How Your Body Can Heal Itself

How Your Body Can Heal Itself

There are countless stories of the body miraculously healing from past trauma, dis-ease, dis-order, and dys-function.

The kind you need to hear with your own ears or see with your own eyes to believe.

Growing up, I would tune in to stories my grandmother shared…

A pregnant woman would walk past a severely crippled man sitting on his porch, his legs contorted from a rare disease on her daily route to work.

Though the expectant mother tried not to stare, her gaze would catch a glimpse of his horrific condition and quickly turn away.

My grandfather, a doctor in British Guyana delivered the baby. Her child was born with the exact same rare condition.

How could that be I wondered?

Then came the stories of all the ways a growing fetus is affected by what the mother sees, hears, feels, ingests – so not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Expectant moms intuitively know that glowing during pregnancy energetically makes a difference to a new soul.

A classmate (and second cousin) in my 6th grade class had a visit from her deceased grandmother who appeared at the foot of her bed to gently announce: “I will be seeing you soon”.

This cousin was soon diagnosed with leukaemia, and passed away shortly thereafter.

People could see and hear their lost loved ones? 

I spent the summer with my twin cousins in England when I was 10. My Scottish aunt shared how her mother remembered details of another life as a soldier.

You could be born again to another life?

She would look down and vividly see army boots. Noticing what shoes you were wearing I’d later discover was a very common experience during a past life regression.

My aunt believed if you still had important lessons to learn or amends to make – you’d be back for another trip.

I would tuck these stories away not knowing how to process them.

Stories without a scientific or logical explanation.

Perhaps you have a few of your own?

I couldn’t easily sweep them under the rug as “nonsense”.

More unexplained stories came along because my thoughts were now tuned into a different frequency I was paying attention to.

I’d put them together like a giant jigsaw puzzle searching for pieces until one profound spiritual reality would make itself known, and then another to make sense of it all.

As a teenager, the placebo effect told me there was something we were all missing.

How could you have a physical response to something when nothing physically actually changed except your belief in it?

It made me PAUSE.

Labelling something an “effect” doesn’t explain anything.

Somehow your beliefs – what you think about could become your reality in some mysterious way.

Our choice of thoughts carry not only our emotional vibration, but a spiritual frequency deep in our superconscious mind holding energy at a quantum level.

As you are the chooser of your thoughts – you have the power and potential to create your life.

It’s why the term “thought adjuster” from the Urantia Book made sense as the term used to describe the personal fragment of God living within our consciousness!

The Creator Source living in you can adjust your thoughts to a higher vibration for any challenge, problem, desire when you ask and choose to align your thoughts and move into action for the higher truth, beauty and goodness.

You get to decide whether to align your free will with a higher Divine Will (truth, beauty and goodness whose essence is love), which becomes you exercising your imagination.

Turns out that power can also heal you.

The mind, body, and soul need to find balance in order to function optimally, happily, in ease and harmony, but also in coherence spiritually.

A few weeks ago a dear friend forwarded me an interview with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.

It takes alot to surprise me these days.

Let’s say I’m still in awe.

I bet you haven’t heard of her either?

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Health Summit, the Harvard Club, London’s Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, Tesla Tech, Regenerative Technology and Anti-aging Congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and Ministries of Health worldwide.  Knighted for her humanitarian service, Dame Dr. Michael has served on the board of the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines and as a Commissioner for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

Her technology has miraculously healed thousands of people including senior officials in government who were near death and “elites” who recognize the tremendous value for their health.

She created a healing technology in the 1970’s that uses zero point energy. I’m sure you’ve head of this ..

Zero-point energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have. Unlike in classical mechanics, quantum systems constantly fluctuate in their lowest energy state as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

This healing technology gives me hope for the future knowing all the ways energy can be created to heal and sustain life.

Another example was in the film The Need to Grow showing we have the technology to sustain our soil and grow food in abundance without ANY chemicals.

Can you imagine a world in the distant future without dependence and addiction to chemical pills and all their side effects?

Who doesn’t have an allergy, dis-ease, dysfunction, or disorder to something these days that depends on chemical medication? It’s the rare few.

Given our advancements, our health should be the other way around, don’t you think? We’re more sick than ever before.

Sandra’s work is NEXT LEVEL healing to help reverse what has too often been a quick outer solution to a bigger inner problem … the kind I imagine Jesus was talking about when he said:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do.” ~John 14:12

Her technology isn’t what’s healing you – its the catalyst for you to heal yourself.

It’s being released in a way that’s not for profit to be affordable so our planet can heal and grow.

No patents. No corruption. No control. No deception. 

Her system effectively “recharges” your cells using your mind, body, spirit with science to heal, and these smaller pieces you can wear have been “energy enhanced”.

It feels like divine timing for it to be made available to the masses because the need for healing has reached epic levels.

Covid-19 created immeasurable suffering hitting every part of the world.

My heart goes out to all who have been devastated by this virus and by the vaccine. Both are victims!

As someone who’s believes in my body’s immune system and ability to heal spiritually, my choice for what was experimental and more risky for me was clear.

For everyone, the risk and demands are a personal choice, but for many deep regret is what I have seen too often.

The untold stories of what an “experimental vaccine” can do to our bodies without any political or professional commentary in every country are being shared here: Jab Injuries Global.

One artist is painting their portraits and sharing their stories @covidvictimportraits on instagram. I’ve spoken with her, and she gives me courage to keep sharing what I do – even though it feels difficult.

Here’s one of over 100 she’s painted that is sadly typical of so many stories I’ve read..

“Before the 💉 I was happy.
I had my two beautiful children who are now 1 & 2, we used to go on daily walks & I kept chickens, grew my own vegetables and had fun on a Sunday with my family.

After my 1st & only dose I immediately had neurological and chest problems. Dizziness, migraines for days, along with chest pain & my heart feeling like it had pins & needles. And then the syncope started & I would lose my memory, sometimes forget how to talk or who my kids were.

My chest would feel like it was on fire & I had days where ambulances would have to come to my house, or I’d have to go to A&E <accident & emergency in the U.K.> I went into hospital once with suspected mini stroke as the pain was so severe that I would be on the floor crying in pain & I physically couldn’t talk no matter how hard I tried. Now I can barely leave the house, if I do it’s in a wheelchair or with my Walker.

I can’t go anywhere because of the noise & light.

Then in August I went to A&E with suspected cauda equina & had to have an MRI where I found out I had slipped disks from dropping to the floor & seizing.

I have no quality of life, I spend most of my days with nystagmus, spasms or episodes of fits & seizing.”


1,223 people DIED during the initial Pfizer trials that was not publicized until a group of public health and medical professionals took the lack of disclosure to court demanding transparency of the trial data where hundreds of thousands of pages that included that statistic are still being released here.

When this data was released AFTER the mandates, lockdowns, and travel restrictions, how was it a real choice for people to asses their health risks?

We are dealing with far more health issues now than before the pandemic because of how it was handled.

This sworn testimony last week at the Senate is a great synopsis of what our health care systems failed to do and need to learn for the future.

I have always had faith despite what felt unbelievable happening around me, but now I have real hope for what’s possible for health care after watching these 2 interviews.

Each one is an hour in length – a 2 hour investment to open your mind to what’s truly possible for your health.

Dr. Michael is in her 70’s and her blond hair is natural! It’s the smallest remarkable healing effect of her work.

Her understanding and countless stories of remarkable healings resonate with every story I’ve heard in the past, but now I have another puzzle piece clicked in.

Where there is light, there is also darkness.

We have been gifted free choice to think for ourselves, and must recognize when we are operating from fear or choosing the path of love that will show the higher truth.

Freedom to choose and transparency to assess your own risk for your body are VITAL to your health.

It goes for all choices when it comes to rights over your body.

There is no one size fits all for anyone, and where laws are made in that direction to remove fundamental spiritual rights – you can bet mass formation for control not well-being, health or truth is taking place.

When spirituality and science come together with souls who are aligned for the collective humanity – miracles happen, and what was unknown becomes enlightened.

Part 1:

Part 2:

I just received their medallion and bracelet you can order at Energy Enhancement System and review the scientific research behind her work.

If this technology interests you as much as me – I’d love to hear your thoughts at

My wheels are turning with how to bring this to my own community. If I have enough interest I will host a special call to discuss what we can do collectively.

I’m in the process of healing myself of a few ailments – nothing life threatening, but I’ve been more empowered knowing this technology is out there!

Please put these on your “must watch” list – it will raise your vibration for your thoughts to hear what’s available in the collective consciousness now.

The power that made you can heal you because its always been a part of you.