Creating Soul Moments with Your Values

To have simple moments.. we need to interact with similar souls.

I recently asked a group of like-minded souls to find someone they don’t know and finish this sentence “what most people don’t know about me is…”

I wanted to encourage a place of vulnerability that allows for a deeper connection.

It made me reflect on what am I wanting to share on this spiritual journey of what I call ‘waking up to who you really are’?

Being vulnerable is risky, and necessary if we want soul connections. Every time I publish anything, it feels vulnerable! I have expectations of myself, and want my words to be of value to others.

Soul Moments Secret — Explore Within

I’ve got a strong inner critic so there’s a lot of editing that goes on!

I grew up trusting others. Unless they showed me otherwise I just accepted people were doing their best. Until I followed what most resonated for me, there was no risk of being vulnerable because I was following the expectations of others.

I thought the things I sought most were outside of me to discover, not inside of me to reveal.

I didn’t know the risks I had to take to get here. Once I began sharing my truth, I felt the sting of betrayal when there was no space available with people I trusted to have our different truth.

That’s when I learned how important it was to manage the public side, and private side of my life, while striving to be transparent.

It’s been a challenge to find this balance and have great soul moments as I place high value on authenticity, but recognize not everyone does nor are they ready to hear what I may tell them!

Privacy, especially today in our “you-tube, facebook, and Google home” environment has become more important than ever to manage.

Attorney, and journalist Glenn Greenwald took that message home for me in his Ted talk on Why Privacy Matters . He questioned the assertion that only bad people need to fear all the monitoring that goes on today. 

“It is true that as human beings we’re social animals, which means we have a need for other people to know what we’re doing, and saying, and thinking which is why we voluntarily publish information about ourselves online. But equally essential to what it means to be a free and fulfilled human being is to have a place where we can go and be free of the judgmental eyes of other people.” ~Glenn Greenwald

Being Transparent and Having Privacy

People speak a lot these days about being transparent, and risking vulnerability to speak our truth. We need the freedom to share what we want without destructive consequences, but also where privacy is valued.

You need a safe space to explore the sacred parts of yourself to get to know deeply who you really are without the judgment of others.

I believe it’s the most valuable part of our lives because the more you become your true self, the more you have to give, and experience fully this short life we have.

It also affects your soul’s ascension not just here, but will impact your progression after this lifetime.

Reflecting on the Past Year

Do you have 3 favourite memories from 2018 that point to what you value most? One of mine was turning 50, and having a circle of friends gather together who didn’t all know each other to celebrate this milestone.

I can honestly say “I can be fully me” with these gals, and we shared moments I will remember forever. My value for soul connection called me to organize 2 memorable events this year!

Another favourite was having the opportunity to celebrate in Sedona on a soul retreat with my husband who also turned 50, which hit my values of spiritual growth, better communication, and intimate connection.

Our 3 teens also joined us in Sedona that filled the value of family time together. So many magical, fun-filled moments! It’s how I measure time – not through years, but through these experiences that tie to what I value most.

So What Most people Don’t Know about Me is.. much time, and energy I put into developing relationships that allow me to grow spiritually.

..that I often wake up a few times at night, and usually by 5 a.m. I’m in a stillness practice with my divine self.

..I have soul conversations with celestial teachers where I’ve learned to use a pendulum to help provide insights that amaze me. 

..the greatest source of spiritual revelation for me has been the 196 papers of The Urantia Book, along with the current transmissions of the Teaching Mission, and the 11:11 Correcting Time.

..that my message of living judgment-free is really a spiritual practice

Having Your Privacy, and Being Authentic at the Same Time

I believe it’s important to maintain both a public side for serving, and private side for growing, but in both places, we need to be consistent in order to have integrity, and not betray ourself.

How you show up privately is really just a deeper version of who you are publicly. When it’s out of alignment, and what you share publicly opposes what you do privately, trusting yourself comes into question. 

There will be parts of your experience that are for you alone privately to grow from. But finding kindred souls in your life who have earned the right to hear your whole story if you choose is what makes life worth living. 

These are the people you grow with exponentially who you love, and who love you unconditionally for all of who you are even if they don’t agree with you. 

The one message for 2019 I wanted to leave you with is this one. Be willing to look deeply within to ‘know thyself’ so you can trust your choices at the level of your soul through your most cherished values.

Consider adding soul growth as a value to experience great soul moments — it’s where you can trust your own journey more and more, and shine just being you.