To all my dear blog readers.

I just wanted to share a few of the messages I’ve received from readers worldwide who’ve stumbled across my writings. That so many of you continue to take this journey with me is so humbling!

You keep me inspired to continue with my vision of living judgment-free. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️.

I just wished to pass on my gratitude for your beautiful writing and clarity, and for sharing your wisdom with the world. Michael A Singer’s book was my light bulb moment a year and a half ago. I have read many spiritual teachings since then as well as practising daily early morning breathing meditation, with “remove me from judgment” at the forefront of my mind. My life turned from being a titanic battle to acceptance and love almost overnight. My relationships with my wife and son went from critical and unharmonious to pure joy and love and sweet peace.

Having just experienced your words SINGING to me from the screen, I am now going to seek out your book and other works.

Again huge gratitude for your enormous heart and for the light you bring to the world, people are waking up, and everything must pass.


Seb (London, U.K.)

What a beautiful article! I especially love the sentence ‘Your raw, original, and beautiful self can shine through in conversation.”

It takes courage to step forward into a conversation with one’s ‘real, raw, original, beautiful self.’

Thanks for a thought-provoking and inspiring article!

Mary Jacksh, Founder A-List Blogging Masterclass, New Zealand

“I just read your blog and found it VERY enlightening !!! THANK YOU!!! I’m Argentinian and a Gia gemologist and live in Rio de Janeiro. I loved your insights, also in Diamond Grading there are the 4C’s! Color, Clarity, Cut, Carat. Very amazing and transforming Message you share!

Love, Adriana

I’d like thank you for blog. I’ve been trying to make life challenges to become a better me. I find myself less happy and sad. I try to make sense of why i feel the way I do. I found my myself questioning, my beliefs and thoughts. Wondering what’s wrong with me. Then I come across your page, and I just wanted to cry because after reading Speak your mind without making someone else wrong. I felt like finally someone feels what I feel. I know that I need to work on how say things. I also thank you for putting things we should to say and things not to say. I can’t wait to read the rest of your blogs.


You always have what I would expect from you….loving…not judging or criticizing, but sharing your story and what you believe and what has truly worked from your own experience with yourself and so many others.

I appreciate your insights, wisdom and comments as always….as I’ve said before, you are a beautiful gift to this world. Thank you also for sharing in such love and purity of heart…I love that about you!

Cindy, Texas, U.S.A

Release the judgment you hold towards anyone, and you will experience the miracle of unconditional love.

~Carolyn Hidalgo

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