How Truth Gets Hidden and Stays Under the Radar

Let’s talk about how truth gets hidden and remains hidden.

As I ventured inward spiritually, I began to see so much outward that left me with a persistent question: “How come people don’t know about THIS?” It felt mind boggling how much truth gets hidden and stays under the radar.

It takes letting go of a lot of the mainstream “groupthink” mentality to reveal vital information that few seem to ever lay their eyes on.

What Arthur Schopenhauer said about truth seems to be in full swing these days.

All truth passes through three stages:

First, it is ridiculed.

Second, it is violently opposed.

Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. 

In Other Words..

First our fear creates judgment believing we’re right and we condemn the wrong ones.

Second, we divide and conquer through a “for and against” stance with each side justifying their view preventing meaningful discourse needed for wise decision-making.

Third, a small minority of highly qualified individuals breaks through the confusion to stir up enough collective experience to reign in the light of higher truth away from the fear of judgment.

Then, we wonder why it took so long.

The space between people focused on who’s right and who’s wrong becomes a dysfunctional pattern: attack – defend – feel offended – silence – separation.

The way to truth is answer for yourself: What is right for me because it feels aligned with my own experience?

Finding our spiritual voice is key to overcoming judgment and discovering what is true, beautiful and good we’ve always carried “within” in order to see “without”…

A Little Reminder of WHO YOU ARE within..

Each of us arrived as a spiritual being “imperfect by design” carrying a Spark of the invisible Creator. There’s profound wisdom in YOU.

Your inner “divine fragment” waits to indwell your mind’s consciousness when you reach the cognitive maturity to make a moral decision around age 6.

It’s like we’ve been given the gift of a guiding light to direct our free will towards ethical thoughts by consciously tapping into our own creative Source through our life choices.

Taking away a fundamental life choice around your own body in order to function day to day is breaking a universal law of free will. 

Morality and ethical behaviour is not a science, its a genuine feeling calling you in a direction that allows you to progress spiritually.

I notice the scientists focused on ethics eg. freedom, transparency, kindness, respect, honesty (who write in ethical journals or are on ethics committees) are sharing what feels closest to truth.

Our Life Came with Natural Immunity

We don’t seem to understand who we are spiritually, nor that physically we have a built in immune system to keep us in balance when all sorts of dangers we face affect us mentally, emotionally and physically.

Why do you suppose that the very youngest and most vulnerable are able to keep from succumbing to this disease while the elderly do not?

The greatest difference is a healthy inborn immune system that hasn’t been hit with toxins that have accumulated in their little bodies.

How many toxins do you suppose enter and affect our body from every direction: our air, food, and through the skin from “beauty” products?  Not to mention the effects of stress, lack of exercise and trauma we carry as adults?

Our Inner and Outer Environment

There’s a knowing that our outer world reflects our inner world. I believe this applies to our health. Your body does what its meant to be able to do if you take care of your insides.

I comes down to understanding our microbiome & how it impacts the health of our innate immune system described well by Dr. Zach Bush here.

I’ve been surrounded by educated people all my life, but I’ve learned that accumulating knowledge without a spiritual lens can be deceiving because it makes you believe there is only one right way, one right answer, one solution for everyone.

The words “follow the science” and “safe and effective” can become all encompassing justification while so much remains unknown.

We can easily forget about the miracle of where we came from, and how intricately balanced our natural world has always been.

In our busy day to day, we don’t take into account the evolution of our species, the lessons in our history or that we were designed to evolve with an immune system that we have the responsibility to take care of.

There’s science and spirituality that work together to form a deeper reality of truth.

Your truth can only be relative to what your inner knowing is seeking and has the capacity to see.

Truth comes from both your inner knowing and your living proof. There’s what you can ascertain, and what you must have faith in because so much you simply cannot see.

It’s WHY seeing is believing and believing is seeing.

The more we discover, the more we realize how much we don’t see, and why listening without judgment allows us to better find our own relative truth.

There’s 3 Steps to profound truth:

1)  Being open to what feels uncomfortable.
2)  Being receptive to the idea that we all have blind spots.
3)  Accepting that your current thinking may be missing critical pieces.

The only way to tell if someone is really open is their willingness to be wrong. This simply isn’t most people. It’s the opposite – there’s a strong attachment to being right with a need to control.

When you notice defensiveness, or feeling offended in anyone, including yourself, know that you are limiting yourself from experiencing higher truth.

Our mind loses curiosity the more you know creating a most blinding paradox. You know that person who thinks they “know everything” while you are seeing the doors they unknowingly close.

To reveal truth, staying in the student mindset when you’ve become a parent, teacher, and leader takes a practice of being mindful, in wonder, and humility.

Reminding yourself that the more you discover, the more (not less!) there is to discover can help you stay open to listening for truth.

It’s a daily spiritual muscle we have to exercise to be present to the deeper truth of what’s happening around us.

We all must find the balance of doing what can feel inconvenient with our limited time to honour the being of what’s really true for you.

It can be easier and often necessary to follow those in authority, assume people are doing their best, and get on with life.

I invite you to stay open and curious, practice Yoda’s teaching – unlearn what you think you know as I share a tiny fraction of what’s been valuable to me to find my own truth.

We are Facing a Global War

I don’t want to sound alarmist, but we’ve made one virus into our collective enemy. This particular coronavirus-2019 has a “trajectory” built to thrive and keeps mutating as we attempt to kill it off to get back to the lives we once knew.

We know that overuse of antibiotics can have our body no longer responding in the ways we need to protect itself. We can sometimes switch to other antibiotics, but we risk creating resistant bacteria.

When we decide one virus is ‘bad’ and must be eliminated, we’re not taking into account that “biologists estimate 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria.” (Scientific American, D.Pride, Dec 1, 2020).

Take that in..trillions of viruses that are part of our living space.

Do we really understand what we’re doing by attacking it with one experimental vaccine injected into the living bodies of the entire world population? If we actually could even achieve this, where is the control population to see if we were right?

Attempting a coerced mass vaccination ought to have at least some SERIOUS open discussion from the experts in the field of virology, immunology and MDs on a global level available to the public, don’t you think?

When there are protests around the world over the same issue, and people going underground to share information…doesn’t that intuitively signal “something is rotten in the State of Denmark?” (Hamlet)

Does it not remind you of how any religion imposing its doctrine has individuals choosing to move away from it? Spiritual freedom gives you the choice to discover what makes sense from your own experience to believe, and does not impose with force.

Having a Science and Spiritual Foundation

My grandmother who lived to 101 had worked with my grandfather, an MD in British Guyana. She often told us the story of patients wanting medicine to “cure them” even if there was no appropriate medicine to give.

The common sense advice of “get rest, and your body will heal itself” was not enough. Today we would add eat well, exercise, take vital supplements, and manage your stress level.

When a patient insisted on needing something, my grandfather would say “please bring the ADT”!


Today, more than ever we want quick fixes even without fully understanding the risks attached. We want to believe something external can cure what’s internally a problem…forgetting how much wisdom lives in our internal system we were born with.

A Perspective on Death & Fear

Fear creates confusion. It helps me keep perspective to know the risk of other things that cause death we live with every day.

Let’s take cardiovascular disease (CVD).  Here in Canada approximately 71,000 die each year from CVD, while 665,000 of our U.S. neighbours lose their lives annually to CVD according to the CDC.

According to, “an estimated 80% of cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, are preventable. However, cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer and the most expensive disease, costly nearly $1 billion a day.”

Alot can be done to reduce our risk by being proactive with nutrition, exercise, and stress management. You might even call it “early treatment” with good relationships being the #1 contributor to your physical and mental health.

We can choose our relationships, and prioritize their quality as your health is impacted the most here!

In Canada, 27,001 people have died from Covid, and the dominant approach has been an experimental vaccine. Mask wearing, social distancing, and lock downs can mitigate spread, but has serious mental health consequences we fail to acknowledge.

Mental health is tied to our physical health!

When an experimental vaccine is mandated as the only way forward including for children ages 12+ knowing we play a huge role in our own health – it made me PAUSE.

What the *$%#* is going on???

There’s a risk/benefit analysis we each must do based on our age, and health status given the co-morbidities we’ve seen associated with Covid-19 (eg. hypertension, Diabetes, obesity).

According to, there have been all of 15 children who have tragically died under age 20 from Covid 19 in Canada.

222 have died under age 40. The vast majority (84.2%) who lost their lives to Covid-19 were over 70 years old.

The 4,275 under age 70 who have died represent 0.00011% of our current population of 38,140,802 Canadians.

How does it NOT make sense to recommend vaccinating the elderly who are clearly at more risk, and anyone with existing health problems if they choose?

The peer reviewed U.S. study that tracked 4.9M adult hospitalized Covid patients discovered 94.9% had an underlying medical condition (co-mobidities), which has been found consistently in other countries.

How are we not assessing children’s risk based on existing medical conditions?

We’re even vaccinating those who’ve just had Covid ignoring any immune response we know from an Israel study is longer lasting than the vaccine.

Here in Ontario, Canada – immunization began Dec. 13, 2020, and there’s been 314 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis following mRNA COVID vaccines.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. According to researchers at the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

There is global data showing teenagers are at risk of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination, generally after the second dose. I keep hearing this is rare, yet some countries are not recommending vaccines for children, and others like Hong Kong are holding off on the second dose.

We are recommending ALL CHILDREN ages 12+ get the vaccine and take this risk?

So we’re choosing to potentially cause damage to our children’s heart for something where the risk of death for a young healthy person is 0.00%?

Here’s something scientists, and especially MDs are not allowed to do – dare to question the safety of vaccines. Those who do, are consistently threatened, ridiculed, and risk losing their licence.

This is how truth gets hidden and stays under the radar. Make them appear “bad” because they challenge the “safety of everyone”.

It’s what’s I’ve also seen when MDs or scientists start recognizing there’s a spiritual reality that exists. Spirituality isn’t something that you can prove, but experience is something you cannot deny.

Your experience has always been what gives you your truth, and for those you can trust – their experiences add to your higher truth.

This conversation in June 2021 with one of the inventors of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, shares that the possible risks to female reproductive capacities was made known to the NIH before the vaccine was approved.

Now the NIH website has reported some women experiencing irregular or missing menstrual periods where heavier-than-usual bleeding and other menstrual changes have been found after receiving COVID vaccines.

Just recently, the NIH awarded one-year supplemental grants totaling $1.67 million to five institutions to explore potential links between COVID vaccines and menstrual changes.

So AFTER the vaccine is already in millions of young women, we are addressing the concerns we knew about BEFORE the vaccine was recommended as “safe and effective” for everyone?

We have plenty of studies that a person’s natural immunity can be better protection than the vaccine.

Natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to vaccine-induced immunity.

Body of literature supporting power of natural immunity

Long-lasting effects of Natural Antibodies

When did we forget that we have an immune system we can help maximize for every disease we face in favour of everyone getting a riskier third booster shot – we know this is going to get pushed through next..

It’s a bandaid to fix the bandaid with no sustainable solution in sight.

Fear makes rational people behave and think irrationally.

Staying Away from Judgment

Attacks towards anyone on either side is the destructive side of judgment. Mother Teresa would say “if you hold a protest, I’m not coming, but a peace rally – invite me”.

Fighting against something in ways that cause harm, damage or obstruction (including blocking access to hospitals) creates more divisiveness. It’s different than standing up respectfully, and firmly to share your point of view.

The ongoing censorship that’s created a single narrative is our greatest challenge.

Authority that uses control, coercion, and punishment (fines for not vaccinating people??) instead of leadership by example cannot be trusted. Any wise parent knows that this approach is exactly how your child loses trust and respect for you, and listens instead to their outside peers.

We also don’t treat any one child the same as their sibling. Each one of us is unique. There is no one size fits all.

We live the values of kindness, respect, and compassion for one another to develop the inner trust to think, trust and have love for oneself. Love guides the path to wisdom.

What kind of example does an educational institution set when it demands its students (who have extremely low risk of dying from Covid depending on their age and their health) ALL be vaccinated to attend class? For some, it may make sense, but isn’t the whole point of higher education to teach our young people how to think for themselves?

A Much Bigger Natural Perspective

This conversation with Deepak Chopra and Spiritual leader Sadhguru helped me see the limitations of the vaccine..

If we take the position of eradicating something that’s an evolving part of our ecology, which cannot be separated from who we are – how can a mandated vaccine for everyone be sustainable?

Early Treatment for Covid-19

The idea of treating Covid-19 early with our existing reservoir of already proven safe medications has somehow slipped away as a viable approach despite countless patient experiences by MDs of their benefit.

2 prominent MDs, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Jane Orient (both labelled and attacked as “Antivaxers”) provided this common sense approach to treating Covid early on to help reduce hospitalization and death before the vaccine came out.

We’ve been made to believe the only treatment available is the vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist and internist who was on the front lines in Italy when the pandemic first hit and is the most published MD in his field in history. He shared how early treatment could be used, and was ignored back in December 2020:

Dr. McCullough’s daughter, a lawyer, suggested he create a video to help share these ways preventable measures could be taken to help prevent overwhelming the hospitals. It went viral  before being taken down by you tube as “anti-vaccine”.

Its mind boggling that this would be censored when it’s saving lives. Why would we not include BOTH early treatment for the millions of cases testing positive AND a vaccine to treat the high risk elderly, and those with co-morbidities?

Whenever I go beneath the radar to find information, I’m amazed how twisted the narrative becomes about anyone suggesting alternatives to the vaccine.

Google any MD or scientist who questions the vaccine, and they are ALL judged as an Anti-vaxers when all of them support appropriate vaccine use, but not when the risks outweigh the benefits.

Early Treatment for Covid

Jane Orient is a Columbia graduate with over 47 years in medical practice as an internist, and long-time executive director of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, an independent body of practitioners.

The American Medical Association is funded by pharma and government agencies so know this difference as it affects the story you will hear.

She clearly outlines the censorship, and lack of support from the government and regulatory bodies around the use of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives:

Looking Out for Our Children

One MD’s story, Dr. Paul Thomas hit me the hardest, and sadly he gets hit hard in the media!  In 2016, he wrote the “Vaccine Friendly Plan” to help inform parents about vaccine safety, which I can tell you is not a money making endeavour being an MD!

Understanding the effects of vaccines in general gives you a better picture of the Covid Vaccine.

Dr Paul is a pediatrician in Oregon who was initially doing what most MDs do — following the vaccine guidelines. He thought parents were crazy if they chose not to vaccinate their children and for years tried his best to convince them otherwise.

The best revelators of truth are those who were passionately thinking one way, and when they got curious and discovered they may be wrong, are the most committed to getting the truth out.

Did you know that most of the New Testament was written by “Apostle Paul” <previously Saul of Tarsus> who was NOT one of the original 12 Apostles? He hated Jesus and His followers, and never sat at his feet to hear his teachings. Until Jesus appeared to Saul AFTER his crucifixion could he see the truth that we live beyond this life.

“I once was lost, but now am found; was blind but now I see” originally comes from Saul being literally blinded by the light of Jesus, and subsequently healed both physically and spiritually.

Dr Paul (the paediatrician) had one child patient perfectly healthy suddenly become not so healthy after being vaccinated. A form of autism showed up. It happened again, then again. By the fourth time, he couldn’t ignore the association and began to question the health outcomes of his vaccinated patients.

Staying Curious to Truth

Dr Paul realized that MDs were being assessed for their “uptake in vaccine use” not their patient’s health outcomes.

To investigate further, he completed a 10 year landmark study with his own patients – over 3,000 children comparing the vaccinated with the unvaccinated for health outcomes in a peer reviewed study in December 2020.

It clearly showed unvaccinated children with significantly better health outcomes than vaccinated children across many different illnesses including asthma, ADHD, ear pain, eye disorders, eczema, anemia, respiratory infection.

This is where the truth gets hidden.

The Covid Vaccine was introduced around December 2020 when Paul’s study came out so it wasn’t exactly the best timing to be questioning vaccines.

His study got so much attention, it promptly received a “retraction” notice for 2 minor errors (that doesn’t change any of his data!), which were corrected.

The Oregon medical board decided to illegally pull Paul’s licence to practice medicine citing that he was a threat to children’s health, and questioned his competence.

The media paints an MD who lost his licence and has a study that was ‘retracted’, so most will write him off. It’s how judgment destroys a person’s character. Until you are willing to see for yourself, it will stun you how easily we believe second hand false information.

Of course, its not just vaccines that have toxins with unknown side effects being thrown into our bodily system affecting our health- its EVERYTHING toxic going into our food, clothing, and cleaning products.

When we look at the overall state of people’s health today…we intuitively know that we are reaping what we sow by choices about what goes into our bodies.

The consistent pattern of $$ narrating the “perceived truth” can be found not just in the health industry. It’s sadly in every industry.

It reminded me of The Story of Stuff movement sharing what happens with all the “stuff” we make, the real costs, and its disposal –  its the same cycle of unsustainability for what we create, but now it’s our health.

What surprises me is how we are so conditioned by fear driving our reality that we go along with whatever “external rules” show up presumably for “safety” not realizing that we’ve now given up the freedom to decide our own body’s health.

My Children’s Health

I went back to my children’s records of vaccines and realized I had given my children all the recommended vaccines that included mercury.

Thimerosal contains mercury, the second most poisonous element that causes neurological damage. It was routinely used in childhood vaccine up until 2001. It was apparently removed and replaced with a lesser toxic metal, aluminum to maintain public confidence in vaccines, not because of safety concerns.

A child in the U.S. following the CDC vaccine schedule receives 51 individual doses of vaccines by age 18. If you include the annual flu shot, it’s 69. How much aluminum injected into your cells (as opposed to what we digest or breaks through the skin) can a body accumulate before we consider it to be toxic – do we know?

My children were vaccinated as babies in 2000 and 2001.

These were “safe and effective” so I just assumed it’s best for my children.  Do I know what damage having mercury in their system could cause? No, but who knows?

Dr. Paul now has startling data showing a consistent pattern of damage between current vaccines and many illness, and why he created his own vaccine schedule for better health outcomes. He is not against all vaccines!

My children all have various allergy ailments and I wonder now if there’s a reason. One daughter doesn’t have a completely healthy heart beat. I don’t take the flu vaccine nor do my children. I rarely get sick, and have no allergies.

I have chosen at this time given the risks of heart inflammation, and effects on the menstrual cycle that I do not want my children putting the mRNA vaccine into their healthy system. It feels like common sense.

Association Does Not Equal Causation

Just because we find an association does not necessarily mean one is the cause of the other.

However you can also equally argue that we don’t know whether the association isn’t causation.

So when you see a disturbing association, would you not look further as opposed to concluding “there is no scientific evidence…”? The tens of thousands of people worldwide who have died after getting this experimental vaccine including healthy young people, however relatively small it is compared to the number of vaccines given warrants further investigation, no?

We don’t know if it was the vaccine, AND and there’s no confirmation it wasn’t the vaccine.

This is the truth, and yet we’re going along with sweeping decisions affecting all of our children?

I see and hear spiritually what has “no scientific evidence”, but putting all the pieces together from many sources, a consistent picture emerges of what’s true for me that you can only discover through your own experience.

Places Truth Gets Hidden and Stays

Ontario Businesses Against Health Pass on a private Facebook group has over 128,000 members sharing stories of their adverse effects after the vaccine and why they don’t support mandates. This group has locations all across the country that recognizes there’s no longer a safe public space to share their truth.

VAERS data (Vaccine adverse event reporting system) released Friday September 10th by the CDC showed a total of 675,593 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,506 deaths and 88,171 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021. (

These figures I believe are woefully understated. How many people voluntarily report anything when there’s no incentive & it takes plenty of time and energy to complete? Would you report an adverse reaction if it was really bad, but you got over it?

MDs have difficulty sharing anything adverse when it comes to any vaccine so you can decide how many people are missing from this data base.

I would LOVE to see a combined reporting system on vaccine effects worldwide that had no ties to corporations or government.

We can only go underground to get a sense of the many unreported cases worldwide. Sporadic incidents hit the media and quickly disappear. Various social media groups worldwide are privately sharing adverse vaccine effects.

Look into our history of vaccines, and you’ll see it’s always been the case that some people’s risk far outweighs the benefit.

I have personally heard of at least 4 sudden deaths of heathy people between ages 20-60 years following the covid vaccine.

If the vaccine is “safe and effective for everyone”, why can’t this information be shared freely?

I remind myself how long it’s taken for the #metoo movement to become part of our conscious reality.  Why did it take so long to recognize the volume of countless women being sexually assaulted that fell under the radar for so long?

The forces that suppress information come from the same place – a low light space of fear, deception, need to control, and a dominant agenda.

There are Master level specialists that are mysteriously flying under the radar.

Here’s one of them, Geert Vanden Bossche, (DVM, PhD) whose 15 page CV gives you a good sense of his expertise in vaccines and viruses. He’s independent which gives him a high level of credibility in my view.

He’s been sounding alarm bells to our governing bodies that shares what many silenced scientists, and MDS have been trying to get out to the public.

His last post here and open letter to the WHO raises all kinds of bigger questions people are beginning to sense is happening that we cannot see.

When 2 top FDA advisors resign after warning there could be risks to boosters if they are widely introduced too soon, or too frequently, especially with vaccines that can have immune-mediated side-effects, whose guidance are we really following?

Let’s not forget that the principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Anne Schuchat and Nancy Messonnier, the longtime director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases both resigned in May 2021.

We don’t know the reasons for the CDC resignations, but we know that when dissent effectively disappears, you’re left with “my way or the highway”.

Unvaccinated in the Hospitals

The hospitals getting overwhelmed with more unvaccinated cases than vaccinated doesn’t mean the unvaccinated all need to get the vaccine.

If you get vaccinated, it can temporarily (only lasts 6 months) to reduce your risk of worse effects of Covid that may not have you in the hospital, but the vast majority survive, and built their immunity.

Doctors are not being allowed to treat anyone with drugs that are available when they could be used to prevent people from ending up in the hospital.

Dr. Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine explains the real risks of the vaccine and why you cannot “vaccinate your way out of a pandemic”. He believes the elderly and those at high risk for bad outcomes need to be vaccinated.


Please take the time to understand the bigger picture of what we’re dealing with as this will help elevate the consciousness to deal with our reality so we can together come up with better solutions.

Early treatment is basic common sense still not being advocated or taken. Demanding the vaccination especially of healthy children who are not high risk is not only irresponsible, its devastating to those who are now experiencing untold illness that will affect the rest of their lives or have lost their lives.

Everyone needs the freedom to choose what goes into their own body for their own health. This is your life.

It’s nonsensical to vaccinate after having Covid when scientific data shows you are better protected than those who are vaccinated and now need a booster shot.

“If we have anything to fear, it is the viruses of fear and ignorance—the deadliest pathogens known to humankind—the viruses against which the most effective vaccine is truth—and the freedom to speak it.”

If we can allow for open, honest, non-judgmental conversations, we will start hearing more of the truth that’s hiding under the radar from all whose voices need to be heard, not just those with the power to shape their own narrative.

Together we can move forward out of this crisis sooner and with healthier outcomes. Expanding our collective consciousness with your discernment is desperately needed to navigate the coming months and year ahead.

If this article was helpful – please share it with someone you love and let’s get people awakened to the heart of the matter – the higher truth of what’s really going on.

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