11 Resources to Launch Your Best for 2012

One of the pages on my website I’ve struggled to create is a resource page. Why?

I love to read, listen, and watch others…transformational wisdom from authors, coaches, every day people, and inspirational leaders. It’s a passion, a calling, ok I admit a bit of an obsession. It’s helped create a life I love.

People often ask me what to read, and I respond: What are you looking for? Struggling with? Wanting to overcome? And, willing to do to launch your best?

I eagerly suggest resources careful not to give too much. It won’t all land – it’s hit and miss because we are on our own unique spiritual path. What resonates for me will not necessarily resonate with you. There is no right or wrong when it comes to our personal journeys. It can be overwhelming the wisdom available outside ourselves when the greatest source of wisdom lies within.

Still, we can fast track along with our experiences, save ourselves from pain, and evolve much faster through the collective wisdom from our connection with others.

Knowledge can be practical, valuable, but nothing compares to the trust we build within ourselves when we develop our own inner knowing. Our own truth for living life to the fullest. A shift begins to happen when you trust yourself more than you trust other people. Inner peace lives here.

As I review 2011, a breakthrough year in experiences that transpired, I wanted to share some of my favourite resources. I hope you will find something you are looking for, experience an aha moment or two, and help launch you into 2012 armed with new thinking, and a fresh perspective of what’s possible for your life.

As we begin a new year, many of my ‘teachers’ have shared their ‘best of 2011’ – and along with a few of my favourite resources, I wish your best ever for 2012.

11 Resources to Launch Your Best

1) The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The NY Times Bestseller for over eight years, these 4 simple principles reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that create unnecessary suffering.  I’ve read this small, powerful book a few times, and keep a summary posted at my desk. A spiritual practice I need reminding of every day that continues to be transformational.

2) Weekly Lessons from Teacher Ophelius, and the Circle of Seven resonate at a spiritual level I can hardly describe in words. They keep me in my peace, and grounded in who I am becoming. 11:11 is a prompt I’ve seen as a child, and its spiritual significance has become clear.

3) Robin Sharma – Top 10 Blog Posts for 2011, author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Greatness Guides. Practical, no-nonsense timeless wisdom to help you launch your best.

4) Tiny Buddha – Book Giveaway, and Top 10 Insights of 2011. 3 years ago founder Lori Deschene created this phenomenal site for peace and happiness – more than 15 million views to date, her insights along with others sharing their personal wisdom is a place you will feel right at home. Check out my first guest post: The Foundation of Love.

5) Zen Habits: The Essential Zen Habits of 2011. An incredible blog packed with wisdom about keeping life simple. Leo Babauta, a father of 6, who’s inspired me of what’s possible when we slow down to speed up. Less is more. The power of simplicity and consistency.

6) The Master Key System by Charles Haanel. Insanely Powerful. Ridiculously Free (now in public domain). I listen to the audio version waiting in lines, driving long distances. I hear different insights each time as I grow. It’s that powerful.

7) Oprah. I began watching her show in 2000 when I became a stay at home mom. I craved meaningful adult conversation after leaving corporate life, and was hooked.  I summarized her finale show – Oprah’s life lessons. Her new life class is packed with insights. And, it’s a great resource to launch your best.

8) Steve Pavlina – Filled with articles that expand your mind in every area of personal development. His words: “I’m a human alarm clock. I awaken people who are sleeping through life.” His insights have helped me become conscious.

9) I listened to Neale Donald Walsh‘s The New Revelations this year. Answered my ‘religious questions’ that never made sense about what I was taught about God. Bestselling author of “Conversations with God”, I now read his free daily messages..”I believe God Wants You to Know…” Profound way to launch your best.

10) I am starting the year with the 100 Day Challenge with a few friends. Each year I dive into something powerful to keep my energy focused on what I want to accomplish. If you want to join us, email me, and be part of my closed facebook group to share your progress..

11) Bryon Katie‘s judgment worksheet followed by her 4 powerful questions. Turning your life around to see what you are creating. This site is packed with resources for ending internal struggle, and suffering.

Writing my first book Live the Love You Deserve: How Letting go of Criticism, and Practicing Non-judgment Allow You to Experience Eternal Love has been a process of awakening.  Uncovering love at the level of my soul – deep, authentic, fulfilling. Understand what judgment really means when it comes to one another in your relationships. Notice when you are judging yourself. Listen when you hear yourself use the word ‘should’ against yourself: I should have ‘been or done’. You can only ever be and do your best in every given moment.

Let go of correcting, convincing, controlling, and trying to change others (my 4 C’s). BE the change instead. That’s a key step to take to launch your best self.

Notice when you use your words against others: ‘you should ‘be and do..’ Letting go of making ourselves and others wrong is the most transformative practice you can create in your life. It will give you the freedom to love spiritually, unconditionally, eternally.

The one thing we desire no matter who you are, what family you were born into, and the true source of power within us is LOVE. Your own divine light you can share with others.

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