Truth is Love

There is so much illusion of what we believe ‘makes us happy’. I cannot deny the love I feel for others because it is within me. For me, truth is love. It doesn’t fade or change no matter how someone else may feel, act or what they say. I may feel sad or angry about the choices others make. I may have to walk away. I may choose to play on the surface to maintain harmony. But I understand why. It comes down to my value of living my truth from a place of love not fear. Fear of what others think.

Fear of not meeting other’s expectations of their ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. I am so committed to living my truth aligned with my values that when I am with others who choose to follow a path that is destructive to themselves and others, I have no choice, but to walk away. I know it is not their fault, and often they are blind to the sabotage they create, but it is still their choice, and their responsibility. I can communicate my truth authentically, but I cannot change them, and who am I to think I should? All I can do is be my own change.

It’s when I choose to project my own sense of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ according to my values onto someone that I feel angry, stressed, resentful, and away from feeling grounded, and at peace. This is judgment. What we do to others we do to ourselves. Letting go of ‘being right’ and instead focusing on ‘what do I value’ has been life changing. When my values align with my own truth from a place of love within me, I am living in integrity.

“Conscience imposes itself, and takes you where others want you to go.
Integrity calls you, and takes you where your soul wants you to go.”
~Gary Zukav, Spiritual Partnerships

You can have a guilty conscience, but you cannot have guilty integrity. The moment I let go of making someone wrong with that need to convince, control, feel justified, better or right, my own judgment lifts, and no matter what anyone else says or does I see it as a reflection of their reality, not mine. I realize it is their responsibility, their free choice for the life they choose. I have a responsibility only for my own, and a desire to share my truth with those wanting to listen. I know my truth from the experiences I attract from choosing to be who I am. It’s a place of abundance, and overflowing love that has me in awe of the life I have created. A life anyone can create. You get to choose.

Sexuality is a part of the love we have inside, a passion, and flame. It’s part of our spiritual nature. We feel this side of us most with the people who allow us to be who we are. The illusion of sex is all the ‘outer stuff’ of what attracts people to money, food, drugs, and alcohol – the material world. This is not real, nor does it last. There is enormous judgment around our sexuality. It has created so much violence, ownership, and suffering.

It requires practice, but when you let go of judgment, there is something magical that opens up in you. A precious space to be exactly who you are, and to allow others to be who they are. Unconditional love. I may feel sad, or angry, but these emotions belong to me based on my values. We can share them with others, but we cannot project them onto others, and expect them to change. Somehow when I know this is my truth: that love is truth, and truth is love — it always brings me back to being in my peace.

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