchen making his lunch.

It culminated into alcoholism after struggling to make ends meet for his family.

When his wife left with their young daughter, Og hit rock bottom.

It’s here when the outward journey becomes so unbearable that someone is finally ready to step inward seeking guidance.

YES – the answers really are within!

Investing time, energy and resources in my own spiritual work has been a game-changer for my life.

How to Integrate the wisdom of the 10 Scrolls

It’s suggested that we read each scroll in succession for 30 days 3 times each day – “morning, noon and night”, and rank out of 4 how well you integrate its wisdom each day.

That’s 30 days X 9 Scrolls = a 270 day commitment (first scroll describes “the commitment”, but not part of the practice).

They say it takes 30 days to build a habit…imagine what a high vibration energy habit could do?

9 Habits – its a 270 day practice!!!

Sound a little daunting in your busy day?

Today I am ready & excited to commit to this challenge twice a day – waking up and going to sleep.

I’m reasonable. The middle of the day consistently is not going to happen!

What makes anything do-able is to make it so easy it’s hard not to do.

I just discovered Og created a companion book “The Greatest Secret in the World”.

Here’s my secret: we are a living breathing vibration of mind, body, soul and Spirit : )

How often have you heard to write it down, journal, track your progress?

If this is something you’d use – I’m a bit of an organization nut so this appeals to me.

The font is really small so I found someone who summarized all ten scrolls you can print out here.

You can also click here to access Og reading the scrolls each day! This may feel like easiest way to get this wisdom downloaded into your life!

My daughter always wants to know what I’m reading. She ended up reading the whole book last Saturday in a few hours!

She LOVED it so much she’s on board to do this daily practice – my accountability partner!

I’m starting this practice on November 11th, 2022!


Want to join me in this powerful daily practice that can transform your life?

Are you ready to up-level your life with these insights that are thousands of years old?

I believe the only way out is to go within.

Instilling inspiration helps bring your will into alignment with a higher will to create thoughts that move you away from fear and back to love.

Having a daily spiritual ritual invites you in to a whole new way of being.

Summary Next Steps if you want to join this powerful daily practice – try it for 30 days and see what happens!

  1. Pick up the Greatest Salesman in the World.
  2. Visit to download the audio version of the scrolls for easy listening.
  3. Print the ten scrolls in this handy pdf
  4. Consider picking up The Greatest Secret in the World as your workbook if you want a way to check off your daily practice with a place to journal your daily ranking and insights all in one place.
  5. Find an accountability partner.
  6. Free feel to join my private Facebook Creating Fabulous Relationships for Conscious Leaders here.

Finally sign up here with us to let the spiritual magic begin!

Can’t wait to discover what transpires for you.