An 11:11 Story for Remembrance Day – Nov 11th, 2023

Every year on this day people around the planet PAUSE for a moment at 11:00 on Nov 11th. We stop on 11-11-11 and remember in unity those who died in a war over a century ago that had the whole world against each other. Did you ever wonder whether these 11’s may be a sign for us about something much bigger? Every day I see signs and notice synchronicities showing me that Spirit is guiding me in mysterious and marvellous ways. 11:11 was the very first “sign” I noticed as a child. It began after I rode my cousin’s bike down a slope and over a cliff at 6 years old. A tree growing out of the cliff saved my life after a fall that left me unconscious. I woke up on route to the hospital, my body in shock and my jaw broken. Within a few days, I was back home, and burst into tears unable to recognize my face in the mirror. My mom reassured me the swelling and scars would disappear and not to fret! A part of us changes spiritually when we get close to death and for me that’s when I began seeing 11:11 on my digital clock radio. It felt mesmerizing – like something magical was drawing me here. I would stare into the clock … these 4 red columns that seemed to hold something more. It would be many decades later in 2011 that I would understand who was behind me seeing this time and why. Ever since that close call with death, I believed in angels despite growing up in a family that would have me think otherwise. You see, my parents and grandfather and all 4 of my mom’s siblings became medical doctors. My father’s 2 siblings pursued computer science/math and engineering. I had the mindset growing up that sought scientific proof, analysis and logic. Things had to “make sense” so the idea of unseen “angels” I kept quietly to myself while I sought out evidence. I became fascinated by stories of “spirit” and understanding ghosts, which didn’t scare me as I was sure there was a rational explanation!

Stories of Spirit Along the Way

My Gran often told a story when she was a young mom of 2, living in British Guyana.  Her “servants” would avoid a certain corridor after dark because they’d all seen a “ghost with long hair” over the years. Apparently a mother had taken her life in that home after her young son tragically died of an insect bite.  My grandfather served as the physician in their hometown, and superstition was common, but considered “nonsense” by the more educated. “Your grandfather was not the sort to believe in ghosts!” my Gran would say. One afternoon, he awoke from a nap hearing his son crying in the nearby cradle and saw my Gran tending to him so he went back to sleep. He’d forgotten that my Gran would grow her hair long when she was pregnant, then cut it short after her children were born.  The lady he saw had long hair and he suddenly realized he had seen the ghost the servants spoke of! That’s when he called on their local Pastor do a blessing on the house, and clear all the Spirits.  No one ever saw the lady with the long hair again. This was one of many stories that kept getting added to my library as I kept piecing the puzzle together of how Spirit works.

Proof of Angels

In my 20’s I picked up “Many Lives Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss that describes his remarkable discovery of 80+ past life memories of his patient Catherine during hypnotherapy that allowed him to heal her many traumas. During one session, “master spirits” started speaking through Catherine who told Dr. Weiss “your son and father are here”. His son had died soon after birth and his father a year earlier. These Master Spirits not only knew their names, but also HOW they died. Catherine had no way of knowing this information. That’s when Dr. Weiss completely shifted his own reality to believing her past life memories were real not just her imagination. He shares this story here: When I was reading this part in “Many Minds, Many Masters” and the Master Spirits began talking – a profound shift in reality happened for me too! Their words were so beautiful and felt real. It was like the faith I’d been carrying about the existence of angels since childhood suddenly transformed to TRUSTING in a new reality. When you can trust in Spirit, beyond hope and faith – your ability to create your own reality changes.  That’s when my bedside light began to flicker. Have you ever noticed lights or candles flickering in your own quiet or unusual moments? It was like I’d somehow navigated onto an invisible circuit where my “angels” could now communicate “we are present”. Back then, I was still needing to prove everything and tried to screw the light bulb in tighter thinking maybe it’s just loose. NOPE. Over time, lights and candles flickering have been a regular sign of comfort from Spirit that we are not alone. I once had the shower light turn completely off momentarily and then back on.  I kept asking my husband, “has the light ever turned off and back on with you?” NOPE. He didn’t believe in Spirit this way. That’s when I realized BELIEVING IS SEEING, and why the placebo effect works.

11:11 Shows Up BIG Time

As I was getting certified to become a life coach in 2009, the 11:11 time prompt kept showing up. It became so ridiculous that I finally googled 11:11 feeling silly and expecting to see nothing. I’d forgotten I used to see it as a child! I was absolutely shocked to discover my screen filled with pages about 11:11  – other people were also seeing 11:11!!!???? Today it’s hundreds of millions that see this sign. WHY??? Remembrance Day – 11:11:11 I didn’t initially connect the 11:11 time prompt with Nov 11th at 11, but Spirit finds ways to get our attention! This time-date stamp marked the end of the first world war and turned into a way for us to have a “unity experience” in consciousness with millions worldwide at the same time. Collectively, thoughts of peace are powerful, but needs to lead to aligned actions towards a peaceful world. Peace has to be in the minds and hearts of humanity to lift us up out of the darkness we find ourselves. In my last newsletter I shared the importance of tuning into Spirit during these extremely turbulent times where World War III is looking like a truly frightening possibility.  “Doing nothing” is not an option when insane terrorists are holding hostages who have mercilessly murdered innocent people. However, if we do not stop to reflect on HOW in the world we got here … WHY we STILL HAVE WAR when the vast majority of us want peace, decisions around the best course of action don’t get made. We know deep down that hate creates more hate and suffering for generations to come in a never-ending cycle. I had one reader send this when I shared about the trap of “good against evil”, the vital part spirituality plays in finding peace. This is an offensive and disturbing email to receive as a Jewish person. When there are people who think it’s okay to decapitate, dismember, rape, and burn babies, and you want to say we’ve just got to tune in to our spirit?  What if it was your family that was murdered?  Would you sit and tune into your spirit while their butchered bodies lay in your yard? This is the time to be talking about good vs evil, there ARE some things in the world that are truly evil. If you can’t believe butchering babies is evil you are truly lost.” I could see the self-destructive mindset of judgment here so loudly! It’s this disconnection from Spirit that leaves people in the dark contributing to war in ways they cannot see. I wondered what if I could plant a seed by sharing someone she might find a connection with? The one who’s really helped me sort out the underlying complexities of the Palestine-Israel war helping me stay in my own peace has been Dr. Gabor Mate, a holocaust survivor, and expert on trauma. If only we had leaders like him as part of a decision making team for our countries in conflict. Her next response was the stark reminder of the challenge we’re facing: “You are so spiritually lost.  You think that Israel is right now engaged in REVENGE?  How rude of you to send me a link to someone who will compare the Oct 7 intentional decapitation, dismembering, rape, and murder of babies to anything that Israel is doing.  Israel is trying its best to evacuate civilians.  Israel is overseeing the safe passage of civilians into Rafah. Your moral equivalence here is sickening.  Dr. Mate’s words are repulsive.” I wasn’t totally surprised, as I recognize a mind in divisive judgmental THINKING condemning “the other”. It’s a toxic wasteland that gets created keeping our collective consciousness in darkness. This mind can and will justify its own hate, resentment and unforgiveness. It will infer and conclude false assumptions and use them as weapons against strangers to keep the cycle of war going. It will attack without pausing to understand the whole situation and how we got here where better decisions aligned with spiritual values of love, patience, understanding, compassion, and mercy become possible. The dagger being thrown is now above its own head creating self-induced pain, and suffering that can’t see itself creating its own war. It’s the sad state of mind we face that is a dis-ease of consciousness we desperately need to awaken from. An 11:11 Story  When I finally googled 11:11, I found the 11:11 Progress Group , and at first I didn’t understand who was talking and how these messages were being received. But I felt their words “ringing my truth bells” and eventually understood that different people around the world were receiving spiritual communications from higher light beings or from their divine God fragment we all carry within. In 2011, I connected with a few people who could receive messages from their celestial teachers and they helped me understand the world of “spiritual communication”, which is fascinating! They also introduced me to the Urantia Book, a 2000+ page channelled revelation published in 1955. I began to notice signs I’d missed looking back. When I turned 11 – we moved to “Cosmic Drive”.  Directly across the street was 11 Cosmic Drive. The Urantia Book breaks down the entire cosmology of the Universe. The symbol in the centre of my dining room table I’ve had for over 20 years is the 3 concentric circles symbol of the Urantia Book representing the Paradise Trinity. It was this symbol that was worn by the Priest of Salem (Melchizedek), Abraham’s spiritual teacher who is the Father of the 3 religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Many people hear spiritual communications from Melchizedek today who provides guidance in the direction of truth, beauty and goodness. The Urantia book started in Chicago in 1911 when a Celestial personality began speaking through a sleeping man with Dr. William Sadler and his wife Dr. Lena Kellogg – both physicians. It was a similar process to how Master Spirits were talking through Catherine with Dr. Weiss while she was in a hypnotized state. Since it was 3 years prior to the First World War, I imagine Spirit was prompted to intervene with us so we could better understand our spiritual nature. It covers the Nature of God, Cosmology of the Universe, our history from the beginning of our planet’s creation to all of life here including how our races formed along with the different religions. Urantia is another word for Earth, and means “your place in the Heavens”. The “signature of spirit” in this piece of writing has astounded me beyond anything else I’ve ever read. To understand how it originated, I recently read “Dr. Sadler and the Urantia book” because once you see what it contains, it could not have been written by a mere human! It took nearly 4 decades to pull together with the over 300 people involved and was published in 1955. The final part on the life and teachings of Jesus came through in one day “all at once” in 1935.  World war 2 was now on the horizon, and it seems enough people were ready to receive the updated version of the New Testament. It explained who Jesus was before he came here, and Angels mentioned in the Bible now made more sense like Immanuel, and Gabriel – who these celestial beings really are! Jesus came to live among us as his 7th and final bestowal to earn his Sovereignty. On the other side, Jesus is known as Christ Michael because he was created in the order of Michaels, and Archangel Michael represents this Seraphim order under Michael’s rule, which is why that’s his name!

Who is Behind the 11:11 Time Prompt?

250,000 years ago there was “a War in Heaven”, which isn’t exactly “Heaven”, but our vast system on the other side that fell into a Rebellion led by Lucifer. This “fallen angel“ was at one time a “magnificent being, a brilliant personality who stood next to the Most High Fathers of the constellations in the direct line of universe authority”. (Urantia Book, Paper 53) During this war, some of the Midwayers who are angelic beings midway between Man and Angel and closest to our realm followed Lucifer and were disloyal to Christ Michael: There were 1,984 Secondary Midwayers, but 873 joined forces with Lucifer, leaving 1,111 here to fulfill their mission to assist us. People have been in contact with these midwayers who act as a “go between” for spirit communication to higher order celestial teachers. These Secondary Midwayers were given permission to “prompt us” with 11:11 (their signature sign) when we were ready to see beyond the material reality for truth, and begin to look within. It’s the Midwayers who can interact with the electronics like making our lights and candles flicker. When the perfect song plays on the radio for the message you need to hear, you can thank your Midwayers! When you become aware and trust you are guided by a myriad of celestial guides, teachers, angels and most importantly the fragment of God within you – alot more signs and synchronicities begin showing up to help lead the way forward. The 11:11 carries so much meaning when we get prompted and this reminder every year for peace on Remembrance Day remembering so many lost in battles and that we carry a fragment of the Creator that is divine love to guide us away from a mind at war.