Discovering Your Soul’s Personality
Your soul includes what you’re most familiar with – your personality. It’s that unique piece that makes you – the only you!
Understanding the soul has been the mysterious ingredient to allow joy, ease, $$, freedom, and most of all…love and connection to flow in.
Digging deep into answering the age-old question – who am I – a spiritual quest begins to unravel. From here you can create your own reality.
It’s an exploration that requires letting go of judgment around old beliefs we may be carrying, and keep an open mind where you tune into what resonates for you.
I’ve been getting a wave of spiritual input these days, which seems to be exploding since facing this global Coronavirus pandemic. The signs and synchronicities have been off the charts, and new insights keep showing up.
Perhaps we are all looking for deeper answers within?
I was recalling the words of Thomas Moore in his book “Care of the Soul”…
“The great malady of the twentieth century, implicated in all of our troubles and affecting us individually and socially, is loss of soul…the root problem is that we have lost our wisdom about the soul, even our interest in it.”
Today, more than ever, I believe your soul carries wisdom, creativity, and a way to lead you through life’s greatest challenges towards what most matters to the heart and soul of you.
It’s our individual soul progression that will collectively pave the way forward for humanity.
This is far from a new idea.
Lately, I’ve gone back to deepen my application of the 10 principles found in “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, which promises a spiritual path to higher creativity.
Creativity and our soul progression are very much aligned.
Like most spiritual teachings – these ideas illuminate as you evolve. Its goal is to get you out of the way so you can learn how to connect to your higher self.
It requires stillness to digest these ideas so I encourage you to print these out, and when you can find a quiet moment…take time to savour, digest, and allow your consciousness to notice what the words mean for you.
Trust me, these words change over time!
Just a caution that when you start diving into the soul, you’ll inevitably bump into the word “God”, which depending on your beliefs means different things for each of us.
I tend to think of that eternal “Source of Everything” as a unified “Universe Creator Father/Mother” – mere words can be so limiting!
On our recent bi-weekly Monday evening Soul Conversations Series with my colleague Binu Dhindsa (you can find the 5-part series here) we talked about the 3 parts that make up the soul:
1. your personality directed by your free will
2. a fragment of the Divine Creator
3. the I AM creative expression of you aligned with your divine fragment
Discovering Your Personality
The unique way you are in the world represents your soul signature, and that comes down to self-awareness around your personality style.
We have patterns of character traits found in ‘personality tests’ used successfully in companies for decades. A popular one is the Myers-Briggs test that forms 16 personality types based on the work of Carl Jung.
I first encountered this test when my husband took it through a recruitment firm looking to fill an executive role. It came down to him and one other candidate, but because his type was exactly the same as the President, my husband did NOT get the position.
Diversity of characters is a strength, and that goes for building an executive team.
But I got to read the detailed summary of my husband’s personality type!
What blew my mind was how accurately it nailed down the way he behaved with me. I have to admit – I didn’t have much faith in personality tests back then.
Myers-Briggs measures the way you respond to people and situations, but we may grow and change over time so today my husband’s personality type is no longer the same.
How do I know?
There is a free online personality test based on the Myers-Briggs system called
It’s a great starting tool to get a sense of your personality style today.
Here’s an overview of the 16 Personalities:
Becoming aware of your personality style gives you more choice about how you want to show up.
Will you continue to respond in ways that describe a personality style that seems to best fit you or will you choose a different path?
There are 2 indicators on each of the 4 personality styles – which side do you lean towards? Is that working for you? These become choices you can make until you land upon a style that aligns with your best self.
Your soul is the part of you that grows from your experiences when you become aware of yourself this way.
You’ll find a lot of cool validation about yourself, and may discover ways you don’t want to be especially with your loved ones!
It’s helped me honour the different ways I respond to my family (it helps to know their current types) without taking it personally.
If your ‘personality’ can change — the question is — does this measure your personality or just your current behaviour that describes a personality based on how you currently respond to your environment?
I believe the personality part of your soul does not change, and that’s where a different assessment layered on to this one gave me much deeper insight into who I really am.
Your True Personality is an Energy Vibration: The Enneagram
There’s a part of you that remains constant and can be measured by a personality test I use called the Enneagram (Ennea is Greek for 9 -number of interconnected types).
It’s a much older system that gets to the heart of your energy vibration, and closer to what I call your soul signature. It also highlights your blind spots or shadows! Those parts of you that don’t serve your highest good, but are hard for you to see.
These are the qualities of your nature you were born with – the first part of your soul: your true personality.
This model understands that where your attention and energy naturally goes, your behavior will follow. Each type has a more dominant ‘center of intelligence’ which is your ‘go to’ lens for perceiving, and understanding your world.
The mind or head types filters through the mental faculties (need for security – 5, 6, 7).
The heart or feeling types filter through emotional intelligence (need for love – 2, 3, 4).
The body or gut types filter through kinesthetic or their gut instinct (need for worth – 1, 8, 9)
You have a stress type which is the personality you move to when angry/stressed & need to act (arrow away).
You also have a security type is the personality you move to when you feel relaxed/secure OR overwhelmed/exhausted (arrow towards).
The Enneagram in Your Life
If you are a parent or have known a child from birth, you’ll notice children have a particular nature that doesn’t seem to waver. There’s a recognizable quality from their earliest moments that seems to carry through to their teen years, and beyond.
Within you – there’s that same constancy of who you’ve intuitively felt yourself to be no matter what your circumstances.
This part of you aligns with one dominant Enneagram type that is consistent no matter how much you grow, and it is through our growth in relationship with our self and others that we fully evolve and transform ourselves.
Our soul growth all comes down to our relationship with our self, and others!
Your enneagram type may surprise you (I am a type 7, which I would never have suspected). It’s given me such a massive awareness for what I feel aligned with and what challenges me!
You can attempt to do a self-assessment on various sites here or here, but it is best to hire a professional who’s experienced with this tool if you want it to be accurate.
I use Dr. David Daniel, MD’s professional’s guide to assess my clients. For a limited time you can sign up with me to do a complimentary 45 minute assessment here.
Your Personality Style Gives You Closer Access to your Soul
Having more self-awareness about who you are – helps you tap into your soul’s wisdom.
You have the opportunity to be more objective with yourself, which allows you to be less attached with how other people show up. There is less drama, and heartache!
Plus way less stress, and far more clarity.
But most of all – you can choose more wisely in alignment with who you are, not what other people think you should be or do.
You can live true to yourself.
You are creative, resourceful and whole, and no one but you knows how to ‘be and do’ you better than you.
The Sacred Gift of Free Will
Your free will is a gift – a way for you to choose what’s right for you. Your thoughts, beliefs, actions were always yours to decide so what you are willing to step into?
How far will you go to experience your one incredible human life?
Your ‘free will’ is a universe reality that defines the way the universe is organized. There is a higher Will available we can choose to follow or not.
We have the ultimate ‘freedom to choose’ how we will be with ourselves and other souls.
The way we use our power, influence, and position for how we see, hear, and experience beyond our physical senses is all a choice.
Your 100% responsibility to decide.
We can turn away from what’s true, beautiful, and good. These are values available when we align our will with a higher force of Deity, and found in the Golden rule of treating others the way we want to be treated.
“Thy Will Be Done” is actually a choice we each have been given to make.
Jonna Jinton’s choice she made for her life 10 years ago reminds me of what connecting to your higher self looks and feels like in real life.
She exudes a soul quality that each of us holds..
Enjoy exploring your soul personality!