How to Pray Effectively When a Loved One Falls

How to Pray Effectively When a Loved One Falls

I thought prayer was about asking for help, but I was missing some pieces around how, and what is going on behind the scenes.

Do you pray or send thoughts when a loved one gets sick, receives a dire diagnosis, or has a terrible accident hoping it will somehow make a difference?

Many of us do this naturally without really thinking about how it works. Maybe you don’t need to know, but the more I discovered – the more effective I could be.

This week a dear friend was found unconscious on the floor of her condo. It is believed she was there all night and found the next morning.

Surgery was performed to add a tube to relieve pressure on her brain. It’s been 6 days now and she is showing positive signs of recovery.

It appears she had a stroke.

A group email went out to her connections – people who are praying for her – who know her smile, her sense of fun, and tireless energy. When I am calm in my own quiet moments, I’ve been reflecting on all the ways her spirit has impacted my life.

It brings in the connection we share energetically that I can use, and you can use in your prayers with loved ones. What difference has this person made in your life? What have you learned because of their presence?

There’s an invisible circuit you create with those you love and care deeply about. This is the avenue for prayer.

One of the best ways to help someone heal is to connect your energy with theirs from this knowing connection you share – the way you’ve always talked, laughed, listened, and understood one another.

The trust you’ve built and bond you’ve established is a powerful one. Even if it’s infrequent or seemingly small.

Consciousness is All Around Us

As you interact and have experiences in any relationship, you are building personal circuits with someone through your experiences together energetically. Your thought patterns form an evolving collective consciousness.

It’s this ‘consciousness field’ you are accessing when you pray.

Your conscious thoughts can reach their consciousness even if someone is not in an awakened state.

It’s the same way you hear about people sensing ‘something’s wrong’ from a distance, and somehow being bang on accurate. They are tapped into a circuit they share.

When you ask for anything, behind it is your conscious intention. You’re taking your free will, and exercising it to create something you envision.

Music is a strong part of my life, so Spirit uses this “music connection” often to reach me through our shared consciousness.

Have you ever felt like the exact song plays with words you need to hear? That’s your spiritual guides trying to reach you.

As I was finalizing this article, I was ‘nudged’ to play this song during my morning routine…

Many nights we prayed
With no proof, anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now, we are not afraid
Although we know there’s much to fear
We were moving mountains
Long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe…

~Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey

Honestly, other than believing I didn’t realize this song was about praying, and being able to move mountains!

These 2 parts are very important in the process of prayer:
  1. Believing
  2. Not Being Afraid

Miracles don’t just happen, you have to believe they will.

Believing does not guarantee a miracle will happen, but it is a pre-requisite for the possibility of one.

How can you have a genuine intention for someone to be healthy if you cannot see this reality being possible?

Your power of visualization stems from your capacity to imagine your own beliefs.

Intention, belief, and visualization all comes down to your energy, the frequency you hold, and it’s resulting vibration will match that out in the field of consciousness.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Part 2: Not Being Afraid

If you are worried sick about someone, you’ll be coming from the energy of fear, which as you can imagine isn’t a very high vibration. Worry creates stress, which affects our body negatively. It feels heavy with little room to move let alone create miracles.

It’s similar to the idea of putting the oxygen mask on yourself first before you can help someone else.

The Biggest Missing Piece with Prayer: Faith in Who You Really Are

When you are “praying to God”, remember that a fragment of the Creator Source lives in you and also lives in your loved one.

This concept requires faith. None of us are seeing God, but many have experienced our moments of Grace.

It’s like your fragment of God is talking to their fragment of God trying to heal and come back to the whole Oneness using your free will.

There is not only a circuit that exists between you and a loved one, but also between you and your “indwelling spirit of God”.

When you step into faith with good intention, and your belief in something greater – you are asking to see your loved one as God sees them: whole, perfect and healthy.

You are accessing the higher power in you to help heal someone.

Your Signs and Synchronicities

I practice living in faith whenever I see 11:11. It’s like an invitation to believe in something more. My experience is the feeling of AWE because it happens in the most unbelievable ways.

Pay attention to your “coincidences” – they are often ‘signs’ with a message for you.

Just a few days ago it was on a legal document I needed to sign with someone who I am grateful to have in my life. She takes care of some properties I invested in, which allows me to spend more time doing what I love.

As I clicked to DocuSign, I noticed: “12/10/2020 | 11:11 AM EST”. The same day my friend was found unconscious.

A few months ago this same friend I’m now praying for texted me this: “just a question…where can I read more about 111? I know that number is important to you, but I have seen it more frequently, several times a day and I’m not even looking for it???”

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” ~Hebrews 11:1

The next day on Dec. 11th, my grandmother turned 101. She is in a nursing home, and with Covid has not been able to see visitors much (sometimes not at all under lockdown). The lack of connection with those familiar “bonds” has taken its toll on her mind.

The relationship connections you have are vital to your mental well-being. They get activated when you stay connected.

You may say, but she’s 101, it’s inevitable. Are you sure?

What we don’t use, we lose. Often when we get older, the societal structures and opportunities simply aren’t in place to keep your mind engaged in all the ways we do earlier in our lives.

It’s our soul connections, sense of purpose and meaning that can help keep you grounded by keeping these circuits active. I arranged a zoom call with family members on my Gran’s birthday with the help of my sister who is the only one allowed to visit at this time.

It reminded me to find ways to keep the connections she has with other family members alive in her mind so she can keep her mind healthy. It also reminded me how I can pray for her more effectively using the connection I have with her!

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

When you talk to someone who matters to you – there are circuits being built and activated that create spiritual bonds you cannot see. These get added to your soul. Depending on the vibration you create together – they are vital to your well-being.

Real communication isn’t just me and you talking. There’s more going on beneath the surface. It’s you and me vibrating together at a frequency we each bring and create over time. These circuits evolve, and once established, they don’t disappear.

What you learn spiritually, you cannot unlearn. It becomes an eternal part of you. That’s the difference between spiritual energy and the other types of energy (mental, emotional and physical).

Spirituality is a one-way ascension path you are on, and this energy you want to tap into when you pray.

Once you become aware spiritually, you cannot pretend not to know.

One of the best ways I’ve understood how consciousness is experienced spiritually in our human form comes from Jill Bolte Taylor, a Harvard-trained brain scientist who had a stroke. She shared her powerful experience in her 2008 Ted Talk, and book “A Stroke of Insight”.

When the left side of her brain (analytical, linear process of past/future, logical reasoning) was damaged by a hemorrhage, only her right brain was online (creative, expansive, the NOW). How Jill experienced this:

I look down at my arm, and I realize that I can no longer define the boundaries of my body. I can’t define where I begin and where I end…all I could detect was this energy.” She felt like a genie released from her lamp…”My spirit soared free like a great whale gliding through the sea of silent euphoria..

~Jill Bolte Taylor

She was really having a “near-death experience” where her spirit left her body, but because it was happening while having a stroke, she was processing it from the “library” of her brain scientist mind.

Our brains do function differently, but the spiritual experience is universal.

When you reach out in prayer – your thoughts are energy traveling through this other reality that Jill experienced where there are no boundaries.

Her important lesson: you are responsible for the energy you bring!

If you ignore or dismiss someone who appears to be unconscious, they can feel it on some level.

Jill shared how her mother’s voice – her energy as she spoke to her when she was unconscious played a huge role in her full recovery, which took 8 years. She believed in her. Saw her healthy. Connected those bonds.

When Jill felt hospital staff just coming and going without acknowledging her, she had little desire to heal. Prayer is a way that people have a desire to come back to their whole place.

On an energetic level, if I think about you, send good vibrations your way, hold you in the light, or pray for you, then I am consciously sending my energy to you with a healing intention.

~Jill Bolte Taylor

To summarize, the best way to pray when someone falls:

  1. Connect to the bond you hold with this person -your vibrational signature together.
  2. Visualize them healthy by holding that intention and tapping into your divine self that sees everyone as whole.
  3. Let go of your fears, and worries, and step into faith.
  4. Direct your thoughts to someone else’s consciousness as if you are talking to them with reassurance, comfort, and joy.
  5. Believe they can hear you.
  6. Let go, and trust that the highest good will be done.

If you practice these steps, you will become not only effective with your prayers, but in anything you want to create. Miracles show up here : )