What Easter Meant to Me then, and Means to me Now
What Easter Meant to Me then, and Means to me Now Growing up celebrating Easter meant going to church, eating chocolate eggs, and having family dinners. All I knew was Good Friday was the day Jesus died, and Sunday was the day He rose. What Easter meant back then, and the spiritual significance I feel now is so different. This man whose last name I used to think was Christ! I didn’t know his life and teachings had always been centered around our spiritual nature not religion. Growing up in the Anglican faith, Jesus and God were more of a tradition with hymns to sing, and psalms to read, but I was missing the spiritual connection. A Doorway through to Spirit When I began seeing 11:11 too often to be a coincidence – I finally googled it, and found my way to the 11:11 Progress Group. I signed up to receive their daily messages, but for about a year the spiritual messages seemed too “woo woo”, and I didn’t understand who was writing them. Growing up in a science-minded skeptical family I need things to make sense – not necessarily with physical evidence, but the pieces of the puzzle have to fit together in some kind of logical and meaningful manner. Spiritual Lessons from Above Each daily message would have 2 names listed – a “teacher” (celestial), and a “T/R” which I later found out stood for “transmitter/receiver”. The T/R could somehow hear a message from a celestial teacher. These were independent people from around the world who didn’t appear to know each other. Some were translated from other languages. There were first names only so they seemed to want to remain anonymous. The spiritual messages were part of what’s known as the Teaching Mission where dialogues and lessons were provided by celestial teachers to people from around the world, and they used The Urantia Book as a reference for the content to share different concepts. Every kind of spiritual topic was covered you can think of including discourses on mercy, forgiveness, death & dying, the soul, compassion, the fragment of God within us, and stillness to name a few. When I found myself awakening to spirit – some of these messages ‘rang my truth bells’ unlike anything else I could find. And I was reading a lot of spiritual writings! Still, I was hesitant to publically share the Urantia book revelation published in 1955 even though it’s available free to anyone because the truth is I didn’t fully believe it for years and needed my own proof. If it were true, how come no one’s heard of it? Also, when it comes to any kind of faith around religion or spirituality – it’s such a personal journey. I didn’t want to offend anyone so I mostly stayed quiet and kept researching while sharing ‘seeds’ with those I trusted. For my writings, I’d try to introduce spiritual pieces to help provide a deeper understanding, but often with the level of detail I was getting, I would lose people and need to pull back. The deeper truth was I was afraid of being judged. It’s why my mission is to help create a judgment-free world so more people including myself will feel safe to share what can feel very vulnerable to disclose: our own version of truth. Finding My Own Truth They say your truth can only come from your own experience. I wanted to know more so I reached out first to the founder of the 11:11 Progress Group who lives in Australia, and got some answers to why I was seeing 11:11, which kind of made sense, but it was still elusive without the whole story. Then I reached out to one of the T/Rs, and attended a workshop in 2011 where I witnessed how a T/R actually transmits (verbally and in writing) – it was fascinating! Unless you’ve ever experienced this in person – it’s hard to believe that someone can be speaking or ‘automatic writing’ and it’s not actually them! I had a chance to meet 2 other T/Rs, and after many conversations over many years hearing how this works ‘behind the scenes’, I learned how we can all go into stillness to ‘hear’. That there are circuits that exist to allow for these dialogues today and ways we get assistance from ‘lower level’ teachers to facilitate hearing from ‘higher level’ teachers. Since then, I’ve met many people who are clairaudient, and its simply a skill we can learn to develop in different ways. The Biggest Spiritual Understanding for Us The most important and frequent lessons have been on the topic of teaching us the understanding of how “God lives within us” through a soul fragment called your “thought adjuster”, which just means the divine part of us that we can tap into to so we can adjust our thoughts to the will of God, which will always serve our highest good. It’s the way we can co-create consciousness, use our own creativity, heal ourselves, and create our own reality using your own ‘impersonal divine fragment of God’ within you. It’s really the same message that Jesus came to tell us – the “Kingdom of Heaven is within You”. Most people are familiar now with the law of attraction where what our vibration sends out attracts a similar vibration back. This understanding of co-creating with spirit takes it to the level of your soul where you can have your own “conversation with God” (Yes just like Neale Donald Walsh). You can get answers, receive insights, and guidance to follow your purpose, and develop your own creative spirit to serve in the ways you desire. I’d listen more closely to interviews and discovered many spiritual leaders (eg. Wayne Dyer, Oprah, Deepak Chopra, Eben Alexander) are familiar with the Urantia Papers, but it’s not the easiest 2,000 pages of material to read or understand! Stretching My Imagination Its taken me many years to wrap my head around all …
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