Carolyn Hidalgo

The Power of Women Event Toronto 2011

Yesterday I listened to some amazing speakers along with 6,500 women in the Power of Women Event. I left with new ways of seeing, thinking, and being in our world. ➢ Leigh Anne Tuohy – Sandra Bullock plays this true ‘Giver’ in “The Blind Side” ➢ Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor – Best-selling “Stroke of Insight” Author ➢ Loretta LaRoche – Queen of laughter: Stress Reduction ➢ Suzanne Somers -Health, Wellness & Sensuality Advocate ➢ Ellen DeGeneres – Her Own Class Extraordinaire Attending live events like the Power of Women Event changes who you are – new ahas I can integrate into my experiences. I heard the message for my upcoming book in every speaker: Authentic Connections – Surrendering Criticism, and Judgment, and I felt that deep commitment pushing me forward to get my book out into the world. A glimpse of the energy that rocked my world: Ellen – Be authentic. Don’t be a bird in a cage trapped with the fear of what others will think. Be who you really are. People may respond with their own fears, but you will be free. And you will free others. See the humour in every day life: Why do people taste something terrible, and then say ‘here – try this, see if it tastes like crap.’ Leigh Anne Tuohy – Inspirational. How can I be a giver of hope, love, and opportunity? I can make a difference by turning around, and looking behind the curtain. You would be amazed at the view. There are so many in need who slip between the cracks. Why wait for the holidays? Make life a celebration of giving every day. Loretta LaRoche – If you don’t have a sense of humour, you’re screwed. There’s a misery index, and it’s climbing. We are always trying to make things look like they are not. Spanx. When you take them off, the illusion is over. Take responsibility: I’m fat because I ate too much. No one is injecting you with food in your sleep. Guilt – the thing that keeps on giving. How many of you think you are the Director of the Universe? Go ahead, exhaust yourself, die early. Stop catastrophizing, and awfulizing. Get off the Cross! Start thinking about what you are thinking about. We are fueled with irrational thoughts that we believe. Be in gratitude..wake up and exclaim I‘m BACK (I didn’t die)! Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor – We are made up of 50 trillion molecular geniuses. Imagine if your left brain disappeared, and you could eliminate your entire life’s baggage? You don’t even know who you are mad at anymore. You experience total peace; Nirvana when only your right brain functions. Our left brain would rather be right than be happy because this is where our inner critic, and judgment lives. Our right brain would rather be happy than be right. This is the essence of my book: How to let go of being right because authenticity happens here!! It takes 90 seconds to process a thought that makes you angry and for it to be flushed out of your system. Any longer, and you are using your conscious mind to choose and hold negative thoughts. You can jump into your right brain circuitry (peace) or left brain circuitry (judgment). Only tiny part of the left brain is responsible for judgment – you need to practice disciplining your cells. Tend to the garden of your mind. Limit whining. Gratitude teaches our cells to be healthy. You have this power – use it. Suzanne Somers – Hormones are the juice of life. When menopause arrived, she had 7 visitors: itchy, bitchy, sweaty, bloated, sleepy, forgetful, and all dried up. It’s likely why so many marriages end at this time. Estrogen deficiency. Hormones are not dangerous. Need correct dosage, and not synthetic hormones. Your quality of life at this age can be completely amazing, including a fabulous sex life!! We have a chemicals assault in our world today. Cancer in children. Babies born with toxins. Pay attention to cleaners, foods, everything we touch, breathe, and digest. Take antioxidants. Me: Take time to invest your energy in the company of others who are up to great things. The human connection cannot be replaced. And it’s the most fun way to way to learn. “That’s Amore..” That’s what I learnt in the Power of Women Event Canada 2011.

The Oprah Finale: 11 Lessons

Last night I watched The Oprah Finale with 6 of my girlfriends. A week earlier, after my kids were all in bed, I felt compelled to watch the recording I had been saving to watch with my husband. He was too tired, and went to sleep, but I secretly didn’t mind. Having the space independently to receive this level of wisdom from one of my best teachers – 25 years worth, allowed me to absorb more fully what I needed to hear. The moment it ended, I wanted to share it with my closest friends, and a week later as I listened again surrounded by their resonant energy, Oprah’s words landed a little bit deeper. Now I am ready to encourage my husband to watch it or I may settle for him reading my blog – he prefers the bottom line : )  Here’s a synopsis of what I heard on the Oprah Finale, but I encourage you to listen for what resonates with you: 1. We all have a calling that comes from our heart, and it’s our duty to find it, and follow it. Your passion will spark the light in you. Use it to serve the world and make your contribution. 2. Your circle of influence is your platform, your ‘talk show’, and your power lies here. Every day you show people who you are. 3. You alone are responsible for creating your life. It doesn’t matter who your parents were, or how they treated you. They did their best. People make bad choices, and then blame others instead of taking ownership over who they are being, which is self–destructive. 4. You are responsible for the energy you create, and bring to other people. 5. What you do to others, you do unto yourself. If you treat others badly, it returns back to you exponentially. When you give love to others, it comes overflowing back to you infinitely. 6. All our pain and suffering stems from a universal feeling of unworthiness. Not good enough. Not deserving enough. Not smart or attractive enough. It is the common thread in our humanity. 7. Critical distinction: believing you deserve to be happy vs. knowing you are worthy of happiness because you are already good enough. When you think happiness is owed to you, it may elude you, but when you embrace who you are already are – life flows from the inside out. This is the power within to create your own life. 8. We all want validation: To be seen, heard, and that we say matters. This is the love we seek from others. 9. Knowing that we all suffer from unworthiness at some level, and want the same validation has allowed Oprah to stay in the place of non-judgment with an open mind and heart. There is no reason for anyone to feel superior.** 10. Know that God exists, and if you are still, and listen for the guidance that is bigger than our limited minds, you will hear it. God is love, and life, and is always speaking to you if you choose to listen. 11. No one completes you. Jerry McGuire was just a movie. You are already whole! (Got goosebumps hearing this as I posted these exact words to Maria Shriver last year on her website answering a question about what it meant for women to ‘have it all’ today. The resonance in this line from Jerry McGuire confirmed why so many suffer – looking to be good enough in someone else’s eyes when we already ‘have it all’.) ** I was thrilled hearing lesson #9 because it was confirmation for the message of my upcoming book: Creating Authentic Relationships: How Overcoming Judgment Can Transform Your Life. It is a spiritual practice to create a more compassionate authentic world, which Oprah has been modelled all these years on her show. As I took in the finality of this moment in the Oprah Finale; awestruck that she hadn’t missed a show in 25 years because she knew we were all here waiting to learn, listen, and be transformed, I suspected that Oprah must be the most genuinely loved (living) person on the planet. 40 million viewers. She is certainly admired, respected, fun-loving, and has transformed millions of lives. But when you are more of who you are because of how someone else is showing up in your life (even through the tv screen) – this is the love that connects us all. She reflects back to us who we really are, and strive to be.

Opening to Your Soul and Spirit

I was curious of the difference between the soul and spirit as they seem to be used interchangeably as in body, mind, soul/spirit. Found the distinction. You have a spirit, but you are not a spirit. What makes us each unique is our soul, which comprises who we are. Our soul is how we relate to other people, and understand ourselves. Our spirit allows us to have an intimate relationship with God. Here’s a metaphor I found helpful: “The human mind comprises the brain and all its workings — memory, perception, reason, the stew of hormones that results in our emotions. It is, in other words, the “hardware” of human existence. The human soul is what governs the human hardware — the “software” of human existence, our very own “operating system,” unique to each of us. The human spirit is the “electricity” that animates us.” ~Mary W. Matthews Bottom Line: Our spirit is the God spark within us where we can experience the magic and miracles in our lives. Our soul is essence of our being where we can experience love within our self, and with each other. When our soul is connected to our spirit love conquers all. This morning I saw 2 little notes in my children’s lunch bags left by their sister. Addressed using their nick names of KK, and Joshie: “I packed the lunches today, and left you a surprise in the pocket. : ) Lee Lee” I felt gratitude for the love my children have for each other, and felt my soul and spirit come alive. Have you opened up to your soul and spirit today? What did you experience? Where do you feel most connected to your soul and spirit? Create ways to connect to life this way, and I guarantee you will feel lighter on your soul and spirit, overflowing with love, and more at peace.

Being Outside Your Box

Be outside your box. Change the way you see the world, and the way you see the world will change. Changing our thoughts impacts our perception, and new possibilities become available because we can now ‘see’. You cannot create anything you want in your life without seeing it first. You cannot see it without believing it is possible first. You won’t believe it’s possible until you can see the thoughts you hold that keep you in the same limited perception. You unknowingly stay inside your box. What stops us from having thoughts that serve our own well-being where we feel stuck, unable to move forward in the direction we want to go? Our own self-judgment. Judgment creates a blind spot within us. It’s so ingrained in our social programming – our limiting beliefs of what is right and wrong that unless we find a way to see ourselves objectively we are blind to who we are being. Asking yourself ‘am I blaming, complaining, or justifying’ instead of taking responsibility for who I am choosing to be this situation? It helps us to see the thoughts that close us down to being open, and non-judgmental to what else is possible. Have you ever noticed whenever Oprah brings anything controversial on her show, she asks her audience – ‘have an open mind’. She does not say ‘try not to judge’ because this part of ourselves is hidden; no one wants to think of themselves as ‘judgmental’. She has effectively been modelling non-judgment the past 25 years, and we all know the possibilities she has created in her incredible life! Letting go of judgment, assumptions, and the meaningless comparisons we make with others when the only relevant comparison is within ourselves, and whether we are growing can create that opening for the possibilities you cannot see. I came across these “rules” to remind me to stay in that uncomfortable place of pushing outside of my own boundaries. Commit to just one of these for 7 consecutive days, and see how your world begins to change.. please share your experience in the comments!! 11 Rules for Living Outside the Box 1. Always be willing to think for yourself. 2. Never live your life based on the uninformed or
 negative opinions of others. 3. Always be open to new ideas. 4. Associate with other people who think for themselves 
and are successful in life. 5. If you find yourself “going along with the crowd,” 
always ask yourself where the crowd is going. 6. Make the decision to believe in yourself, no matter what. 7. Frequently ask yourself the question, “Am I thinking 
inside the box, or outside the box?” 8. Be willing to take responsibility for your own choices 
and your own actions. 9. Set goals and stick to them. Don’t let other people 
deter you or hold you back. 10. Don’t be afraid to be different. Most of life’s
 greatest accomplishments are achieved by people who break
 the mold. 11. Enjoy your choices and enjoy what you do. Never let a 
day go by without being thankful for the fact that you get 
to be here in the first place. ~Author Unknown P.S. The ‘eye’ photo was taken by Nasa with the Hubble Space Telescope named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble.

Being in Your Peace

Being in Your Peace allows you to slow down to speed up. Life flows forward in the direction you want to go. As a strong analytical thinker where getting things done was part of my DNA, the practice of slowing down to tap into my inner wisdom has been challenging, and the most valuable practice in my life! Every day I ‘get quiet’ for at least 10 minutes up to 45 minutes. Why bother? It creates an opening for creative thought (and Universal guidance) to flow in. It is the practice of being in the present moment. You experience life more fully. Miracles show up. How to start being in your peace? Centre yourself: close your eyes, take 3 deep breaths, notice and let go of any tension in your body, and any judging thoughts in your mind, and choose one of the practices below. 1) Say a favourite prayer. eg. The Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference. 2) Use a guided meditation. I have a CD player/alarm and often wake up hearing a spiritual meditation each morning. 3) Find a ‘marker’. Every time you walk through a doorway or pass by a painting in your home as a prompt to slow down and be in the moment. 4) Use a phone app. eg. Awareness by Ronit Herzfeld to get more grounded and peaceful in your life. 5) Turn off the radio while driving in the car. 6) In the shower, stop and listen to the sound of the water. 7) Before you jump out of bed, stop and reflect on 3 things you are grateful for, and the intention you want to create for your day. 8) Limit watching the news/media. How does it benefit you to know about the guy who got shot? The Fire that broke out? The divorce someone is having? The violence that you know goes on every day, and will happen again tomorrow? Why feed your mind with all that fear, when you can feed it during that same time with ways you can change the world? Challenge: Commit to practice ‘quieting your mind’ for 7 consecutive days. Make it so simple it’s difficult NOT to do. Notice the difference you feel during your busy day. I didn’t realize how often I was practicing ‘clearing my busy mind’ that I was really meditating – even just a few minutes a day is one of my secrets to creating a life you love. It helped understand the true meaning of being in your peace. “Half an hour’s meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.” ~St Francis de Sales P.S. The quality billionaire extraordinaire Richard Branson is best known for: being fully present in the moment when he is with you. If he mastered this practice of slowing down, what’s possible for you?

Automatic Writing

My thoughts on automatic writing… Last week I spent 3 days at a spiritual workshop that I felt guided to attend. These days I have so many signs and synchronicities that seem to move me forward in the direction I want to go. This was no exception. As an aspiring author, I learned the practice of ‘automatic writing’ where we learn to clear our mind, and tap into our inspiration or what many authors call our ‘muse’. When I first began writing last year, thoughts would overflow from my mind in the very early morning, and I had difficulty capturing my ideas onto paper. I would either journal or zip downstairs to my laptop and just unload all my thoughts onto the screen. Eventually a theme around overcoming judgment showed up, and teaching people how to live authentically in their relationships. I still felt like a newbie when it came to slowing down, and practicing meditation to effectively capture the multitude of thought streams that overflowed in my mind. I had the opportunity to meet an incredible group of people including Dr. Daniel Raphael who shared his profound wisdom, and gift to channel guiding spirits who gave us insights that left me in awe of what’s available when we open our hearts, and minds to the Universe. I also met Chris Maurus who channels insightful spiritual messages weekly, and publishes them here.  11:11 has become a strong sign in my life especially the past few years. Finally I connected with Vicki who co-lead the course – a beautiful lady whose spiritual experiences, and calming presence confirmed for me why I am on this path. When I first heard about this workshop, I didn’t feel it was something I was ready for. Being on this spiritual path there is so much that feels wildly new to my awareness, but when I give myself the space to slow down my busy mind, I can trust and follow my intuition, and spirit. This is how the miracles in my life keep showing up.

Invisible Mother

Sharing one of my favourites… invisible mother…the only word I’d change is ‘sacrifice’ to one of ‘giving’…live from your heart to enjoy this marvellous journey not from duty or obligation, but from love. Happy Mothers Day! It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way 
one of the kids will walk into the room while I’m on the phone and ask to be
taken to the store. Inside I’m thinking, ‘Can’t you see I’m on the phone?’

Obviously not; no one can see if I’m on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping 
the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see
 me at all. I’m invisible. The invisible Mom. Some days I am only a pair of
 hands, nothing more! Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this? 

Some days I’m not a pair of hands; I’m not even a human being. I’m a clock 
to ask, ‘What time is it?’ I’m a satellite guide to answer, ‘What number is 
the Disney Channel?’ I’m a car to order, ‘Right around 5:30, please. ‘

Some days I’m a crystal ball; ‘Where’s my other sock?, Where’s my phone?,
What’s for dinner?’ 

I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes 
that studied history, music and literature -but now, they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She’s going, she’s going,
 she’s gone!

 One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a
 friend from England. She had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she
 was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there,
looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to
compare and feel sorry for myself. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when she
turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, ‘I brought you 
this.’ It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe. I wasn’t exactly
sure why she’d given it to me until I read her inscription: ‘With admiration
for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.’ In the days ahead I would read – no, devour – the book. And I would discover
what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could
pattern my work: 1) No one can say who built the great cathedrals – we have 
no record of their names. 2) These builders gave their whole lives for a
work they would never see finished. 3) They made great sacrifices and 
expected no credit. 4) The passion of their building was fueled by their 
faith that the eyes of God saw everything.

 A story of legend in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the 
cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird 
on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, ‘Why are you 
spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by
 the roof, No one will ever see it and the workman replied, ‘Because God
 sees. ‘

I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was almost
 as if I heard God whispering to me, ‘I see you. I see the sacrifices you 
make every day, even when no one around you does.

 No act of kindness you’ve done, no sequin you’ve sewn on, no cupcake you’ve 
baked, no Cub Scout meeting, no last minute errand is too small for me to
 notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can’t see
 right now what it will become.

 I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of
 the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work 
on something that their name will never be on. The writer of the book went
 so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime
 because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree. 

When I really think about it, I don’t want my son to tell the friend he’s
 bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, ‘My Mom gets up at 4 in the 
morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for 3 
hours and presses all the linens for the table.’ That would mean I’d built a
 monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. And then, if there 
is anything more to say to his friend, he’d say, ‘You’re gonna love it 

As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we’re 
doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel,
 not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the 
world by the sacrifices of invisible mothers.

 Thank you to all the Moms who are looking down and smiling at the cathedrals 
they helped to build.

Shoot For the Moon..

Why You Need to Shoot for the Moon… Shoot for the moon… even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. ~Unknown. A friend gave me this quote on the cover of a beautiful journal. This week I found out I didn’t make the top 4 authors 🙁 I was disappointed naturally, but the honest truth is I wasn’t really sad. I had set a lofty goal and I tried to shoot for the moon, and in the process, I learned so much about the publishing industry I needed to know. I also made so many amazing connections that are now helping me develop my message in a way that will land with the multitudes. Besides this is my first attempt at writing, and I made the top 25 authors among nearly 1,000 other aspiring writers! There are bonuses arriving next week –I’ll share what those are when I find out : ) Through this competition, all kinds of surprises showed up I wasn’t expecting. It’s SO about the journey! I am now on a project to be part of a special project for that has been a long time passion close to my heart for connecting with children through stories. A quick question by an Australian publisher I was asked by an Australian Publisher to be part of a compilation book on Manifesting Your Desires with a couple of the experts from The Secret, (something I’ve wanted to be able to teach others!). And I can now focus my attention on the Mini Book version of my book I’ve been working on that has a built in on-line environment. I learned about the importance of marketing, and what I now have to do. I discovered how to channel my thoughts better when all the inspiration comes flooding in the morning. The writing habits and rituals I need to be disciplined around, and the focus on the reader I need to maintain. Pursue your dreams, stay curious about your learning, dedicated to your growth. And, while setting goals shoot for the moon. Trust me, you will open your world to all the possibilities available to you!!

Being Authentic: Round 2 Author Competition!

Made the top 10%. Yippee!! Thanks for all your support : ) My sample chapter is posted if you want to take a peek, please vote in March for round 2, which is going from 70 authors down to 25 on March 31st. Warning: my sample chapter is in draft form – hasn’t been through the editing process! Wanted to share something difficult that has shown up. My in laws forwarded me an email from the competition that I made it through the first round, and it included some promotional material. I was surprised, and to be honest a bit disappointed. Given the option, many friends and family would have opted off any mailing lists because “self development” isn’t an interest. I immediately contacted the founder to share authentically (after all this is the message of my book!), and apparently I hadn’t read the fine print that all registered voters would be receiving “other valuable information from the creators”, and details were on a separate FAQ page, which included being on 3 mailing lists. Whoa. I apologize to all my voters that I didn’t take the time to read this up front so I could communicate it fully. I do understand the enormous value of building email lists, that business needs to be win-win, and I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot since my goal is to win this competition, but I believe so strongly in being upfront, and authentic so people do not receive unwelcome surprises. Friends said “it’s ok – I expected something like that – that’s how all these things work”. My sister-in-law was worried about giving out her email because of SPAM. We now operate in a world where people expect, and have to battle against unwelcome email (SPAM). If we have now simply come to expect this, it has become ‘acceptable’,  and “just the way it is”, but aren’t we then being part of the problem? Not being fully transparent is a choice. On the front page voters could have been given an opt out for any mailing lists which I’ve seen done before. What was disappointing was my mother and father in-law asked “would it hurt you in the competition if we unsubscribed because we are getting duplicate emails messages, and it’s overwhelming.” I don’t know who voted unless they let me know personally so I cannot even communicate to my voters that it only takes 30 seconds to unsubscribe, and they can still vote through the 3 remaining rounds of the competition using their login and password, and it won’t re-register them on any email lists. It is extremely difficult to speak my truth here, but this is part of my journey, and what I practice in my life. I have attracted so many authentic people who support my truth, and though it is rare in the business world – these are the 1% who have become uber-successful. Why? The speed of trust moves much faster than any marketing ploy. I am now questioning the intention of something due to a lack of transparency. My trust diminished a degree. This is how we end up wearing disguises. We question someone’s real agenda. Disclosure is one thing, but the experience people have is reality. This course, and competition has been more than fair. I feel truly grateful for this opportunity, and for the massive amount of work that has gone into the content. AND I feel a pang of disappointment. I am not right, and someone else wrong. We are simply living our own choices the best way we know how for what feels good according to our own values. How something was done simply didn’t feel authentic to me based on my values, and my vision is to create a more authentic judgment free world. Will you help me? Please vote!!

My Two Worlds

My Two Worlds I live in 2 different worlds – the mask on, and the mask off. I decided to stretch out of my comfort zone, and share a little of my “other world” with you. Yesterday along with some of my closest women friends I could take my mask off. Each of us did a private 20 minute reading with someone who has developed the ability to channel spiritual entities. What? Why would I want to do that? Do I need answers to help me in my life? No, not really. I’m in the greatest space I’ve ever been and flowing with this amazing journey that is my life. I was looking for some guidance, and an opportunity to experience the energy of someone at a higher level of consciousness. Reading about it is one thing, but being in the experience?  No comparison. I’ve connected with a few spiritual people in this space, and they’ve become both mentors and friends. It doesn’t feel strange or uncomfortable anymore the way it did initially because of my own misperceptions, and false assumptions! I don’t share this world with everyone, since many are not ready to receive it. There’s still a lot I am not ready for. Each of us are on our own unique spiritual path. This world is hidden if you are not here, but everywhere when you are. I cannot describe in words how incredible it is when you arrive in this place within yourself because you will automatically attract people with similar energy. Yesterday among these friends, and our newest spiritual teacher, I felt such gratitude for having this space to be authentic. We could share deeply sensitive issues (tears & laughter overflowed) because there is trust, confidentiality, and non-judgment. It’s a sacred place you can create with the people in your life. The key is simply showing up being who you are, and finding those who are in a space to listen. They exist if YOU are ready, and it takes an enormous amount of courage. Spiritual Entities As a teenager, I first read about “spiritual entities” in James Van Praagh’s book Talking to Heaven. This book transformed my world, but there wasn’t anyone to share it with at the time. I went to University. Years passed, and I read another life changing book: “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss – that was over 20 years ago. Again still no one to share it with, but I was planting seeds.  I got a “real job” as an accountant, got married, and started a family. I soon began to hear my own voice yearning for something more not knowing what it was. I found my way back to my spiritual path that has always resonated. It is really about remembering who I am. We all have this voice when you slow down, and it shows up in our lives at various times. Many call it our higher self, and I believe it’s the inner trust of our own experience. A connection to our spirit. Yesterday as I sat in my friend’s gorgeous home with someone who has learned to develop her psychic gifts, she shared the most powerful insights into my own life, and I marveled at the gifts people have that virtually only a handful of people are aware, and have access to. I decided to be bold, and share a glimpse of what channeling looks like for those who are ready. Abraham on Martin Luther King This is a 6 minute video of someone asking Esther Hicks who channels a group of spiritual beings knows as Abraham how to tell her young son about Martin Luther King. It will feel a little strange if you’ve never experienced what “channeled material” sounds like, but remember we tend to judge what is unfamiliar to us. I did too when I first began! Few of us dare to embrace the “psychic” world with an open, non-judgmental mind because there is so much fear present due to our social programming, and misconceptions. If you choose to watch, continue to the end because the beginning part I almost stopped watching. I’m so glad I didn’t. I laughed at the elderly husband who is asleep beside his wide-eyed wife. Reminded me of my husband when I attempt to share this material! He is supportive, but his perspective is “tell me the point or show me the results”. The destination is still what matters to him, not the journey. Notice that the place isn’t packed – not many are playing in this field. Not yet, but it is growing exponentially in the short time I’ve arrived. Enjoy!