Spiritual Practices For Your Best Year Ever

Spiritual Practices For Your Best Year Ever

A client asked me recently “what are your spiritual practices for the year?” We’d been discussing goals, visioning, and the changes she wanted to make for her best year ever. I paused, and wondered how do I explain what’s behind what I practice...

Are You Controlling?

Are You Controlling?

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha There’s a specific kind of anger associated with control that many of us don’t recognize in ourselves. We...

What are Synchronicities?

Are you wondering what synchronicities are? Let me explain… Last Friday evening my husband asked “do you want to watch an episode of Anthony Bourdin’s Parts Unknown about Iran?” Sure, I was curious, and besides it was a...

Finding Serenity In the Chaos

Super Soul Sunday — Girls Night in a Twist Last Friday I joined forces with 2 colleagues for our 3rd women’s event: “Super Soul Friday – Girls Night In with a Twist”. The topic for last Friday was “Finding Peace in...

Being in Your Peace

Being in Your Peace allows you to slow down to speed up. Life flows forward in the direction you want to go. As a strong analytical thinker where getting things done was part of my DNA, the practice of slowing down to tap into my inner wisdom has...